Aiden and Aveline


I shivered, dirty and cold and wet.

Aiden pulled me closer to him, holding onto me tightly. He was just as cold and wet, though, so it really only served as a comfort.

“I’m so sorry, doll baby,” he breathed into my ear, clutching me against him as if I were the only thing between him and death.

“Why’re you sorry,” I whispered, nestling my hands in my lap.

“Because if it wasn’t for me you would be safe in your bed in your house. I always knew I wasn’t any good for you but I took you anyways. I’m so sorry baby, I’d do anything for you to forgive me,” he murmured.

“I forgive you Aiden, but you didn’t do anything wrong. I chose to come, you didn’t force me to do anything.”

I turned and curled up, my forehead on his chest.

“I’m sorry Aiden,” I apologized, then started to cry. “I’m just so sorry.”

“Shh, shh, hush now baby doll, it’ll be alright,” he soothed, “I promise, it’ll be alright, you’ll make it out of here alive and okay.”

“But what about you Aiden? I don’t want to make it out alive and okay if you don’t make it out too,” I said lachrymosely as I looked up at him.

“Don’t say that baby, don’t ever say you don’t want to make it out alive. You gotta do it for me, honey, because you don’t know how hard it is for me to see you this way, I would never be able to rest peacefully if you didn’t make it because of me.”

“But Aiden I don’t know what I would ever do without you,” I said, still looking up at him for the answer, waiting for the answer that he had every other time that I would ever want or need it.

But this time he didn’t seem to have it.

A heaviness descended onto my chest, suffocating me with its sorrow and the utter desolateness of the situation.

A sob managed to wrench its way from my chest. “Oh Aiden.”

He began rocking me gently back and forth. “Just try to remember, doll baby, remember the good times…”

My tears had been assuaged for a moment, but the moment he began singing My Girl my weeping began anew, with the hopeless tears of a person doomed.