A Softer World


"We should do something tonight," Gerard said, once he sat down in the drivers seat. He pulled his seat belt across his torso, and made it click at the end.

After i was done putting on my seatbelt i said. "What were you thinking?"

"Well," He shrugged. "I'm pretty sure that all the guys are going to the show tonight. Its just some random band. It should be good, and you should come."

I frowned, "Gee i don't think thats a good idea. I don't think Mikey or Frank wants to see me right now. They are all in a fight with me. I'm really messing up this whole sitaution with trying to be friends with you guys. It seems as if everyone hates me."

He let out a chuckle. "You're not. Ray and Bob love you! And i highly doubt Mikey or Frank is going to stay mad at you forever. They are the two that like you, like you remember?"

I nodded slightly. "I guess i could come then."

He smirked. "Good, i'll pick you up around 8:30 or something. I'll bring Mikey in my car so he doesn't think that we are going on a date or something like that."

I smiled. "I could see him trying to kick your ass, because of you and me walking in together. It would be funny, because you'd take him so hard."

"I would," He nodded. "I'd take that kid out, like i have before."

Then it was silent. Gerard was driving across the city, making his way back to our school. I really didn't want to go back to the school though. I was to afraid that I was going to see either Mikey or Frank in the hall, and then i would flip out.


He looked over at me, "Yeah?"

"Can you take me home instead of school?" I asked.

"Sure," He nodded. "Want me to come and hang for abit?"

I smiled. "Sure."

Gerard is really a sweetheart. Hes the only one here that hasn't doubted me yet. He was there by my side and we have so much in common. I would never see myself liking him, liking him though. It would just be really weird, and he loves Cheyenne. I'm not sure if she loves him like i thought she did though, because she wouldn't be going out with Alex.

I told Gerard where my house was. He turned a left, and drove down the street that turned off where my house was. My parents weren't home right now, and my brother was at work. They would probably be caught off gaurd if they came home and a boy was there. But, i'm still taking Gerard to my house anyways.

He turned again, making me spot the house that i live in. He drove down the street, until he pulled up to the curb beside my house. He turned off the car and held the keys in his hand. I took off my belt and got out of the car.

Gerard walked over to the other side of the car and waited for me to walk. We walked across my lawn, making it to my front door. I grabbed my key out of my pocket and opend the door. I chucked off my shoes, and as did Gerard. Then he followed me into the livingroom.

I sat down on the couch, and he sat on the lazy boy. I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. There wasn't anything good on at this time, so i just left it on some random channel. I sighed and looked over at Gerard.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Want to go up to your room?" He asked.

I twisted my lips. "Ugh, sure."

I got up from my couch, and walked over to the entrance again. There stood my staircase. I began to walk up it as Gerard followed slowly behind me. When i got to the top, i took a left, and then came to my bedroom. I opend the door and walked in. It wasn't messy today, which was good.

Gerard walked in slowly, and then he noticed my CD collection. He practically yelped and ran over to them. He knelt down and began to go through all of the records, hugging every one of them that he liked. I just sat there on my bed watching him.

"You have more then me," He looked up at me. "I never thought that, that was possible."

I shrugged. "I guess it is."

He grabbed a whole bunch of the CDS and walked over to my stero. He took one of my Sex Pistols CDS and put it in. He turned up the volume abit, and then began to sing. He smiled at me, and sat down beside me. We sat there in silence, just listening to the music, and singing away.

"You're such a rad friend," He smiled.

I nodded. "You're too."

"I think i'll have to replace Frank soon." He laughed.

I laughed to, "I don't have anyone to replace."

"Awe." He cooed, wrapping me into a hug.

I could smell his sent again, which seemed toxic. He pulled away from the hug, but not loosing much distance from me. He looked at me unusually, but i didn't know why. The sun coming from my window was shinning on his pale face. His brown eyes were surrounded by black eyeliner, that were also covered slightly by his long black hair.

