A Softer World


I woke up, not remembering anything. I felt someone brush past my forehead with something cold, but I couldn't make out of what it was. My vision was still blured, so that is exactly what the person that was leaning over me looked like. Then it hit me, I had passed out. The only thing that could have happend was that I was in a hospital; my parents are probably here. Then my eyes shot open from the anger.

I was pretty sure the person that was brushing my forehead would be my mom or a nurse. But it was someone very unexpected. It was Frank. He wasn't looking at me, but his cold pale hand was over my forehead pulling my bangs out of my face. He was looking behind himself, mummbling something to someone.

"Frank?" I mummbled.

"Holy shit!" He said turning his head around and looked down at me. "Do you feel fine? Do you need a drink or something? Some water?"

"Water," I said with a raspy tone. I didn't even feel like talking right now.

"Chey!" Frank said behind him. "Get Riley some water."

I lifted my head to see Cheyenne sitting on the bed beside me. She looked over and gave a weak smirk to me. "Alright, Should I get the guys too?"

"Sure," He shrugged.

"Are my parents here?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah," Frank shook his head. "They're filling out some forms right now, they're not mad at you though."

"What happend?" I asked.

"Well, I know you passed out from the pills," He shrugged. "I don't know why though."

"Mikey. . ." I mummbled quietly.

"Huh?" He made a confused face.

"Wheres Mikey?" I demanded for an answer.

"Out in the waiting room with Gee, Ray and Bob," He replied. "Why?"

"Go get him!" I said. "I need to talk to him alone."

He nodded slowly. But for some reason he still looked at me. I gave him a weird look, but he didn't make a move. I bit my lip, trying to figure out why he wasn't going or saying anything. I didn't notice, but his hand was still on my forehead. I moved my head a little bit, making his hand drop off. "Whats wrong? Why arn't you getting him?"

"I need to know something," He said quickly. It was hard for me to even understand what he was saying.

"What?" I asked, confused, not knowing what he'd need to know.

"Do you like Mikey?" He mummbled.

"What!?" I asked in shock. "Frank. . .I don't like Mikey. He's the reason i'm in here?"

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"He got mad at me in class," I sighed. "All I want is to be his friend, but hes being a jerk because I like you and the-"

"You like me?" He grinned slightly.

"Thats not the point!" I said.

He nodded. "I know, go on."

"Anyways, in class he was being a dick. So I just broke down, because me and him were such good friends before. I haven't broke down ever since I got here, and then I just did out of no where. I don't really remember anything after taking the pills."

"I'll fucking kill him!" Frank groaned.

"No," I grabbed his hand. "Please don't Frank. I should have held back and not have done it in the first place."

He nodded. "Alright."

"I still need to talk to him," I said. "Can you go and get him?"

"Alright," He bent down and kissed my forehead. "I'll go get him."

I couldn't help but to smirk, even though the anger that was reving up inside of me. He got up from the chair that he was in, and walked out of the room. I heard the door shut behind him. I put my pillows up and leaned up straight. I looked on my wrist to see the hospital bracelet. I sighed, putting my hands over my face.

I heard the click of the door. I looked over to see a worried Mikey walking into the room. He knows what he did, and that this was all his fault. He was holding the water bottle that Cheyenne was supposed to go and get me. He walked in slowly, and shut the door quietly behind himself. He walked across the dim room, with a frown on his face.

Mikey ended up sitting in the chair that Frank was sitting in. He put his elbows on the bed beside me and sighed, "I'm so sorry Riley."

"I could have killed myself." I said flatly in fear.

He sighed once again, closing his eyes. When he shot his eyes back open, a clear tear dripped down his face. He snifled his nose and looked down at me again. "I'm so sorry Riley, I shouldn't have done that to you."

"Why did you?" My tone of voice sounded like this wasn't even a big deal; i know it is though.

"Because," He shrugged. "I was jealous of Frank. I know you like him. But, I like you alot. When I was in grade seven I liked this girl named Rae, but Frank liked her too. They ended up kissing in a game of spin the bottle and for some reason, the way he looks at you, it makes me feel like i've losted the girl again."

"Mikey," I sighed. "Not every girl can like you. And when you decide to get jealous over a guy that gets the girl, try and not to get mad at the girl with a depression. It usually ends up with the girl in the hospital."

He looked down at the cords I was tied to. "I can see that."

"Don't be jealous of Frank," I said. "Not everyone you like, is going to like you. Trust me, i've had experience at my old school. No one ever liked me, even if I didn't like them. And here it feels so much more diffrent. But, you have to understand Mikey, I like Frank. You're a great friend. Like a brother."

He shook his head. "I've heard that alot before."

"Probably," I nodded. "But the right girl will come along! I promise."

He smirked. "I'll take your word on that one."

"Good," I nodded. "Now, do you know when i can leave?"

"Nope," He shook his head. "I'll go check though."

