Sequel: I Am Here

By Your Side

Chapter 7

“Thanks for dinner Mrs. K, it was delicious.” I pat my stomach and smiled.

“Please, call me Simone honey. And you’re welcome I’m glad someone likes my cooking.” She glared at the twins who just shrugged and finished their last few bites and I laughed.

Simone took our plates and put them in the sink. “Thanks mom, we’ll be up in my room ok?” Bill said and got up from the table followed by the rest of us.

Tom scoffed “He’s lying; we’ll be in my room.”

Bill stopped in his tracks and turned around. “Your room smells like something died, we will be in my room” he reiterated. Georg, Gustav, and I watched them argue back and forth finding it all very amusing.

“Something dying?” Tom raised his eyebrow. “We aren’t in Georg’s house Bill, my room smells normal.”

“Ha have you been in there lately? Dirty clothes, old food, its disgusting!”

After what felt like an hour of them arguing; (which I decided was not so fun listening to anymore and ran up the stairs into Bill’s room with Georg and Gustav laughing behind me.) we heard them race each other up the stairs, pushing each other along the way. When they reached Bill’s room they stared at us with their mouths open.

“How did you?” Bill started.

“You guys were arguing so we picked a room for you.” I laughed and Tom sat down on the bed next to me.

“We didn’t take that long, and for the record my room does not smell like something died. It has a man smell and Bill’s not used to that.” He smirked and Bill stuck his tongue out at him.

“A dying man” Bill mumbled earning him a smack upside the head from Tom.

“Enough children” I laughed. “How long will it take to make a CD?” I asked.

“We already have one made but it’s from a while ago.” Bill said digging through a pile of discs.

“I’ll listen to it and let you know if it’s as good as what I heard today and find a producer to give it to.” I told them.

“How are you going to do that?” Gustav asked.

“Well I know a guy that knows a guy so I’m sure it’ll be easy to get someone to hear your music” I grinned.

“Man guys could you imagine how awesome it will be if this actually works?!” Bill said excitedly spinning around in the desk chair then threw me a CD.

“Thanks Bill.”

He nodded then asked. “What time do you have to be home?”

“Are you trying to get rid of my girlfriend?” Tom asked, sounding hurt and hugging me tightly while I giggled.

“Girlfriend?” All three of them looked dumbfounded.

“Oh yea, he asked me out today.” I laughed, my cheeks turning a bright pink.

“I knew you two would start going out eventually” Bill rolled his eyes as if to say he should have known because it was staring at him in the face since they got home and we were in the living room together.

"You're not mad are you Bill?" I asked because I didnt want our friendship to be affected because of Tom and I.

"Hell no, now I'll get to see you more often and we can all hang out together too!" he said with a big grin.

"Of course!" I smiled.
“What time is it?” I asked then saw the clock; it was 7:49. “Oh shit, my parents are going to kill me” I sighed and stood up, dragging Tom to his feet with me. “I was supposed to be home over an hour ago.”

“I’ll walk you home.” Tom said

“Thanks. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” I asked the others; they nodded. “Bye then.” I said giving them each a quick hug before taking Tom’s hand and going downstairs.

“Leaving already?” Simone asked from the couch. We went in to the room she was in.

“Yea it’s getting late and my parents are probably wondering where I am. Besides we have school tomorrow so I should get going anyway.”

“Speaking of school, Tom do you have homework?” she asked and Tom rolled his eyes. I looked at him apologetically and mouthed a ‘sorry’ since because of me mentioning school he was being talked to about homework.

“Tell your parents I said hello. God knows I haven’t talked to them in forever.” She laughed to herself.

“I will.” I smiled. “Thanks again Simone.” We both said goodbye to her then grabbed my school bag and walked out the front door.

As soon as the door closed behind us Tom’s hand laced with mine. All the way to my house, we talked and laughed about the day. Tom talked animatedly about how exciting it would be if they got famous and possibly got signed by a producer.

I was excited for them as well; it would be a great opportunity for them to get famous. In the back of my mind I was dreading and slightly freaking out because I knew that if it didn’t work out it would be my fault for getting their hopes up and I didn’t want to live with that guilt.
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Comments? please and thank you! ;]
Just as a reminder, there will be at least one more update on this story, 2 if I have more time after the others are finished.

<3 to all readers/ commenters/ and subscribers you guys are awesome :D
and you keep me motivated to write more!