I don't even know even know if i had time to think, but his lips were on mine. Something I knew for sure, that i didn't do that. I didn't have any attention of kissing him at all. It wasn't passionate or anything. It didn't feel wrong, but it didn't feel right. It was small and quick.

He pulled away and looked at. "That didn't mean anything."

"Then why did you do it?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see what it felt like," He shrugged.

"Right." I sighed, making him groan. I was just doing it to piss him off though.

"I'm not kidding!" He protested. "No offence, but your my bestfriend. I love Cheyenne that way."

He looked really sad and hurt. He really didn't like talking about liking people and stuff, because Cheys name came out of his mouth every time. And it kills him, knowing that he doesn't have a chance now because of that douche bag Alex. Shes going to get a slap in the face when she finds out that Alex is a big ass player.

"Well, i think i'm going to go." Gerard said. "I'll pick you at 8:30."


I pulled my yellow t-shirt on, after i put my skinny jeans on. I grabbed a black sweater off of my bed that said "Love is the movement." On it. I got it because i support To Write Love On Her Arms. I walked to my desk and grabbed the straightner that i turned on not to long ago.

I pulled the straightner through my hair, going over my dark brown - almost black - hair. When i was done lightly straightening my hair, I grabbed a black beanie off of my dresser. Right then, i heard the doorbell ring downstairs. I sighed, walking out of my room.

I walked down the hall, to the stairs. I saw my dad standing there talking to Gerard. I groaned and walked down the stairs. My dad looked at me, and then kept on talking to Gee. They were talking about basics, like where do you go to school? How old are you? Who are your parents?

I put my shoes on and looked up at Gerard. I looked back at my dad and said, "Goodbye dad."

"See you Mr. Wilson!" Gerard said.

"Bye kids," He called after us. "You guys have fun."

I shut the door behind me, and walked off my porch. Gerards car was parked on the curb again. I could see Mikey sitting in the front seat. I could help but to laugh when i saw him singing and dancing to whatever music was playing in the car. Gerard was laughing too.

"He's so dumb." Gerard said.

"Agreed." I nodded.

When Gee was walking around the side of the car, he knocked on Mikeys window, making him jump. I laughed and got into the back seat. Gerard got in the front seat and put his belt on. Mikey looked back at me and sighed, "I'm sorry Riles."

I nodded. "I knew you were going to apologize first thing when i got into the car."

He lifted his eyebrow. "How?"

"Cause," I shrugged. "You couldn't stay mad at me forever!"

He nodded with a smirk and turned back around. Gerard was driving in the dark night, making his way around the city. I'm pretty sure that we had to go and pick up Ray and Bob before we went to the gig. I'm stoked that they have locals play here. They never really had that from where i moved from. It was usually just huge named bands.

We drove past our school. It looked so much more dead that it does in the middle of the day. None of the lights were on, and not one car in the parking lot. I sighed and put my elbow on the side of the car door. I set the side of my head into my palm and looked out the window. There was lights rushing past my eyes from the other cars.

Before i knew it, Gerard turned on another street. He pulled up to a yellow house, and there was Ray and Bob standing in the driveway talking. They smiled when they noticed the car pull up to the curb. I pushed over a little more so they would have more room, since Gerards car is so damn small. They walked over to the car and Bob opend the door.

Bob got in beside me and Ray sat down to them. They mummbled hellos to us, and we mummbled hellos back to them. Then Gerard was hurrying to get to the show, because it was about to start. He drove down the dark back streets, so it would be faster.

Bob looked over at me and smiled, "How are you?"

"I'm pretty good." I nodded.

"What did you and Gerard do when you skipped today?" He asked.

I gulped, and Gerard looked back at me with a worried face through the rear view mirror. "Well, we went to a cafe, and then we went back to my house so that i could show Gee all of my Cds that i have been collecting."

"She has a bigger collection then me." Gerard said.

