A Softer World


After my conversation, she pulled away to go start dancing with that Alex fellow. For some reason, i wasn't fond of that guy. Mikey introduced me to him when we walked into the party. He gave me a grin, like he wanted to hook up with me. I'm pretty sure he's one of those guys that are just looking for a good piece of ass. And thats exactly why i'm worried.

Gerard really likes Cheyenne. I know she probably doesn't like me, but i don't care. I still want to get the fact through her head. I'm usually good with this kind of stuff. Even though i've only met both of them today, i still can tell. And if she wasn't jacked up like she was today, i bet she would have acted like she liked him aswell.

I was acting completley normal tonight. I took double dozes tonight before i came, or maybe make that triple. I just remember passing out because of it. I wouldn't really take it as an over-dose, but my brother did have to help me. He wouldn't tell my parents about it, because he knows they wouldn't have let me leave the house if they found out.

After taking a shower, and drinking alot of water and medicine, i was good again. I guess i was little on the high side. Mikey noticed it. I just told him that i was hyper. But, i haven't drank any alcohol tonight, and i don't think i'm going to. I think it could make me worse, and i don't want to give bad impressions to all the kids that are here.

I walked through the kitchen, trying to look for Gerard. I really need to talk to him. I don't care if he thinks i come off as strange. This was really bugging me, because i don't have a life of my own. I looked around the kitchen, and out the window. There was Gerard in the backyard alone.

I walked over to the sliding doors. I opened them to hear Gerard talking to himself. He was holding a big bottle of vodka and gulping it by the second. I walked past the pool, that was light up inside. I walked on the freshly cut grass, over to the swing that Gerard was sitting on. When he noticed me, he began to laugh. "Shouldn't you be fucking my brother or something?"

"I don't want to fuck your brother?" I lifted my eyebrow, and sat on the swing next to him.

"Well," He laughed, wiggling his eyebrows. "He wants to fuck you! Thats for sure."

"You're drunk Gee." I mentioned.

"When the hell did you start calling me G-g-e-ee." He slurred.

"Its easier then saying Gerard." I replied. "Now tell me why you've had so much to drink."

He snorted again, and then took another drink of the voldka. He looked at me, and motioned the bottle towards me. I shook my head no, and waited for him to answer my question. He let out a weird noise and then said. "Che Che Cheyenne was right!"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'm an alcoholic r-r-riley!" He shouted. "I, Gerard Way, am an alcoholic."

"You guys have a messed up relationship." I mummbled.

"Relationship?" He snorted. "What the hell are you smoking?"

"What the hell are you drinking?" I said in a snobby attitude.

"Well," He smiled looking at the bottle.

"Gerard!" I snapped him out of it. He looked back up at me and giggled.

"Well," He stood up and walked on the side of the pool. The blue color came up and shined on his face. He held his arm over the pool, with the bottle still in his hand. He was on the edge of it, barley on the brinx of falling over, but he kept on laughing away. "I do like Cheyenne if thats what you're asking. Infact i love Cheyenne. I want to have Cheyennes babies. Is that a good enough answer for you?"

"A little more then good." I replied. "How come you've haven't done anything yet?"

"Sh-sh-shes been acting weird latley." He shrugged, dimming his eyes. "I want my old Cheyenne back. I really really miss the old Cheyface. She was great." He smirked, tilting back. "You'd really love her if she was back to normal."

He was just about to fall off, but then i picked right back up. He looked at me and nodded in a thanks. "And you know, i was going to something ri. But, then she went all wacky-co-co-ba!"

"You get me?" He shrugged.

I couldn't help but to laugh. "Sure, Gerard. I get you."

He began to cry. "I really want my old Chey back. And man i'm drunk."

"Yes, i know you do." I replied, "And yes, i know you are."

"Can you get Mikey to take me home?" He asked.

I nodded. "Stay right here."

Gerard stepped back a little and sloutched over. Even though he knew that he had to much to drink, he still picked up that bottle and took a big drink. I looked back, and he set it down beside him on the concreate sidewalk. I turned around and kept walking towards the door that i came out from. I pulled the door open, to see a full kitchen.

I barged through the people, trying to find the livingroom. And when i got there, i noticed Mikey sitting on the couch with Frank. Great. I walked through the people that were dancing closley, almost like dry humping. I think they call it grinding or something. I wouldn't know, i don't come to much partys.

I walked closer and closer to the couch. Mikey smiled brightly when he saw me. Frank noticed that he was smiling at me, and then he frowned. He looked down at his drink and then took a big drink of it. I took a deep breathe and then stood right infront of them.

"Hello." Mikey looked up at me.

"Um, i need your help." I said.

"What?" Frank giggled. "You need him to help you go to the washroom or something? He'd like that."

I groaned. "No, Gerard wanted me to come and get you. He told me that he wants you to take him home because he has been drinking to much."

"Really?" Mikey seemed suprised. "He usually never wants to come home, when hes in the drinking/party mode like hes in tonight."

"Well," I replied. "I guess you could say we had a talk."

