A Softer World


All I could hear in the backround was people talking about things. Besides that, I could hear traffic in the distance, so i'm guessing we're in a car. But, i don't really know who "we" are. I groaned, making all the talking stop. I shifted my eyes, but my eyes weren't all the way there yet. I could see someone above me, but it was to blurry to make it out.

Then my eyes shot open, making my eyelids hurt. The first person i saw was Bob, looking down at me in suspision. "Are you up Riley?"

I groaned. "Where am i?"

"You're in my car." Frank said from the front. "We're taking you to the hospital."

"NO!" I yelled as loud as i could. I hated that word, hospital.

"Whats wrong?" Bob looked down at me again, shifting his head from Franks direction.

"Please don't!" I pleaded. "My parents will need to be notified, and they'll kill me."

"Whats the big deal?" Frank asked. "What even happend to you."

"I'd rather not share it with everyone else." I mummbled. "Just take me somewhere else besides here, or the hospital."

"Well, you're going to have to tell us sometime." Bob sighed.

I gulped. "I might in the future. But, just don't take me to the hospital, alright?"

"Fine." Frank said. "Where are we going to take you?"

"One of your houses i'm guessing." I replied.

"Well, i don't know." Bob said. "My mom and dad don't really like having girls sleep over at my house. If they did, i wouldn't mind, but they are way to protective. And it would probably make it worse if it was a girl they didn't know."

"Same." Ray said. "I don't think my parents would like me coming home with a girl they never met, at three thirty in the morning."

"She's not coming to my place, because i'm not going home." Cheyenne said. "And besides, i need you to bring me to Mikey and Gerards, Frank."

Frank sighed. "Well, i guess i'm going to have to drive you all home. And then bring Riley to my house for the night."

I groaned, and put my hand over my head. The after math of those pass outs usually are the worse. My stumach feels gross, and my head feels like someone is punching it rapidly. It felt like my cheeks were getting warmer by the second, and my body was feeling really weak. And then i began to think, how the hell did i get from the bathroom to here?

"How did i get from the bathroom into the car?" I asked.

"Frank." Bob looked down at me, with a smirk. "He recued you. But, hes sure no superman."

I couldn't help but to smile under my straight face. I looked up in the rear-view mirror to see Frank looking back at me. He wasn't smiling, but his face was sincere. The street lights would shine on his face. When he noticed me looking at him, a smile appeared on his face.

"Frank!" Cheyenne snapped at him. "Stop staring at Riley through to mirror, and turn here so you can take me to Gee and Mikeys house. Thank you very much."

Frank sighed, and lost his smile. "Whatever."

Frank turned the street, and drove. Bob and Ray stayed silent, when Cheyenne would sigh every second. Something was probably running through her head. Probably something to do with Gerard. And then it hit me. Why was she in the car if she left with Gerard and Mikey in the first place? Maybe they dropped her off or something. I'm not sure.

Frank turned into some driveway, which i'm guessing was the Ways residence. He stopped the car and Ray got out of the car to let Cheyenne out. She looked angry, or something. Probably something to do with me. I don't think she likes me much, even though i'm pretty much helping her and Gerard with their relationship. If thats what you'd like to call it.

"Do i get a thanks?" Frank yelled out the window.

"Thanks." Cheyenne groaned, knocking on the front door.

Then everything was silent. Frank backed out of the driveway and began to drive down the street. For some reason, i was still in the back. My legs were laying down, and my head was in Bobs lap. I looked up to see him looking out the window. He looked down and smiled at me. I smirked back and began to push myself up. I struggled though, since my body was really weak.

Bob mummbled a "Oops." And held my torso up, trying to get me to sit straight. When i did, i leaned back and set my head on the back of the seat. My head seemed to get worse and worse by the second. I rubbed my arm with my hand, and noticed that it was feeling cold. For some reason some body parts were warm and others were cold.

"I'm really curious." Ray said. "I want to know what happend to you, because it doesn't make sense."

"Well," I sighed. "You'll just have to wait until i want to tell you. Its something personal."

"Its ok, i understand." He sighed.

And then i closed my eyes. I pretty much forced myself to stay awake, because i didn't want Frank carrying me into his house. I found it pretty odd how he was letting me stay at his house. Also, its weird to think that i've only met these people today, and a bunch of things already happend. But, i guess i was meant to be the new addition to their group of friends.

I knew I said I was going to stay awake. But, I couldn't help myself. I yawned and drifted off into a sleep. I wasn't even tired. I think the pills did something to me though, making me feel dozzy and making me feel like their was a need for me to sleep.


"Riley!" I heard someone say harshly in the distance.

This felt like something i did not to long ago. I shifted my eyes open to see someone in the distance. I could see a blurry vision of a pale face and black hair, and then i knew it was Frank. I shifted my eyes open to see him looking down at me. And now it looked like i wasn't in his car anymore. I shifted my head around to see that was in a livingroom.

"Where am i now?" I asked.

"My livingroom silly." He smiled at me.

Ok, so now hes going to be nice. From the Frank that i knew, i don't think he would have said that. And now i think he's probably one of those guys that will act diffrent when we are alone. When he said those words like that, it made me feel good. Like, all the pain that was in my body right now, wasn't there anymore.

"Are you able to go in the shower?" He asked me softly.

"Are you asking me that because you want to undress me?" I laughed a little bit under my pain, and it hurt.

"No," He shook his head. "I was asking if you were able to, by that i mean do it on your own."

"Well, could you get me there?" I asked.

He nodded and helped me up off the couch. When i stood up, my leads began to wobble and shake. I really hated this feeling, but it wasn't forigen. Whenever this happend, i would have to pretend like nothing happend around my parents. My brother would usually help me out in situations like this. And tonight it feels like Frank is comforting me, and helping me like my brother.

