A Softer World


The three of us went around the house, avoiding the crowd and loud noises from the inside. Gerard has his arm over my shoulders, my head was spinning as I tried to balance my feet for the both of us. Mikey was rushing ahead to show us where the car was, I was glad that he hadn’t been drinking. Trying to walk Gerard home would be excruciating.

“It’s this way,” Mikey said, gesturing his hand towards the silver car.

“Come on Gee, you got to help me here,” I said. Gerard was losing his balance again and his body was shivering. “Mikey wait! I need some help with Gerard.”

Gerard instantly started laughing and fell to the ground, pulling me with him. “I can’t believe I fell into the pool!” he hollered.

“Gerard, get up!” Mikey said and pulled his arm. I managed to pull myself up and grab Gerard’s free hand.

“I think it’s time we got you home,” I said. Mikey and I managed to get Gerard up off the ground and walking. I stood holding the car door open as Mikey got Gerard in the backseat.

“Cheyenne!” I heard a voice call from behind me. Alex was running across the lawn and slowed down as he got near.

“Hey,” I said. I shut the car door and saw that Gerard has passed out. Mikey was walking around the car and got into the driver’s seat.

“Where are you going?” he questioned and then looked at me from head to toe. “And why are you wet?”

“Mikey is taking me and Gerard home, and we had a little mishap,” I said and started to pull open the passenger door.

“Oh, well I was thinking…since Gerard seems to be umm, indisposed right now, that maybe you wanted to stay?” he had a hopeful look on his face. I glanced back and Gerard and then at Mikey.

“Just go!” Mikey spat at me, he didn’t even bother to look at me. I shut the car door with a pang of guilt. Mikey took off before I even had a chance to change my mind.

“Well miss Cheyenne, to the party!” Alex said and smirked at me. He reached down and laced his fingers with mine. I smiled and started walking with him, flashes of Gerard passed out in the back of the car was making it difficult for me to fully enjoy this moment.

“How ‘bout another drink?” Alex asked as soon as we entered the house again.

“Sure,” I smiled. He continued to hold my hand as he pulled me from the entrance to the kitchen. It seemed that a lot less people were in the house now. Some were even passed out on the kitchen floor.

“So what’ll be?” Alex asked and stood in front of the alcoholic beverages.

“Mm, surprise me,” I smiled. Alex smiled at me again, this time it was a genuine smile, not a smirk.

Instantly he began mixing the drink, he grabbed a few different coloured bottles and poured them into a red plastic cup. After he finished mixing the drink he passed it to me. The contents smelled fruity. He watched me as I took a drink.

“Whatcha think?” he said.

“Not bad,” I smiled. The music changed from a fast song with a lot of bass to a slower one. Again Alex smiled at me, he reached over and grabbed the drink from my hand and placed it on the counter. He grabbed my hand again, and butterflies shot around my stomach.

“Follow me,” he said. He led me from the kitchen and into the back yard. For an instance, the memory of what just happened with Gerard flashed past my eyes.

Instead of closing the sliding door, he left it ajar. We walked over to the pool, and then he stopped and turned to face me.

“What are we doing?” I smiled up at him.

“Care for a dance?” he smiled and bowed.

“Well of course,” I smiled.

Alex then placed his hands on my hips. Something about this touch was much different than the one before. He pulled me closer to his body as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“You know, I really like you Chey,” it looked as though he was blushing. Suddenly, it felt as if I was floating on a cloud again, but it wasn’t the same as if I had Crank flowing through my veins. There was something sincere in the way Alex had said this to me, and the way his body felt against mine.

“I like you too,” I said and looked directly into his eyes. I don’t know if was me moving forwards, or it was him leaning towards me, but more butterflies shot through my stomach as our faces moved closer to each other.

An inch apart, and I wanted nothing more than his lips on mine. A smile spread across my lips, as well as his.

“Cheyenne, is that you!” I pulled away instantly, a feeling of disappointment spreading though my body.

“Bob?” I asked, Alex stood awkwardly behind me. I could see that his face was burning red.

“Something happened to Riley! Frank was carrying her out of the bathroom, she was passed out,” Bob said frantically as he moved towards me. He reached out and grabbed my wrist and started pulling me towards the house.

“Bob let go!” I shouted and yanked my wrist free.

“We have to take Riley to the hospital!” Bob said in a rushed voice.

“We,” I pointed to myself and Alex. “Do not have to do anything.”

“Chey, don’t be like that. Something is seriously wrong. Frank found her passed out on the floor of the bathroom,” Bob looked hurt. I wasn’t going to break, I barely knew the girl. I didn’t need to rush to the hospital for her. “Fine, stay here,”

He turned around and hurried back into the house. Alex walked over to me and grabbed my hand again.

“Am I a bad person?” I whispered. I was hoping that Alex wouldn’t say anything, because inside, I felt horrible. I didn’t know the girl, but she did come and find me to help Gerard. Gerard, I wonder if he was awake yet, he probably passed out on the couch, once Mikey got him inside and down the stairs.

“No,” Alex said and pulled me close.

“I should go,” I said and pulled away from Alex.

“Chey, you don’t have to,” he said.

“I know, but I should,”

I ran back into the house, and pushed my way through the people that remained. I saw Ray’s massive head of hair heading out of the front door.

“Ray, wait!” I hollered.

He whipped around, surprised to hear his name being called out.

“I’m coming with you,” I said and grabbed my jacket from the hook near the door. Ray smiled and we rushed outside. We ran to Frank’s car and got in. Bob was already in the back seat, Riley’s head lying in his lap. I lifted her feet and slid in, Ray had already gotten in the passenger seat.

“Go!” I shouted as I shut the door. Frank hit the gas pedal and we lurched forward.
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Yay, another update!