"Woah." Frank said contently. "You trying to pick up both the Ways now?"

I couldn't help but to give him a dirty glare. He smirked up at me. I guess hes one of those hard to get cockey boys. But, i'm not sure if it something i should be working for. I don't even know if there is something to work for. Its all a mystery. But, something was telling me that there is. But, Mikey seems to have an interest in me more then Frank does. Even friend wise.

"Not cool." Mikey got up from the couch, and leaded me out of Franks sight.

We walked through the livingroom and through the kitchen. Mikey sighed when he looked through the window. He noticed Gerard standing near the pool. He looked very amused. He was laughing and looking right into the blue. And then out of no where, he fell right into the pool.

Mikey and I opened the door quickly and ran outside. Mikey jumped into the pool and went to pull up Gerard the best he could. I bent down on the edge of the pool, waiting for Mikey to pull him up. When he held Gerards body up above the water, i reached in to pull him up.

We put him up on the edge of the pool, and began to push on his stumach. He wouldn't do anything though. Mikey gave me a weird look. "You're going to have to give him mouth to mouth."

"I'm not doing it!" I screetched. "Why don't you? You're his brother."

"One, thats incest." He said. "And second, thats totally gay!"

"I know someone who will do it." I said.

"We don't have much time." He replied.

"It'll take me like, two seconds." I rushed off, back into the crowded house.

Stuff like this get me going, even though i've had alot of pills. My hands were getting sweaty as i rushed through the house looking for Cheyenne. I looked in the livingroom first to see if she was dancing with that Alex kid, but she wasn't. And he wasn't there either. And then i thought about the bedrooms because the feeling that, that Alex guy gave me.

I turned around and noticed a staircase. I ran through a crowd of people talking, and rushed up the stairs. There was people scattered around the hallway. I walked down the hallway and knocked on one door, but no one answered. I grabbed a hold of the handle and pushed open the door.

There was no one in the room. I sighed and shut the door. Right when i turned around i noticed Alex leaning up on Cheyenne who was leaning back on a wall. He was playing with her hair, and she was smiling away. It made me want to vomit. I sighed and walked towards them.

"Sorry to break this up." I said to them, making them both look over at me.

"Not you again." Cheyenne sighed, putting her arms across her chest.

"Well," I said. "Gerard fell in the pool, and we need someone to give him mouth to mouth. And i won't do it, and neither will Mikey obviously. So, i need you to come and do it."

Her eyes shot open, and she pushed Alex off of her. "Gerard." She mummbled and ran down the stairs.

See, i told you she had a thing for him. I don't think she would have done something like that if she didn't. I looked back at Alex, who was already standing with another girl. I was right, player. I sighed and turned around to walked towards the staircase. I put my right hand on the banaster and ran down the stairs. I rushed through the livingroom and the kitchen and walked back into the backyard.

Cheyenne and Mikey were both leaned down at a passed out Gerard. I walked over to them and stood there. Cheyenne took a deep breathe and leaned down. She opened Gerards mouth, and gave him mouth to mouth. She pulled back up and began to push on his chest. And then she did the mouth to mouth again.

A couple seconds later Gerard shot water out of his mouth and opend his eyes. He looked at Mikey first, and then Cheyenne. And then at me. When he noticed Cheyenne leaning over him, a smile appeard across his lips. He took his hand and put it over his forehead. "My head hurts."

"I bet it does." Cheyenne laughed and helped Gerard sit up.

"I'll bring you home now." Mikey said to Gerard, and Gerard nodded.

"I'll come with him to keep him company." Cheyenne said, looking at Gerard. They both smiled at eachother before getting up on both feet. They didn't say anything to me, they just all headed around the front of the house to get to Mikeys car.

"Bye Riley!" Mikey shouted after me. "Just get Frank to drive you home or something."


I didn't really talk to Frank much after Gerard, Mikey and Cheyenne left. He looked like he wasn't having that much fun though. He sat there in the same position, not doing anything. I sat there for a bit too, until i wanted to do something for a change. Frank told me to go get him another drink, so i got up and headed for the kitchen. And then i noticed someone walk into the house.

Bob was there, with Ray. I smiled and walked towards them. They waved over to me, and meeted me half way. "I thought one of you guys was busy tonight."

"Yeah," Ray piped up. "But, we're both here now."

"Where is Gerard? I bet hes so drunk right now." Bob asked.

"He was." I replied. "Until he fell in the pool, and almost drowned. And then Cheyenne had to give him mouth to mouth. Mikey was driving him home, and Cheyenne was going with him. I'm not sure if Mikey is coming back or not."

"And Frank is sitting on the couch right?" Ray asked.

I gave him a weird look. "Yeeaahh..how did you know?"

"He does this every party!" Bob groaned. "He just sits there and does nothing."

"He just ordered me to go and get him another drink." I sighed.

"Your his new drink fetcher?" Bob giggled. "That was usually me before."

"Well, i guess your not anymore." I shrugged. "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye," They said in unsion.