Bob leaned forward. "What?! Really? I never thought it was possible."

I laughed. "Thats exactly what he said when he saw them all."

"I'm going to have to come and check these out some day." Bob looked at me.

"I didn't even know some of the bands." Gerard said, turning onto the road that was apparently the main street of our town. It wasn't nothing that special though.

"They are all from Europe," I said. "I bought a whole bunch of CDs when i went there last summer. They are really good, i'm pretty sure that you would like them."

Bob nodded and looked at Gerard. "Is Frank coming?"

"Yeah," Gerard nodded. "He said that he had to do something first."

"So hes meeting us there right?" Bob asked.

Gee nodded again. "Yes."

Gerard pulled up to a curb, and turned off his car. We piled out of the car, and i followed them, because i didn't know where we were going. I walked behind Gerard, beside Ray. I smiled to myself and jumped right on Gerards back. He let out a groan, cause he was caught off gaurd. "Am i your horse for the night or something?"

I nodded. "Yes, you are."

Mikey grabbed ahold of a door handle. I'm guessing this was the venue. There was some kids piled around the door way of the venue, but we walked right past him. I forgot that I was on Gerards back, but he just kept walking. We came up to this guy, who was asking for the money to get in. I struggled to get money out of my pocket and then Gerard said, "I got it."

He took out double the money that he was supposed to and gave it to the guy. He nodded and we stood there waiting for the rest of the guys. When they got their bracelets, we all walked together into the big part of the venue. And the first people that we saw were Cheyenne and Alex standing together.

I hoped off of Gerards back and whisperd in his ear, "Its going to be alright. Don't leave. Just pretend that you're having fun, and try not to have conversation with her."

He nodded and walked closley beside me. Mikey was standing beside me and he was talking to Ray who was beside him. We walked through the crowd trying to get to the front. And when we did, we stood there. Then i began to notice how thirsty i was.

"I'm going to get something to drink," I told Gerard. "I'll be right back."

"Hurry," He replied. "They are going to be starting soon."

I nodded and turned around to a big group of people. I sighed, making my way through them. It took me a couple mintues before i reached the back of the venue again. I noticed a place where they were selling drinks and food. I walked towards it, getting closer and closer.

"Can i have a water?" I asked.

The guy nodded. "Dollar seventy-five."

I gave him the money and looked back. There wasn't anyone on the stage yet. I looked back to see the same guy holding a thing of water. I smiled and took it from his hand. I took of the cap and took a big gulp of it. I put the cap back on and began to walk to where i came from. From a distance i could see Mikey through the crowd.

Right before i was about to enter the big group of people to make my way through the crowd, I was stopped by someone. I looked back to see Cheyenne standing there, but she wasn't with Alex. I gave her a weird look and said, "What do you want?"

"Why are you with Gerard?" She asked, in a rude tone.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I know you guys like eachother," She huffed. "That whole thing with you trying to get us to be together was probably just a plan to get close to him."

"No it wasn't, i was actually trying to help!" I replied.

"Why are you with him so much then?" She asked.

"I'm being nice," I said. "Me and Gee are like bestfriends. And hes really depressed right now."

"Why would he be depressed?" Chey asked, lifiting an eyebrow.

"Because, you're out with Alex."

"What does that have to do with anything?" She asked again.

I groaned. "Can you be any more stupid? He fucking loves you alright!? Gerard loves you!"

I pulled away from her. I practically screamed in her face, but she didn't say anything. Then i heard a muffle come from the microphone. I looked up to see Frank sitting on a stool with a acoustic guitar in his hand. The mic was standing infront of him and he was tapping on it.

"Hey, everyone!" He mummbled. "My name is Frank Iero and i'll be playing a couple songs for you guys tonight."

There was a loud roar of cheering.

"This first song i just wrote today," He said. "Its about a girl I just met the other day, but i do have very strong feelings for her. This song is called Riley, stop giving me butterflys."
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