Aiden and Aveline


While I had been crying, Aiden had somehow managed to get me to sleep.

My dreams were wild, vivid chases and grungy, torturous hells. Restless dreams, unhappy dreams, with a nightmarish gleam.

I awoke slowly, gradually becoming aware of where I was and who I was with, with what was happening to us.

“Shh Aveline,” he soothed when I stirred. “It’s okay doll baby, you’ll be alright.”

“But Aiden,” I moaned, “It’s not going to be alright.”

“You’ll be alright,” he promised.

“No I won’t,” I answered resolutely. “I won’t be okay without you.”

He looked at me sternly. “You will be. Promise me you’ll do whatever you can, Aveline, whether I’m with you or not. By God, Aveline, you had better promise me.”

I felt my lip start to tremble again. “I…I promise.”

His face crumpled a little. “I’m so sorry baby, I’m just so sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t get us out of this this time and I’m sorry that I ever even met you.”

I looked at him, wide-eyed and hurt. “Aiden…don’t ever say that. Please, if you love me in the least, you will never say that to me…”

“Say what? That I wish I never met you? I’m…you’re one of the best things that ever happened to me Aveline…of course I love you. I just want the best for you and I’ve never been the best thing for you, not once in the whole time I’ve known you.”

“Aiden…words cannot express how much you’ve done for me. You’ve shown me things that I would’ve never seen without your help. You opened my eyes to the world, taught me how to live in the real world,” I said softly, touching the collar of his shirt softly.

“Still…baby I’m so sorry for getting you caught up in this. I’m so sorry. I thought…I was sure that I would be able to get you out of this, no matter what happened. But…I couldn’t. I can’t get us both out, doll baby, and I’m saving you, no questions asked.”