I turned around and began to walk towards the kitchen. There wasn't much people in here now, maybe like seven. Most of them were in the pool or outside now. I bet they didn't know that someone almost died in that pool tonight. I laughed to myself, thinking of all the blonde bimbos finding a dead body in the pool. That would be hilarious.

I set the cup that Frank had before on the table and looked for something light. I grabbed a beer and popped off the cap. He needed to drive me home tonight, and i didn't want him to be totally wasted. I would probably end up walking home anyways. Its not that far from here.

Then i noticed a boy alone, stancing up against the cupboard. He looked at me and smirked. His black hair hung over his blue eyes. A black beanie was hanging over his hair, and he had a pretty smile. He held his drink closley to his mouth and took a drink.

"I haven't seen you around." He smirked.

"I'm new here." I huffed, starting to hypervenalate.

"I bet you are." He winked.

"Woah, you're a slut. Both the Ways, and now this guy!" Frank said behind me, taking the beer out of my hand. He took a big drink of it, and looked at me and smiled. He was really getting on my nerves, but something couldn't make me mad at him.

"First of all Frank!" I snapped. "I don't like Mikey! I won't like Mikey and I never will like Mikey! I know he probably has a thing for me, but thats his problem. I don't like him, get that through your head. And Gerard, i wouldn't like him either. Gerard is just a friend! How could you think i like these people!? I just met them today."

"And what about this fellow?" He smirked.

"I've only said three words to him!" I practically screamed in his face. I rushed past him, knocking him in the shoulder. I didn't even want to look back at him. He was really pissing me off, and i really wanted him to be a nice guy. I think hes a really nice guy, way deep down there. But this first impression, isn't really showing it.

I walked through the bunch of people, looking at me awkwardly. I noticed Ray, Bob and some people in the corner. Bob gave me a weird look, but i just walked by them. I looked up the staircase, and then began to rush towards them. I looked around to find a bathroom. I walked down the hallway and knocked on the door that looked like it could be the washroom.

"Its occupied!" Someone said on the other side of the door.

I sighed and turned around. I slid down the wall, and put my face in my hands. A tear began to run down my face, and i could feel my hear beating faster and faster. I don't know why i'm getting like this over Frank. Hes pretty much been a jerk ever since i met him this afternoon, and now he thinks that i'm hooking up with both Gerard and Mikey.

Obviously, i would never. Honeslty, i don't like Mikey or Gerard. Cheyenne likes Gee obviously, and he obviously likes her. I know Mikey likes me, but i don't like him. I could see him more as a bestfriend more then anything. Out of all of my new friends, i could see myself dating Frank. But, if he wants to be a jerk, thats not going to happen.

Then someone opened the door. A short boy, with curly brown hair walked out of the washroom. He was wearing a gangster hat and baggy jeans. I really couldn't stand guys like that. I sighed and stood up from the wall. I stummbled over myself, and entered the washroom. I shut the white door behind me, and locked the door. I walked over to the sink and leaned over it.

I set my hands on the sink and looked up at the ugly face in the mirror. My sight began to get blurry as the tears poured over them. I shuved my hands in my pocket, and grabbed the three pills that i put in my pocket just incase. I looked around for a cup, and noticed a yellow one beside the sink. I grabbed it and turned on the sink.

I put the cup under the water and waited for it fill up. I took one of the pills in my mouth and then washed it back. And then another and then i was down to my last pill. I held it in my hand and rocked my head back and forth. My salty tears fell on the marble sink, and then i reached up to my mouth and chucked the pill back, making it hit the back of my mouth.

I took the water, and gulped it all down. Now, i felt really weird. My head began to pound like a million heart beats. I fell over on the floor, but i didn't hit my head off the bathtub. I could feel the rug under me. My skin began to get a billion goose bumps and i began to gitter. My head twitched once, and then i felt my head getting really hot. I never felt like this before.

Then i heard a couple knocks on the door. The sink was still running. The person kept knocking and knocking. Then they began to yell. I don't know who it was, because i couldn't hear practically whos voice it was. I lifted my head up, but it was to heavy to keep it there. My head slammed back down on the ground, and then i heard a big bang.

Someone rushed into the washroom. "Riley! Riley! Riley! Are you alright?"

I still couldn't tell who it was, but that person picked me up in their arms bridal style. I groaned and then everything went blank. I could hear people yelling and then i could hear someone walking under me and then my body went up and down in this persons arms. And then i heard a door open and close in the distance.

Then out of no where i could feel the wind of the outdoors hit my skin. I couldn't really tell who was with me and where i was going. I should really be worrying about things like this. Maybe its some stalker person, but it was someone that knew my name. It was either Bob or Ray because Frank was to much of a jerk to come and save me for my mistakes. And then i remembered taking all the pills.

I shouldn't have done that. I took three before i came here, and passed out. I'm going to have an overdose soon. If my mom finds out about this, i'm going to get in shit. Shes going to stop buying all the anti-depresents i need and let me do this by myself.

"Its okay Riley." The person said in the distance. "Everything is going to be alright."

Then everything went blank. Even the voices.
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