Sequel: I Am Here

By Your Side

Chapter 8

We stopped in front of the door and stood there for a moment; staring at each other with smiles forming on our lips.

“Thanks for walking me home.”

“You’re welcome, I couldn’t let you walk all this way by yourself.” He said.

“But yet you’re going to walk back all by yourself?” I laughed.

“Eh, I can handle it.” The smile he had being replaced with a smirk.

“I’m sure” I giggled. “I uh guess this is goodnight then?”

“I guess” he chuckled then leaned in for a kiss which I gladly gave him.

His lip ring was cold but soon warmed up against my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed into him lightly. In turn he placed his hands on either side of my hips, pushing his pelvis against mine.

“Mmm… I could get used to this.” I said softly after I had pulled away and stared into his chocolate brown eyes that looked almost black in this lighting.

“Used to what?”

“This” I said and pulled him back into a kiss.

“Yup this is good” he said. “I -could- do -this -forever.” He said in between kisses.

“Anastasia Elisabeth Hansen!” I cringed at my full name.

I turned to the door and put on the best, innocent ‘what’ smile I could manage. My dad was standing in the doorway looking not so happy seeing my lips attached to Tom’s.

“Hi daddy” I said sweetly. As if that was going to get me out of trouble but hell it was worth a try.

“In the house now.” He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside, slamming the door in Tom’s face.

“What do you think you were doing?!” he yelled and I rolled my eyes. He was being so dramatic.

I could make this situation turn out a number of ways: 1.Be my usual smart-ass, sarcastic self and get into more trouble. 2. Play dumb and pretend I don’t have a clue, also getting myself into trouble. Or possibly 3. Apologize and say I was acting irresponsible and shouldn’t have done anything with Tom.

I should have gone with number 3 to stay out of trouble but my sarcastic nature took over and wouldn’t let me get into trouble without putting up some sort of fight.

“I was kissing my boyfriend, what did it look like I was doing?” very wrong choice of words on my part. Why couldn’t I have just kept my mouth shut? Now I had no choice but to stand my ground and get prepared for the wrath of my father.

“I saw that! Why the hell were you kissing him? And boyfriend; who said you were allowed to have a boyfriend?” my dad ranted on and on about how much trouble I was in and my mother was so going to hear about this and that I was never allowed to see Tom again.
“Why are you making such a big deal about this dad?” I asked when his yelling was done.

“Because…” he was speechless. Anna-1. Dad-0.

“See dad, it’s not a big deal. And I will see Tom again. He’s my best friend; you can’t prevent me from seeing him.”

“Anna” he sighed. “You’re too young to have a boyfriend. I just don’t want you hurt at this age when things don’t work out.”

“I’ll be fine, I promise. You don’t have to worry about me ok.”

After our conversation, I ended up being grounded for a week –he was “letting me of easily”- and I could still see Tom as long as he didn’t see anything going on between us. My dad was being such a dad. Luckily mom was on my side and also thought it was no big deal and it was just us kids being kids. I was so glad she liked Tom, otherwise it would’ve ended up differently and I would have been grounded for a much longer time.

“Hey dad?” I called from my room after listening to Tokio Hotel’s (as the boy’s called themselves) CD.

“What is it?”

“Does Uncle Sean still know that guy in the music business?”

“Yea, I think so why?”

“Just wondering, can I go visit him tomorrow after school and find out if he does?”

“Sure, I’ll give him a call and let him know to pick you up from school.”

“Ok, thanks dad.” I said then closed my door and listened to Ich Bin Nicht Ich another time.

I was glad I was pretty close to my uncle; otherwise it would be way too awkward to ask this favor of him. I was praying he still knew the guy and could help me out with this for the guys’ sake. I didn’t want to let them down.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is a bit of a filler =/

Thanks to all commenters/subscribers/ readers! you keep this story going (trust me it gets better, I promise ;])