A Softer World


Gerard had been acting weird the whole week. It was like he didn’t want to be around me anymore. He was always making up excuses to leave whenever I showed up at lunch or during class breaks. During classes he would barely talk to me, it was starting to feel as if he hated me.

Gerard couldn’t hate me could he? I remember when we were little; our parent’s would always arrange play dates for us, they were always saying we would end up together. I would always blush and end up running away from him. But I would end up missing him too much and I would run back to him within five minutes.

There was something weird about that Riley girl. But if all the guys liked her in the group, I guess I was going to have to put up with her. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t ignore the way her eyes would always flash between me and Gerard. There was also something going on between them, Gerard and her I mean, they were always walking together and talking, I can’t stand it.

It was finally Friday, tonight I would be going on my date with Alex. Butterflies erupted in my stomach every time I thought about him. Sometimes when Gerard would leave the group, I would wander off and try to find him. Usually he would be outside, or in the gym. He liked to run, just like me. With Alex things just came easy; we could talk about anything and just hang out, no pressure. I used to have that with Gerard, until this past weekend.

It was free period for me, and I wasn’t in the mood to run. In the end, I sank down into one of the overstuffed chairs that sat in the library. I pulled out my Ipod and put my headphones in, loud music drowned out peoples whispering. I curled up into a ball on the chair and rested my head on my arm. I closed my eyes and started to day dream about my night.

I was near the end of my dream when the bell rang for next period. I groaned and got up from the chair, pocketing my Ipod. I left the library and casually walked to my locker, I was in no rush to make it to my calculus class. I was passing the junior’s hall when I heard someone shouting. I glanced down the hallway and noticed Riley storming away from Frank. She was heading to the exit. I was surprised that she didn’t notice me.

“What’s up?” I asked Frank as I approached him.

“Chey, leave me alone,” he grunted and continued to shuffle through his locker.

“I know something’s bothering you,” I said. This was pretty unusual for Frank, he told me everything.

“Just fucking leave me alone!” he half shouted and glared at me.

“Fuck you,” I started to walk away, but turned around. “You know, ever since that Riley girl came around, you all fucking praise the ground she walks on! I was your friend way before she ever showed up.”

I turned around again and headed for the exit that Riley had just walked out of. There was no way I was going to spend the next hour in the calculus room. I walked out of the school and shielded my eyes from the bright sun. I looked around the parking lot to see if Gerard’s vehicle was still in there. His usual parking spot was unoccupied and I couldn’t spot his silver car anywhere. I spotted Krista Sanders heading to her car. Krista was also my friend; we were close for a long time, until high school rolled around. She started hanging around different people and eventually we just stopped talking all together. I think it was time to rekindle our friendship.

“Hey Krista!” I called out. She looked around confused, until her eyes fell upon me.

“Cheyenne?” she questioned.

“The one and only,” I smiled.

“What are you doing?” she leaned against her car. I couldn’t believe how much she’s changed. Her skin was tanned, and she had perfect wavy brown hair with blonde highlights. Her body was definitely more mature than any 17 year old girl I’ve seen. I felt pale and sickly standing next to her.

“Oh, you know, just walking around,” I rocked back and forth on my heels. “Hey, I was wondering, did you want to…I don’t know maybe go for coffee? You know, catch up on the good times?”

“Um, sure,” she smiled. “Hop in.”

A wave of relief spread over my whole body. I walked around the vehicle and pulled open the passenger door.

“So where to?” she asked.

“Just drive, I’ll randomly shout out directions.”

“You know, you’re still as weird as I remember you,” she laughed and put the car in reverse.


“Turn right,” I said. “It’s just up this street.”

“So, are you and Gerard dating yet?”” she laughed, and glanced at me.

“Why does everyone think we’re going to end up together?” I groaned.

“So…I guess that’s a no,” she laughed.

“You guessed right,” I smiled. “Actually, I have a date tonight.”

“With who?” she squealed excitedly.

“Park here,” I said. I got out of the vehicle and started towards the door to the coffee house.

“Chey, don’t ignore my question,” she poked my ribs, and I squealed.

“Apparently you remember that I’m extremely ticklish,” I laughed as I rubbed my ribs where she poked. “And I’m going on a date with Alex Webber.”

“Alex Webber, really?” she said as she pulled open the door. “Isn’t he really into parties?”

I laughed and shook my head. “We’ve been apart for far too long.”

“The rumours are true then?” she looked at me wide eyed.

“The partying is true, but I am in fact still a virgin. If that’s what you’re wondering,” I laughed at her shocked expression.

We both stood in line, deciding in the vehicle that we would go to the park or something. I glanced around the coffee house, glad that we weren’t staying, the place was packed. I continued to look around, until my eyes fell on Gerard, he was sitting at the back with some girl. I couldn’t tell who it was.

“Uh, Krista?” I tapped her on the shoulder, not taking my eyes off of Gerard and the girl. “Could we leave, please?”

“But I thought you wanted coffee?” she questioned. I then pointed to Gerard and the girl. “Oh, I see. Let’s go.”

We made it out of the coffee house without Gerard seeing us. I looked through the window one more time, when I noticed the girl he was sitting with was none other than Riley. Anger filled my body as I watched both of them laugh about something.

“Could you take me back to the school?” I asked Krista, once I got back into her car.

She nodded and pulled out onto the street.


Something I couldn’t stand was when time seemed to stand still, especially if you were waiting for something. I had been sitting in my living room, dressed and ready for my date. I was wearing a black dress and silver flats. My hair was left down and was curled softly.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the door bell rang. I jumped up from the couch and ran to the front door, before either of my parents could move. I pulled open the door and there stood Alex. He was wearing black skinny’s, a white v-neck with a grey vest over top. He stood awkwardly at the door.

“Hey,” I smiled.

“Hey,” he smiled too, I watched as his eyes passed over my body. “You look great.”

“Thanks,” any other time this would have bothered me, but I was flying too high to care.

“You must be Alex,” my dad said.

“Yes sir,” Alex said and reached forward to shake my dad’s hand.

“Why don’t you come in and sit down?” my dad offered, pulling Alex inside.

“Dad, we’re going to be late,” I said.

“Alright,” he laughed. “Remember Alex, I want her home by midnight.”

“Bye dad,” I said and grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled him out of the house. “Sorry about that,” I said as soon as the coast was clear.

“It’s alright,” he laughed.

Alex led me to the passenger door and pulled it open. I got in the car and he shut the door. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I watched him walk around the car and get into the driver’s seat.

“Well let’s get going, the show starts soon,” Alex smiled as he pulled out on the street.
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