Aiden and Aveline


Sometimes, you have to know when to let go.

I never figured that out–at least not until it was too late.

And by the time I learned that, I was already being dragged down, deep into the unknown.

I was drowning, and I didn’t–couldn’t–really do anything about it.

Don’t get me wrong–I loved the boy, and would do anything for him.

I just didn’t realize what ‘anything’ entailed.

But, the pity is that I don’t regret it.

Not one bit.

And if anyone were to ever ask me, ‘if you had the ability to do it all over again, with the knowledge you now have, would you do it?’

I know my answer, just like I know that my blood is red:

Yes, I would do it.

Of course, there might be a few things I would change, but if you view the story as a means to the end, then I wouldn’t change it one bit.

Not at all.