Sabotage at Its Finest

Chapter 47

-Jon's POV-


I held the phone away from my ear the ecstatic screaming flooded my room. By Mr. Moore, of course.


"SONNY! Shut UP!"

"But Jonny-boy! She woke up!"

"Really, when?"

"I dunno, Zacky just called me a few minutes ago and told me to tell people cause Sarah's calling some people, too an-"

"I get it..."


The boy's a firecracker. He's pretty, loud and fun to be around, but he can be a screamer and a rambler at times.

"Oooooers, hey Jonny, my mom's calling me to go eat-"


"I'll talk to you later, kay?"

"Okay, Sonny."

I heard the click on his end and flipped my phone shut.

"What was he so excited about?" May said from the other side of my bedroom. Yes, she was over here today. She had been looking through a pile of Blender magazines that I keep in my closet when Sonny called.

"Sarah woke up."

"Really! That's great...I'd hate to see Zacky without her, ya know? He really loves her."

She was smiling to herself as she said it, not in a mocking way, but in that way where you want to "aw" for a couple.

"Besides, now her and Sheri can have that double wedding."

"That'll be something..."

"Is something bothering you?" She asked, letting one of the magazines fall back into the pile as she dropped it and adjusted herself on the floor.

".. No, I'm fine..." I said.

"You don't seem like it."

"Thank you, Miss. Obvious." I stated, a sour tune gracing my voice.

"You're welcome, Sir Sarcasm..."

An awkward silence fell. I felt bad for her, because I knew she hated being yelled at or when someone was angry with her. Her mom yelled at her enough for little things, and I had always tried to be there for her and give her a break. She's so nice, she doesn't deserve to be yelled at like she is.

Finally she gave a frustrated sigh. "Who is it!"

"Who's who?"

"Who do you like!"

"No one!"

"You do too, it's so obvious." She smirked and stood up. "Who. Do. You. Like?"

"May... it's just... not right now... it's too embarrassing." I looked at the floor as she stood in front of me, as if our shoes would have a solution to this.

"What's embarrassing? Who you like or me knowing?"


"Then don't tell me. Show me." She said, I looked up at her, she was smiling and her hair fell on her cheek somewhat."


"I dunno... bring their name up on your cell phone or call them or something."

I bit my lip and thought. I guess it was better to do this say 'May, I really, really like you.'

I took my phone out of my pocket, where it had been resting since Sonny left to go eat. I hit the down button until her name popped up, when it did, I felt my face go red and my vision blur. I felt my thumb tremble as I moved it to press the 'send' button.

It started ringing...

Her face became painted with confusion before she realized what was going on.

"Oh, Jon..."