He dropped the water bottle beside me and got out of the chair. He walked across the dim room again, that was hardly light from the lamp across the room. Mikey opend the door with a window on it; but the blinds were closed. He shut the door behind himself and turned a right.

I shut my eyes again, trying to go to bed. I didn't know why, but I was really tired. I can fall asleep fast, so I was almost about to. But, then I heard that clicking noise of the door again. I looked up to see Frank walking into the room with that grin on his face. He walked across the room, with one arm behind his back.

"I got you something," He mummbled.

"Why?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Thought it was proper, you know. . .since you're in a hospital."

"Alright," I laughed a little. "What is it?"

"Well," He shrugged, sitting down in the chair he was sitting in before. "I need to do something before I give you the present. And to let you know, its just as cheesy as the song that I wrote you. Man, that was bad."

I shook my head. "No it wasn't."

He sighed, putting his cold pale hand on my head again. Frank bit his lip, and his eye glistend as he looked into mine. I could feel his body getting closer and closer to mine as he bent down to come face to face with me. I could feel his breathe now. It smelt like ciggarettes and mint. I smirked at the smell. "I think I know what you need to do," I whisperd.

"Really?" He smiled.

I nodded. "Yeah."

His lips were almost on mine. I could feel the butterflys shooting through my body, that wasn't in the best condition right now. Then i felt his soft tender lips, come to mine. My top lip went over his bottom. He rode his hand across my torso, and stopped on my side. I put my hand on his neck and deepend the kiss. Then I heard a loud cough, and I knew it wasn't us.

I pulled back from the kiss, hitting my head off the pillow. There stood Cheyenne and Gerard in the door way of the room. Gerard was pushing his hair back with one hand and had a coffee in the other. Cheyenne was slouched over, but it looked like she was smirking at us, sort of.

"Great," Gerard nodded. "Frank got a girlfriend before I did."

"We're not dating," I said. "Well, I don't think we are."

"Oh shit!" Frank said, pulling my present out from behind his back. "Here."

It was a stuffed bear. It had a pink bow on its neck and it was holding a sign. It said, "Will You be Mine?" I laughed a little bit and wrapped Frank into a hug.

"Yeah," I whisperd. "I'll be yours."

"Awe!" Gee cooed sarcastically. "Cute butts, lets go! They said Riley can leave with us now."

I nodded. Frank kissed my forehead and got up out of the chair again. He followed Gerard and Cheyenne out of the room, and i sat there alone. I waited until the nurse got to the room and took the IV out of my hand, I shivered at the sight of the needle. I walked across the dim room and spotted my bag on the counter.

I grabbed out a pair of pants and a t-shirt. I walked into the washroom and shut the door behind me. I turned on the light and took off my hospital robe. I put on my pants and then my t-shirt. I grabbed the robe off the ground and opened the door.

Before I left the washroom, I turned off the light. I walked back over to my bag and grabbed a grey sweater out of it. I grabbed a pair of moccasins that I had in there, and put them on the ground. I slipped my feet into them and set my robe onto the counter. I zipped up my bag and put it around my shoulder.

I walked back over to the bed and grabbed my water bottle. I turned around to see the nurse still standing in the room. She smiled at me and asked, "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Do you feel alright?" She asked.

"Yeah. . ." I nodded.

"Alright, you may leave." She said. "Your parents signed you out already."

I nodded, with a grin. I walked past her and she walked behind me. I opened the door and walked into the bright busy hallway of the hospital. There was patients, doctors and nurses walking everywhere. I noticed my parents sitting int he waiting room, and I walked towards them. My mother shot up from the chair she was sitting in and ran towards me and wrapped her arms around my body.

"Riley, you're okay!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah, I am," I said and patted her back. My father stood behind her looking very stern.

"The doctors informed us that we must monitor your pills, so you aren't allowed to carry them with you anymore," my father said.

"But what if something happens?" I asked in shock.

"Something already did happen, you ended up in here," my mother said.

"Whatever" I said and turned on my heel to head towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" My father called out to me.

"Gerard's," I called back. I heard my mother say something along the lines that I shouldn't go, but my father didn't react.

I walked to the elevator that was right near the room I was staying in. I clicked the button for the first floor, and the doors shot open. I walked inside the busy elevator and the doors shut behind me. I sighed, waiting for us to get there. It wasn't going to take long since I was only staying on the second floor.

The elevator made a ding noise. The doors opened. I noticed Gerard's car in the front of the hospital.

Gerard was in the front, with Cheyenne beside him. Frank was the only one in the back. I'm guessing Bob, Ray and Mikey took another car. I sat down and put my belt on. Right away, Frank grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, but where are we going?"

"My house," Gerard said. "Mikey is going to make us some supper he said. But, he usually gets take out since he doesn't understand the cook books."

I smiled. "Alright,"
♠ ♠ ♠
Eight-teen already?