Can't Have You

Aren't you going to congratulate me?

I had changed my number. Changed my e-mail and even deleted my Bebo so he wouldn't have any way of contacting me.

Oh yes, it killed me to no end but this is what I had to do. If I didn't do this then I knew I'd be the end of his career and who wanted that? Surely not me.

Once he figured I wasn't going to respond to him, he started on Miley. Then she started getting annoyed with me, especially since I wouldn't tell her anything. So now, we only talk if it's necessary, other than her shooting the evil's at me, then we really don't talk anymore.

I was even told he'd tried to catch a plane many times. He'd even came to Paris one day but we had already left so he was dragged back home and forced to realise that he couldn't just throw his career to come and find me.

It was like a hot sword thrusting deeper into my already burning heart.

"Zoe, come on love, we've arrived." Dad said, pulling me from my thoughts.

Three months. No contact with any of the Jonases at all.

I stared out the window at our new house in Beverley, a few streets away from Aunt Laura's. I was sixteen now. But I still felt like a little girl who had lost her whole world ever since she had dropped her lollipop.

I got out of Dad's new car, a shiny and red sports car which he had gotten before we left for Europe. I was as tired as hell. We'd arrived back from Sweden about two hours ago. My head was killing me and I was completely exhausted. The paparazzi at the gates were yelling and snapping pictures, asking me questions about the tour and everything but I ignored them, walking up to the front door and unlocking it, walking in.

"Zoe love! You're home!" Kat's mother, Renee, greeted me with a hug.

"Hey darling." Dad cooed from behind me as Renee unlatched herself, throwing herself onto my father instead.

I was sick to my stomach. Scowling, I walked up to my bedroom, shutting the door and then setting up my laptop.

Seven New Messages. It dinged.

I groaned, I bet anything, three of them would be from Kristen.

I checked them and no, actually, four of them were. The latest one dated from two days ago.

From: KrissyBabe (
Sent: Monday, 9 March 2009 7:14 a.m.
To: Zoe Cooper (

Subject: Bored.

Hey Zo.

Just e-mailing cause I'm bored and since I'm cool like that. =]
How are you? Haven't talked in a while eh? Can't believe it's already
four months without, it seems like forever since we last hung out.

Ben and I broke up =[. He just wasn't the one, you know.
Haha, do you remember those days when we'd always talked
about how when we would know when we had found 'the one'.

Guess we didn't really know how to tell eh. I still can't get over
the fact that it was your dad Kat's mum had gone out with.
How is everything with you two?

And Zo, please, could you at least send a message to Nick saying
something?? He won't stop messaging, seriously, the boys going out
of his mind. Just e-mail him, it won't kill you, seriously. I know you
don't want to hear it but still, how could you do that? I'm you're best
friend and I'm supposed to be on your side I know, but truly Zo, is this
what you want?? I know you're miserable without him and yeah, I've been
saying this over and over but seriously Zo, I know you, you're not coping
either. I've seen the photos of you in the tabloids and everything and
that girl I see isn't you.

I'm sorry to have continue repeating myself but honest Zo, that boy
is meant for you. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your birthday present.
Wow, the big 1-6 eh?? We're getting old! =]

I miss you heaps sissy. See you in a few weeks. Finally.

Love you,
Kris x o

The next four were of the same thing, mostly just she was bored and how hard year eleven at Marian was being. I missed her so much, did I forget to mention that she's coming over in a few weeks for the holidays? It's only two weeks but oh well, that's better than nothing really. Kristen's visit was the only bright spot on my future's horizon.

"Ah, the rock star returns." Drawled a voice from my door.

I stiffened before I turned around. "What?"

"Just wanted to say hello." Kat smiled from the door.

"Hello. Now go." I snapped, standing up. I had grown over the tour. Kat used to be about five or six centimetres taller than me but now I was an easy eight centimetres taller.

She stared up at me. "Aren't you congratulate me?"

"On what?" I snarled, my patience wearing.

"Nick asked me out."
♠ ♠ ♠
Part one up and done. Short, I know but
I'm just trying to get figure out some ideas
for the sequel. I have some but they need
refining. LOL.

Ooh, nasty shock there isn't it??



x o