Status: Complete <3

Break the Ice

The Rest Of The Party, And Heels?!

Everyone was near the Christmas tree, but the players, me and Brittany were sitting down on the floor near the huge pile of presents.

Jordan walked over to me as I sat down, "You okay?"
"Yeah..." I replied a little uneasy.
"Kay. Just know I'm here for you," He smiled at me, and went over to sit with Max.

Sidney; being the captain and leader that he is; went and sorted out the presents, and put them in piles. Each person had their own pile. I looked down at the stack of presents infront of me in awe. I must of had the biggest pile, and to say I was surpirised would be an understatement.

"Okay!" Sidney yelled, sitting beside me.

All of us ripped open our presents, like small children on Christmas day.

I got each of the players a stuff penguin with their name and number on it's back. Brooks Orpik was the first to open it.

"Nicki! You're so sweet. Love you girl!" I laughed.
"Love you too Brooksy," I winked as he rolled his eyes.

I went back to my presents, while humming Christmas tunes.

"What is this?!" I yelled, everyone looked at me worriedly.

I held up a pair of red strappy high heels in disgust.

"Whoever had enough guts to give this to me better be ready to die!"

Silence fell over the 'crowd.'

I sighed in anger, searching for a card so I'd knew who this was from.

"Oh, now we're playing like this aren't we guys?" I instantly looked over at Brittany.
"It was NOT me!" She shouted, "I'm trying to get on your good side, I would NOT do that...yet anyways. Whoever did. Cudos to you, now get ready to die." She laughed.

I looked around trying to figure out who would give me....these. My eyes stopped on a group of four guys; Sidney, Marc, Max and Tyler.

"Which of you idiots gave me this!?" I yelled.
They winced while laughing.
"Not funny!"
"Marc did it!" They all yelled.
"Marc get ready to get killed!" I lunged at him, and we both fell to the ground.

"Nicki's a little pissed isn't she?" I growled at him as Sidney held me back...."Thank God for Sid." Marc spoke.

I walked over, picked up the heels and threw them at Marc with a smirk on my face. "Good thing you're a goalie, or else you'd probably be out for a few weeks with only one eye."

Then I went back to my presents.

"Nice little episode Cole," Jordan said sitting beside me.
"Eh? Well, I couldn't let him get away with giving me....those."
Jordan laughed.

I went through some more presents, stopping and thanking people during this time. I got the normal kind of stuff, and some other things....

Brittany gave me $100 dollars. Awesome. I love shopping.
Sidney gave me a new pair of Easton skates. Which I can say I loved!
Tyler gave me a silver necklace. It is so beautiful.
Geno said that during offseason I could spend a week in Russia with him. Going to Russia has been a dream of mine since I was little.
And that's pretty much it.

Finally when it was about 3AM, we all decided to head home. Most of us were catching flights later today so getting a little sleep would be wise.

I hugged all the guys, [and Brittany] goodbye. And got into Jordan's car. We'd be leaving for Thunder Bay early.

I fell asleep with my forehead against the window. It's Christmas eve day :]
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Hehe, Nicole had a bit of a spaz attack on Marc. xD
But all looks good for Christmas.