A Softer World


Cheyenne walked away from me, after telling me something about her. I was shocked, but i should have seen it coming. She was always dead looking, and out of life. I stood there, watching her rush down the hallway. Alex saw her and began to call her name. Cheyenne didn't budge, she kept walking and then pushed open the door at the end of the hallway.

I turned around and sighed. My arms fell loosly beside the red plaid shirt that I was wearing. I grabbed my cellphone out of my jean pocket and dialed Gerards number. I wasn't sure if he was going to come to school or not today. I haven't seen any of the guys this morning. After a couple of dials someone picked up the phone. "Hello?"

Gerards voice was harsh and raspy. It seemed as he choked on his breathe when he answered the phone. I took in a deep breathe, thinking of what i should say. I didn't really have a plan for this phone call, i just needed to call him. "Are you staying home today?"

"Yeah," He sighed. "Mikey and Frank are here too. I would like it if you skipped, but i don't know if you want to."

"I will." I said quickly. "Send someone to pick me up."

"Alright," He said. "Wait outside."

I shut my phone and put it in my pocket. I looked back to see no one - except for Alex Webber. He walked quickly with a stern look on his face. I didn't move though, i should have, but i didn't. I could see myself walking towards the door to wait for whoever was picking me up. But, instead i stood in the same spot, not moving at all.

He stood infront of me, with his arms crossed over his chest. He was quite taller then me, so he was looking down at me. He was breathing heavily, and biting his lip a little. I got a good look at him, noticing he was ugly. Cheyenne might be in to that kind of stuff, but i'm not. I think that he is hidious.

"Whats wrong with her?" He commanded for an answer.

"I don't know," I shurgged.

"Obviously you do!" He snapped. "You were just talking to her."

"What makes you think i want to tell you?" I asked. "I don't even know you! You don't mean anything to me. If you were a good boyfriend, then you'd be chasing after her right now. But, here you are, talking to me."

He groaned. "This is about that little emo fuck Gerard Way."

"First off," I put my finger in his face and grinned my teeth infront of him. "Gerard is not an emo fuck! You're just a dick hole and jealous that he cares about Cheyenne more then you. He would be a better boyfriend to her then you'll ever be."

"You don't know shit." He groaned. "He'd probably cut her wrist for her."

I couldn't take this boys bullshit. I just lost fuse and raised my fist. He didn't really expect anything, coming from a little girl like me. I never thought anything would happen though. I would have ran away and kept quiet. But something came over me. Just the way he talked about Gerard like that.

I punched him right in the face. He grabbed his nose and held himself up by the locker. I could hear some teacher yelling from the end of the hallway. I just turned around and ran to the entrance. I ran down the hallway, and down the stairs. I could see Franks car sitting on the curb waiting for me. I pushed open the door and rushed to the car.

I opend the door, and looked back to see a teacher rushing after me. I looked at Frank who had a weird look on his face. I told him to step on it, and he did. We rushed out of the parkinglot. I looked back to see the teacher giving up and going back inside.

"What was that about?" Frank asked with a shocked tone.

"I punched someone," I mummbled.

"What the fuck?" He said. "Who?"

"Alex Webber."

He kept one hand on the wheel and looked over at me. Franks jaw was dropped, but then it turned into a smile. "You punched out Alex? Dude, thats fucking insane! No guy in the whole school has ever done anything to Alex. But, to hear a girl has. Man, thats so funny."

I shrugged. "I guess i have more guts then the guys in our school."

"You got that right." He nodded.


I walked into Gerards house to see Mikey and Gee sitting in the livingroom. They were both curled up on the couch watching movies. Gerard looked the exact same way that he did on Friday night. I don't think he has had a shower yet, and it doesn't look like he had slept either. When i slept at Gerards house on Friday, i fell asleep with Frank.

I'm not even sure how it happend. I was laying down the couch, with my legs on Franks lap. When i woke up the next morning, Frank was laying behind me. His arm was loosely around my waist and Mikey was sitting on the other couch watching us. I woke up first and told him nothing was going on. All he could do was nodd.

I walked over to the love seat and sat down. Frank disspeard into the kitchen or something like that. I put my elbow on the elbow rest and put my head in my palm. I looked over at Mikey and Gerard and let out a big sigh. "So, where are your parents?"

"They are coming home on Thursday." Mikey said.

"They do this often," Gerard mummbled. "Vacations."

"Well," I stretched out my arms. "I punched someone out today."

"Really?" They both sat up straight and looked at me.

"You were at school for fifteen minutes," Mikey said. "Who was it?"

Frank came rushing into the room with a bag of chips in his hands. He caught his breathe and we just stared at him. "She punched out Alex Webber."

Gerard jumped up from his seat. He stood there, with his long hair hanging over his face. He was leaning down looking at me. His hair was really greasy and he was in pj's. After looking at me for a bit in silence, he gave me a huge hug. "Thank you." He mummbled.

"Why'd you do it?" Mikey asked.

"He was calling Gerard emo." I mummbled.

"Awe," Gerard cooed. "You did it for me?"

I nodded. "I needed to."

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know if I want to say it outloud. I'm pretty sure i can tell Gerard though. Sorry guys, its just something that i think just him and me should know for now." I looked in Mikey and Franks direction.

