Aiden and Aveline


The first thing you need to know, I suppose, is that I was just a normal kid.

I lived in a small Georgia town with my family and pets.

I had slightly odd beliefs–I still believed in fairies and unicorns and the like, but I didn’t go spouting out my fantasies to everyone else. I knew enough to know not to do that.

So, as you can probably tell, I was a pretty naive child, but that never stopped me from whatever it was that I intended to do.

I was a pretty child, too–a natural beauty that needed little enhancement, that looked best during summertime when my skin was bronzed and my hair shimmered like spun gold. My innocence did little to hinder its effect–in fact, it probably added to my appeal.

Enter Aiden. Aiden was the complete opposite of me–raised on the streets, out on his own, older and very street smart. He believed in very little; I don’t even believe that he believed in God, for he always scoffed at me when I prayed for him.

For us, in fact–I rarely prayed until we were wrapped up in some situation, and when I was positive that only one or, even, neither of us would survive. I would ask God to forgive him, to forgive me, to save us both.

And He must’ve answered, for every time we seemed to escape relatively unscathed.

Still, Aiden just laughed when I tried to tell him about what God had done for us, saying, “That wasn’t your god, honey, that was all me.”

I soon learned that it was useless to attribute anything to a higher power to him, because he always had a supposedly rational explanation.

Now that I think about it, he did believe in one thing: karma. He wholeheartedly felt that everything he did was going to come back to him someday.

“That’s why I take such good care of you, doll baby, I know karma’ll bite me in the ass if I don’t,” he said to me so often.

And, when you think about all the dangerous situations he got us into, he did actually take relatively good care of me, and usually put my safety above his own.

You’re probably wondering why I stayed with him, through all the perilous things that happened.

I stayed with Aiden because he was exciting–he was different, he was my opposite, and he took care of me when it mattered.

And I was, in all honesty, a very lonely girl.