He walked me across the livingroom, and to the staircase. I put my hand on the banaster, and he had his hand around my waist. I took it by step by step, doing it as best as i could. When we entered the hallway, he turned me right and began to walk towards where the washroom is i'm guessing.

"Are your parents here?" I asked quietly, so they wouldn't wake up if they were.

"Nope." He said. "They are gone till next week. They took a vacation in Mexico. And even if they were, they wouldn't care that you were here."

I nodded and kept on walking with him. He stood infront of a white door and opend it up for me. Infront of me was a white washroom with blue accents. There was a sink, closet, toliet, and a shower like most normal bathrooms. He looked at me and helped me into the washroom. Right before he was about to walk out he looked back at me and said, "Please don't let me find you on the ground here like i did at Alexs."

"You won't." I whisperd. "Don't worry."

"I know what you did." He sadly. "And why you were laying on that floor."

He turned around and shut the door behind him. And because of what he said, made me worried. It made me think that he knew. He actually knows about what I did. And this was making me think that he wasn't going to like me as a person anymore. Usually when my friends find out, they don't like me anymore for that. They think something in the future will be to much to handle.

I began to undress. I took off my sweater first, with my cold weak arms. And then my black t-shirt that was under it. When i was done with my upper-body, i began to take off my pants and underwear. Last was my bra and socks. I sighed and reached over to turn on the shower. I put it on hot, because my body was cold.

I opend the shower curton and hopped into it, trying not to tip over. I didn't stand up, afriad of falling over. I sat down on the floor of the bathtub and let the water fall over my head. I pulled my knees into my chest and bent down my head. It didn't feel like i was crying, because of the water, but i broke down. I began to quiver and shake under the hot water.

I looked up and noticed the water falling down the wall. I dipped my head under the water, and made it wetter then it was. I reached up and grabbed the strawberry shampoo i noticed. I took it and began to rubb it in my hair. I let it sit there for a moment and let it washout.

I sat there for a bit longer, before taking the soap and rubbing it all over myself. I sighed and got up from where i was sitting. I looked down and turned off the shower. I stood there, and thought, then opend the curton. The mirror was steamy now. My clothes were all on the ground, and there i saw towels on a shelf.

I stepped out of the shower and walked on the rug to where the towels were. I grabbed a yellow fluffy towel and wrapped it around my body. I shook my dark raven hair, making it feel stringy. I whipped off the mirror and then grabbed my clothes that were on the ground. I walked out of the washroom. "Frank!" I called.

"Last room on the left." He called back to me.

I nodded to myself and began to walk towards his room. It was a white door like the rest but it said "Keep Out!" on the door. I smirked, knowing that, that was something he would do. I opend the door and peaked in my head. I was a little nervous, since Frank was going to be seeing me in a towel. But, its pretty much exactly like a dress.

I walked into the room to his mouth dropped. He closed his mouth and then gulped. He took a deep breathe and then said. "U-u-mh. I'll get you some pajammas."

I nodded and he walked to where his laundry basket was sitting. He grabbed out a t-shirt and some boxers. He handed me the clothes, and turned out of the room. I walked down the hallway and back into the washroom. I shut the door and began to dress. When i put the t-shirt on, i could smell his clone on it for some reason. Probably just because of his room.

I took a big wiff of his shirt, and then put on the boxers. I opened the door again and walked back to Franks room. The door was opend a little bit, but i couldn't hear anything coming from his room. I opend the door to see him sitting in the same place he was before.

He sighed and looked over at me. "I need to talk to you about something."

I knew it was about what happend. I don't know how he could have figured it out though. I took a deep breathe, and he got up from his bed. He walked closer and closer to me with something clentched in his hand. I couldn't really make out what it was though. I bit my lip and began to get curious on what he was about to say.

"Is there something wrong with you?" He asked quietly.

"I don't think so." I tried to make this not into something big.

"Then what are these?" He asked, opening his hands.

There inside of Franks hands was my bottle that usually held my pills. My eyes began to puff, but i held back the tears that usually would be pouring out. My hands were getting sweaty, and i could feel my face getting hot. But, Franks face looked worried. He would look down at the bottle and then back up at me. He was waiting for me to say something.

"I have a depression." I whisperd. My tears began to fall one by one.

"Well," He replied. "Its pretty obvious, it says anti-depressants on the bottle."

"Well, why did you ask?"

"Why exactly did you take them, and practically over-dose tonight?" He asked, with a worried tone in his voice.

I shrugged. "I don't think i want to tell you."

"You're going to have to." He said. "Because, i won't let you not tell me."

"Pretty much my whole life." I sighed. "I'm just not normal. I worry to much, and i'm a cry baby. No one likes me, and i'm weird. I have a depression, and i take to much of my pills so i can become normal."

"You're normal to me." He whispered, with a sincere tone.

I choked on my breathe. "I'm not normal to myself."

"I have a feeling tonight was for a diffrent reason." He said.

"It could have been." I replied.

He looked at me and began to walk closer. He took hold of my hands, which caught me off gaurd. "I want you to tell me Riley, because i want to make this better."

"It was because of you." I mummbled, trying to make it so he wouldn't hear it. "I feel like you have something against me. And you made me feel like i wasn't important. When you said i was hooking up with everyone, it made me feel like a slut. Because, i'm not. I wouldn't date any of them. Out of anyone i've met today, the only person i would have dated, would have been you."

He sighed, putting one of his hands on his forehead. "Riley! You could have had an overdose because of me."

"Don't you wish i would have?" I whisperd. "Because I wouldn't have to be a person, taking up more space in the world."
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