A Softer World


I walked back to Alex in a daze. Gerard loves me? No he couldn’t, after the way he’s been treating me this past week. We were best friend’s, that’s all, just best friends. There was no way that Gerard Arthur Way could love me.

When I reached Alex, he smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist. For a moment, everything that Riley had said to me drifted from my mind. It was as if it was just Alex and I standing in this dark and dingy club.

Frank’s singing filled the place, and I swayed slightly to the music, Alex was talking with some guys who were standing next to us.

I saw you standing there.
Eyes cast downwards,
Hands shaking, hearts breaking
Tired of all the lies,
Riley, stop giving me butterflies.

Wait, did Frank just say Riley. That little brat has managed to persuade Frank to believe that she’s a saint too. It’s bad enough that she has Mikey, Gerard, Ray and Bob kissing the ground she walks on.

“You feel OK?” Alex asked and leaned in closer to me.

“Uh, yeah I’m fine,” I said. By now Frank’s song had ended and he was already playing one of his older songs, one that didn’t involve Riley.

“He’s pretty good,” Alex said. “Isn’t he one of your friends?”

“Yeah, that’s Frank,” I smiled.

Frank played one more song, and walked off the stage after saying his goodbye. A guy then appeared on the stage. White sunglasses were resting on top of his head, while a neon yellow t-shirt which read Frankie says relax covered his torso, black skinny’s were occupying the lower half of his body and white sneakers were on his feet.

“Give it up for Frank Iero!” the guy shouted into the microphone. “ARE YOU GUYS READY FOR WAKE UP CALL!

I’m sure every voice in the venue screamed or whistled. A smile spread across my face as I clapped and screamed for the band.

“I SAID ARE YOU READY!” everyone cheered again. “THIS IS YOUR WAKE! UP! CALL!

The guy put the mic back in the stand and ran over to his left, where four band mates appeared. The guy gave them all high-fives before he left the stage. Everyone cheered once again, as the band started their song.


It must have been at least a hundred degrees in the venue, the band was wrapping up their last song and the energy in the venue was just as high when they had first started playing.

“Thank you for coming out tonight,” the lead singer said into the mic. “We are Wake Up Call! Goodnight!”

I turned and started towards the exit. Alex said he was going to go get our jacket’s, and meet me there. I grinned when I saw Alex standing next to the exit, my jacket in his hands.

“Tada,” he laughed. I grabbed my jacket from him and put it on.

“Well aren’t we just the gentleman,” I smiled as he grabbed my hand and led the way to his vehicle.

“Well, who wouldn’t be in your presence,” he raised my hand and kissed it. “You’re absolutely beautiful.”

I could feel the warmth spread across my cheeks, I’m sure they were as red as a tomato. We stopped at his car, he unlocked the passenger door and waited until I got in and then shut the door.

“Well, looks like I have to get you home,” he sighed as he started the car.

“Actually, we don’t,” I laughed at his facial expression.

“Chey, I don’t want to get you in trouble,” he looked at me, his eyebrows raised.

“You won’t get me in trouble. My mom extended my curfew,” a grin spread across his face.

“Well then Chey, there’s somewhere I want to show you,” he reversed the car and started driving towards the road.

“Where are you taking me,” I laughed as he pretended to drive like an old lady.

“That’s for me to know, and you to find out,” he laughed maniacally.


“You wanted to show me a hiking trail?” I stood with my arms crossed over my chest.

“Not just any walking trail,” he laughed and tangled his fingers with mine. “Come on, you’ll see what’s so special about it in a minute.”

We walked in silence for at least ten minutes before Alex stopped and sat down on a bench. He patted the seat next to him. I sat down and looked around. There was nothing special about this; it was just a bench on a hiking trail.

“Look up,” Alex said.

I turned my head upwards and my mouth fell open. There must have been a million stars in the sky. I wasn’t used to seeing so many of them.

“I usually come out here to think,” he said nervously. It was the first time I heard his voice without any of his confidence leaking into it. I looked down at him and he almost looked vulnerable. “Chey, look I know we haven’t gotten to know each other that much. But I really like you, a lot in fact.”

“I like you too, Alex,” I smiled at him as he grabbed my hand.

“Really?” he said almost with to much excitement in his voice. He cleared his throat and started again. “I mean, well, uh look, I actually want to ask you something.”

“Okay,” I said. A million things were running through my mind right now.

“Do you, uh, I mean would you like to be my girlfriend?”

I stared at him, not really knowing what to say, did I want to be his girlfriend. I really did like him, and I loved the feeling I got when I was around him. But all that was running through my mind right now was Gerard’s face and Riley’s voice, telling me that Gerard loved me.

Without realizing what I was doing, I started nodding my head yes. It was like my head was making the decision for me, completely ignoring what my heart felt. If I said yes to Alex, maybe Gerard would move on, forget about his feelings for me. I was no good for Gerard. He deserved someone far better than me, someone that didn’t lie to his face, and sneak around behind his back.

“Are you serious?” Alex half shouted.

“Yes,” I forced a smile onto my face. I really like Alex, but right now it felt as if I was using him.

I felt Alex’s lips against mine, and his hand rest against my cheek. He kissed me softly, and I kissed him back. It was hard to tell if I truly meant anything with this kiss. I felt myself wanting it, but I felt my heart rejecting it.
♠ ♠ ♠
dun dun dunn!