The both nodded. "We know, you guys can go and talk."

I got up from the couch. Gerard was following behind me. When i walked past Frank our hands brushed together. I couldn't help but to smirk. I walked out of the arch of the livingroom and headed for the basement. I could hear Gee coming behind me every step of the way.

When i walked into Gerards room a big stink came over me. I could tell he had just been laying in his bed. It smelt so discusting in here. He walked past me and sat down on his bed. I walked out of his room and raced to the washroom. I grabbed the air freshner and walked back into Gees room. I sprayed it a couple times, and then put it on the table.

I sat down on the bed, putting my back up against my wall. I put my knees on my chest and wrapped my arms around them. Gerard was holding onto his pillow. He looked scared and worried. His lower face and dug into the pillow. He mummbled, "What happend?"

I sighed. "When i was here Friday, i could tell you were mad. I left Cheyenne a message saying to have a nice life. I didn't mean it but i was pissed off because you were. So, she upfronted me about it and then she told me something."

"I know." He mummbled, looking downward. It seemed like a little tear came down his face.

I was caught off gaurd. I pushed my eyebrows together and took a deep breathe. I looked at him, to see him crying more. "Gee, what do you know?"

He got up from his bed and walked over to a dresser on the far side of the room. He grabbed the handle of the top drawer and pulled it open. He took out something and held it in his hand, making sure i couldn't see it yet. He sat back down on the bed and got comfy.

He held out his arm and unravled his hand. There stood the little ungreatful bag that Cheyenne had ruined her life with. It was a little baggy of Crystal Meth, hardly any left. The bag looked like it has been used before. I took a big gulp and looked at him. "Did you tell her?"

"Whats the point?" He shrugged. "Shes ruining her life anyways. I don't know what I can do. Shes deciding to take a dickhole boyfriend who got punched by a girl, and shes doing drugs."

"Why arn't you helping?" I asked.

"Helping!?" He snapped. "Riley, you expect me to help her? I was on the brinks of killing myself Friday night, but i didn't because you were there to help me. Riley, i really love you, and i don't want you to go on her side. I wish someone would come into my life who isn't a bitchy whore drug addict. But for some reason, i'm still inlove with her more then ever."

I sighed. "You should go talk to her."

"I don't know what to say."

"You'll know Gee." I replied. "When you're sitting there infront of her, you'll know what to say."

"Isn't she at school?" He asked.

"She left right after our little conversation." I said. "Thats why she didn't see me punch Alex."

"Well," He said. "I don't know where she is, so its pretty hard to talk to her."

"I'll go and help you find her. Gee, i don't like seeing you like this. You don't deserve to be depressed like this at all. We're going to go and find her, and you're going to tell her how you feel." I demanded.

"I'll go take a shower then." He sighed, getting up from the bed. He walked out of his room leaving me in the room by myself. A couple miuntes later i could hear the shower go on. I decided to get up and go see what Frank and Mikey were doing.

When I got up to the livingroom, i noticed it was only Frank watching a movie. I walked into the room, but he was staring blankly into the television. I sat down on the same couch as him and sighed. "Where is Mikey?"

"Gone to get me icecream." He smiled. "I told him to."

"Why didn't you just go yourself?" I asked.

"Lazy." He sighed. "How did the conversation with Gerard go?"

"It went well." I nodded. "When hes done getting ready we're going to go and find Cheyenne. He needs to talk to her about some stuff."

"What are you going to do after that?" He asked, chomping on some chips.

"Um, i'm not sure. I don't think i can go back to school, because some bitchy ass teacher saw me punch Alex in the sophmore hallway." I replied.

He smirked. "We could hang out."

I couldn't help but to blush. "What are we going to do?"

"Whatever you'd like." He shrugged.


I said goodbye to Mikey and Frank who were glued to two laptops. Gerard looked nice. He was wearing dim black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. He was wearing his hair normally. It was hanging over his pale face, but you could tell he sad. We walked down his lawn, heading to his car. "Riley!" he said, chucking his keys in my direction.

I nodded, grabbing the keys. I swung them around my fingers. I opend the door of the drivers seat and got inside. I put my seatbelt on, and put the keys in the ignition. I turned the car on and looked over at Gerard. He was sitting straight with his hands in his lap. Then i pulled off of the curb, going on our look for Cheyenne.

"We should try her house first." He said. "She might be there since her parents work all day long."

I nodded, and turned the corner. Cheyennes house wasn't that far from Gerards. Apparently they hung out alot when they were little kids. It was silent in the car, as we drove down the street. I turned a right and then Gerard explained to me where the house was.

After driving a little bit, i turned a left. Gerard told me it was the brick house on the right. No cars were there obviously. I pulled up to the curb and waited there. Gerard took off his belt, and got out of the car. He walked across the lawn and to her house.

He stood there for abit and then knocked on the door. It took awhile until Cheyenne came to the door. It looked like she was crying from where i was. She looked really bad. Gerard looked back at me as the same time she did. He waved at me and followed her into the house.

It looked like that wasn't much of a search. I turned on the car again, and pulled off the curb. I grabbed my phone out of my jean pocket and dialed Franks number. After a couple rings he picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"I'm coming to pick you up." I said to him, hanging up my phone.
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