A Softer World


Newark, New Jersey might possibly be one of the most unsafe cities known to man. Actually, it might not be. But no self-respecting person would be caught dead outdoors in the middle of the night in this city.

As I strolled pass the park, the creaking and squeaks that came from the swing set sent shivers down my spine. I glanced behind my shoulder; I hated having the feeling that someone was watching me. Once I was sure that I wasn’t being followed, I hurried to the tree that I was told to be at.

A twig cracked, and someone emerged from my right. He was covered head to toe in black and his face was hidden by shadows. I squinted and tried to make out facial features, but nothing came clear, so I gave up.

“Did you bring the money?” he asked. This person’s voice wasn’t deep, but it raised goose bumps on my arms.

“Yes,” I said and pulled out the money from my pocket.

“Good,” he said and snatched the money from my hand, and quickly threw a baggy full of white powder at me. “Pleasure, doing business with you, Cheyenne,” he said and retreated back into the darkness.

Again, my body shivered but this time it was from the cool breeze blowing between the trees. I crammed the baggy into my pocket and rushed my footsteps. I wanted nothing more than to be back inside my house. I itched to open the baggy in my pocket and just shoot a line, but I told myself that it would be better to wait.

Ten minutes later, I walked up the pathway to my house. Before I reached the door, I could see the flickering of the TV and decided that sneaking back into my room would be the better choice. I turned right and headed to the side of the house. As quietly as I could I opened the gate and top-toed past my brother’s open window. This would be so much easier if my room had been in the basement.

Luckily, we had a tree in my yard that grew right beside the lower part of the roof. The hard part was landing on the roof quietly. With much success, I managed to land on the roof and crawl back into my room and into my bed before my dad opened my bedroom door.

“Goodnight, princess,” he whispered and closed my door again. If he only knew what I really was up to. I wouldn’t be his princess anymore.

I waited until the hall light had turned off and I could hear his snores coming from the front room. I crawled from my bed onto my floor, grabbing the flashlight from my bedside table drawer. I turned the light on and fixed it so that it was reflecting off the white roof. I reached under my bed and grabbed the photo album. In silence, I began preparing the white powder in a single white line. Once I was finished, I smiled in satisfaction. Five minutes later I was floating in absolute bliss.


“Holy crap, Chey. You look like shit,” Gerard slid his arm around my shoulder. Butterflies erupted in my stomach at his touch. I knew Gerard since I was seven years old. We bonded over a 64 pack of crayons; you know the one with the plastic sharpener?

“Thanks Gee,” I said and looked up at him. His black hair was falling over his hazel eyes and he smiled his perfect crooked smile. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

“Come on, the guys are inside,” Gerard pulled his arm from my shoulder and I tried my hardest to resist the urge to grab his hand.

As soon as we entered the school building a vast stair case greeted us. At the very top, I could see the rest of the guys. I noticed that Bob was tapping against a notebook, did that boy ever love his drums. His blonde hair stood out from the rest. Ray was sitting right beside Bob. His massive mop of hair was never hard to miss. Mikey leaned against the wall, I’m sure if he could he would have drifted through the wall. That kid was way too shy for his own good, the complete opposite of Gerard, who happened to be his older brother. The last and final person to our circle of friends was none other than Frank. He was the smallest out of us, and also the youngest. But to us, it didn’t matter if he was 80 years old. Frank was just too awesome to not have as a friend.

“Hey guys,” Gerard greeted the guys and sat down next to Ray. They instantly started talking about some band that I didn’t know.

“Hey Mikers,” I said and nudged his shoulder. Mikey pulled his attention to whatever he was staring at and said hey, quickly returning to whatever he was looking at. “Well excuse me for interrupting.”

I moved over to where Frank was leaning over the wall, trying to listen to Ray and Gerard. I noticed a paper sticking out of his pants pocket and slowly tried to pull it out.

“Hey!” Frank snapped and turned around, snatching the paper from my hand.

“Keeping secrets, are we?” I laughed and leaned against the wall like Frank was.

“No, just didn’t realize it was you,” he laughed and poked my forehead.

“Sure, sure,” I said. “Hey, have any ideas what Mikey over there is staring at?”

“Some girl,” Frank shrugged and pointed towards the office. All I could see were a group of adults. But as soon as one of them moved, I noticed a small girl with raven black hair. I shrugged and turned my attention back to the guys.

“Anyone have plans tonight?” I asked the guys.

“Alex Webber is throwing a party,” Bob said aloud.

“Sweet!” Gerard said. That was Gerard’s downfall. Party’s, it was like he couldn’t resist them. While he was there, he also couldn’t ignore the alcohol. Usually we would crash at Frank’s place, too drunk to get back to our own home.

The bell rang and everyone stood up. Frank and Mikey started heading towards the junior hallway, while Bob, Ray, Gerard and I made our way to the senior hall.

“So are you all going to the party then?” I asked.

“Can’t, got a date with Christa tonight,” Ray said as a goofy smile appeared on his lips.

“Seriously man?” Gerard looked at Ray. “What happened to Bros before Hoes?”

“Shut up, and go to class,” Ray said and hit Gerard on the back of his head.

Gerard opened his locker and pulled out his sketch book, he also passed me mine. Ray and Bob had calculus.

“See you guys later,” I said as they headed in the opposite direction as us.

“So excited for the party tonight?” Gerard asked me.

“Well duh!” I said as we entered the art room.


Finally, lunch time had rolled around. I could already feel my body craving the magical white powder. I met up with the guys in the cafeteria and quickly made an excuse to head to the bathroom.

Once inside, the bathroom was deserted. I walked into the last stall and pulled the baggy out of my purse. It was risky to do this at school, but I needed it. As fast as I could a set up the line and snorted the powder, it made my eyes water. It was as if I could feel every cell in my body awaken, as the crank travelled around my body. I was once again floating on a cloud.

I left the stall and walked over to the mirror. I stared at myself in the mirror, or was it me. I couldn’t tell. It had to be me…it was my eyes that were staring back at me after all. My burgundy coloured hair fell just past my shoulders as bangs seemed to just rest above my black-rimmed glasses. My black eyes looked down at what I was wearing, a pair of skinnies, a white tank top covered by a knitted grey camisole.

Soon my attention was pulled back to reality, when the bathroom door opened. I smiled at the blonde haired girl and quickly left the bathroom. Did she realize what I had been doing? I hoped she didn’t, but to be sure she wouldn’t come after me I hurried back to the cafeteria.

I could see the guys sitting at our usual round table, only there was a new addition. The small girl with raven black hair was sitting next to Mikey. I walked back to the table cautiously.

“Oh hey, Chey,” Mikey looked up and smiled. “This is Riley.”
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I'm so excited.
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