Aiden and Aveline


I used to love the song My Girl, by the Temptations.

I thought it was an alright song–I loved it cause Aiden would sing me to sleep with it.
And, of course, you’re probably wondering why he would have to sing me to sleep.

Maybe you’re not, but I’m explaining anyways.

Oftentimes, when Aiden would get us into whatever trouble he would get us into, it would be a multi-day thing. Usually about three or four days, meaning that I would spend about three or four days away from my house with Aiden, more likely than not outdoors or in an abandoned building.

How I hated those places! And he knew how much I detested sleeping in foreign, grotty places, and did it anyways.

“It’s for the best, babe, you’re gonna be safest here,” he always said, before rolling over and laying on his back, wide awake.

“Aiden?” I asked one night that I remember vividly to this day. We were in a steep ditch that had narrow, flat bottom, and I was practically lying underneath him.

“Yeah babe?” he answered quietly. He was, as I said, practically on top of me, and therefore I couldn’t see his expression. I could tell from his voice, though, that he was tired but alert, a strange combination that he often seemed to be.

“Do you ever sleep on nights like this?”

“What do you mean?” He asked, shifting so he was face to face with me.

“I mean, on these nights where we’re hiding someplace for the night and it’s just me and you.”


“Why not?”

“Because,” he said, pausing to gently push some of my hair off my face, “You’re more important than sleep, doll baby. Do you know how important it is to me that you’re safe?”

I chuckled softly, and playfully kissed his nose. “I’m only important to you cause you think karma’ll come back and bite you on the ass if you don’t take care of me.”

His eyes widened in the darkness. “How can you say that? You mean so much to me, Aveline,” he purred softly. He kissed my forehead tenderly. “Quit worrying about me, doll baby, and go to sleep. You’ll need it for tomorrow. I’m getting us out of this, I promise,” he said with a gentle smile before wiping more of my hair off my forehead and turning back around.

I rolled over onto my side, and he was able to lay down flat on his back. He slipped his arm beneath my head, giving me a pillow of sorts, and placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently. I closed my eyes, sufficiently nestled into Aiden’s side, and felt his lips on my hair.

“Goodnight, doll baby,” he murmured softly, and began to sing softly in a low, soothing tone.

Those were the things that he did for me that made me love him like I did. That’s not, of course, to say that he was always so kind to me, but when he was good…Lord have mercy, he was spectacular.