Sequel: I Am Here

By Your Side

Chapter 38

Tom’s POV

”Come on, Tom! Let’s go to the swings!” she called as I raced her to the park across the street from the school. It was almost like a routine for us to ditch a class and then go hang out at the park.

She beat me to the swings- like she always did. I let her win, though.

“You know the deal,” she smirked, “push me!”

“One of these days I’m going to stop letting you win. Then it will be your turn to push me."

“Whatever you say there, Kaulitz.” She smiled and I couldn’t help but to smile back. It was contagious whenever I was around her. She had this effect on me that no one else had. I was amazed by it, but I loved it all the same.

“I do have a first name, you know.” I grabbed the chains on either side of the swing and pulled her closer to me so that our faces were a few inches apart.

She nodded. “I know. But I like calling you ‘Kaulitz’, it’s more fun. Besides, no one else calls you that so it’s my nickname for you.” She smiled again.

“You’re lucky you’re cute, Anna.” I smirked and pulled her closer so that our lips touched.

I smiled—until I felt something by my face. I opened my eyes to see my dog staring wide-eyed at me and wagging his tail.

“Ugh! Scotty! Way to ruin a guys dream, man…” I frowned and he just licked my face again.

“Yuck,” I mumbled and wiped my lips off with the back of my hand.

“Aww look who finally decided to come downstairs!”

“Good morning, princess!”

“’Sup, dude.”

The guys greeted me (if you could even call that a greeting) when I walked into the kitchen.

“Usually it’s polite to put clothes on before you walk out of your room,” Bill scolded and I rolled my eyes.

“It’s nothing you haven’t seen before. We’re all guys. And I’m in boxers… that counts as clothes. I could just take them off if you’re going to complain about it.”

“Maybe to you, but to the rest of us—what’s wrong?”

I looked up from my seat. “Huh? Nothing; why?”

“You can’t lie to me, Tom.”

Damn twin thing.

“I had a dream last night.”

“Whoa! What a scary thing! Tom dreams?! Call the police!” Georg mocked and I punched him in the arm.

“Shut up! It was about Anna.”

“Dude! We haven’t heard from her in as long ass time…”

I could tell all of us were sad that she moved and since we hadn’t heard from her, hearing her name brought all the memories back.

I let out a small sigh. “I know.”

I had been meaning to call her but recording the album and everything… It takes up a lot of time. To be fair, I hadn’t received a call from her either.

Maybe she moved on? No, I doubt that. I mean, we had sex and said “I love you” to each other. Ah hell, who was I kidding? Sex didn’t mean anything. And apparently neither did “I love you”.

Yeah, sure, I could be over exaggerating about the whole thing but why wouldn’t she try calling? It sucks not knowing how she’s doing or what she’s been up to or anything. Then again, she’s probably wondering the same thing about me and the guys. Maybe I should call? No, I will later. I don’t even know…

I argued with myself, feeling like an idiot, before Gustav interrupted my thoughts.

“Lighten up, Tom. She’s probably just busy.”

“Yeah, don’t be grouchy. We have to go record again today,” Georg added in, nudging my shoulder. “Go get dressed; we’ll be waiting in the car.”

“Okay, okay. I’m going.” I pouted and went to go change.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally Tom's POV! :D
See? turns out they're both just busy. He wasn't ignoring her at all. :]

Anyway, thanks for reading!
The next one should be up Friday (that's if I don't go out that night.)
If not, it will be posted on Monday.

Comments are awesome.
Again, thanks for reading!
You guys are great! <3