Can't Have You


When I was little, my mother used to read me fairytales just like every other's kid's parent but mine were the most special because they were made just for me. My mother had written a whole book of them for me. I had no 'Cinderella' or 'Sleeping Beauty', I had 'The Little Farm Girl' and 'Girl With Blue Eyes'. My mother had written them especially for me.

My favourite was 'Girl With Blue Eyes'. It was about a girl who grew up away from everyone, away from towns and cities, living with her pet parrot. One day the girl with blue eyes met a boy who had big chocolate brown ones. They fell in love and then lived happily ever after.

I think my mother knew something back then that I didn't. I loved my mother to no end but I think that it was her doing that brought Nick and I back together. Like when I was little, she knows something I don't but that's okay, now I'm taking each day with one step at a time. I don't want to hurry forward, here is where I am and that's where I'm loving the most.

I laid back on my bed, staring up at the ceiling that I had newly decorated with glow in the dark stickers and, a photo of Nick and I. It was the first one I had ever taken on my phone and thankfully, I was able to recover it because even though I broke the phone, I still had the memory card. The photo was in Caleb's room, the day I left for Auckland. It was the one of us with cheesy grins. I don't think I'd ever forget that day.

"Morning Beautiful." Came a soft voice from my doorway. I grinned ecstatically as I sat up.

"Morning Handsome." I grinned as Nick walked over, leaning down and kissing me sweetly.

Nick pulled me up from my bed, wrapping his arms around my waist. I stared up at him; deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, placing a small kiss against my lips.

"Kat being in Military School." I giggled.

It was true, Kat's mother had found out the real reason why I had punched her daughter and immediately sent Kat off to a Military Refinement School yesterday morning.

"I bet she's wishing she kept her mouth shut now." Nick smiled and I nodded.

"So, big tour in one week eh?" I sighed, placing my hands on Nick's chest.

"Yeah.." He trailed off.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"It's just.. With us just getting back together we're being pulled apart again just as everything is becoming perfect again." He sighed.

I laughed at him. "Perfect? Baby, we're the farthest thing from perfect. Our music may be but not us. But we're just gonna have to get through this. Come on, we'll be okay, believe me."

"I don't know." He mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

"Loser." I grinned before kissing him again, "Come on, let's go have some breakfast."

Nick and I walked hand in hand down the stairs and into the kitchen where Caleb and Tyler where trying to cook (more like burn) chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hey Tyler." Caleb said.

"Wh- HEY!" Tyler yelled as Caleb blew flour into Tyler's face. Nick and I laughed and Tyler glared at us.

"No- TYLER!" I screamed when he picked up a handful of flour and threw it over Nick and I.

I opened my eye's and looked down at myself. I had just had a shower and now I was covered in white, powdery flour.

I looked at Nick and his shocked face, my anger flowing away and being replaced with amusement as I burst out laughing. Nick looked at me, a strange look in his eyes, Caleb and Tyler on the floor laughing. I knew that look, it was the same one he gave me that time in our water fight.

He slowly walked over to the sink, filling a cup with water.

"No- Don't you- AHH!" I screamed as Nick came after me with the cup of water. I ran up the stairs and then into the bathroom, bolting the door shut.

"Aww, come on baby, I just wanted to know if you wanted a drink!" Nick whined, banging against the door.

"Yes Nick and that's why you chased me up the stairs!" I yelled back, panting slightly.

"I lovee youu!!" He said, stretching out his words.

"Nope!" I said firmly.

"Please- Oh, hi Theo!" Nick said brightly. I unlocked the door and threw it open, "Th- NICK!"

I screamed loudly as water was thrown in my face, turning the dry powder into disgusting goop.

"YOU ARE SO DEAD NICHOLAS!" I yelled, tearing off after my laughing boyfriend as he ran down the stairs and out the back door.

"NI-" I yelled out in warning but it was too late, Nick had gone head first into the pool. He came up spluttering and utterly horrified a few seconds later. I couldn't help it, I fell to the ground in a fit of laughter.

"Oh, you think that's funny do you?" Nick asked, as he hoisted himself out of the pool.

"No, please, NICK NOO!" I yelled as Nick ran over, hugging me.

"Ahem." Came Theo's voice.

Nick and I spun around and I felt my cheeks heat up, "Oh h-hi!"

"Zoe, love, for the sake of your career go get changed so we can get going." Theo rolled his eyes, a small smirk on his lips.

"Y-Yeah.." I said, my voice trailing off as Nick and I rushed past Theo, running up the stairs, giggling like school kids.

"Oh man, I've got nothing to change into." Nick whined as I began pulling out clothes from my drawer.

"Um, I've got a couple of Caleb's old clothes in that drawer if you want to borrow them." I said, pointing to my clothes drawers in the corner.

"Cool, thanks." He said as I left him and had a shower, changing out of my grosse clothes and into a pair of clean underwear, bra, Pink Soffe shorts, yellow tank top and yellow low cut converse before leaving the bathroom, my hair up in a ponytail.

Nick was also showered and dressed by the time I was done. He laced his fingers through mine as we went downstairs and outside, getting into the back of Theo's car.

"So, what are we up to this morning?" I asked Theo.

"Well, Ryan Seacrest is actually about to call you in- Oh, that must be him now. Here, answer it." Theo said, handing his phone over.


"Zoe! Hi, Ryan here!"

"Hey Ryan! How are you?"

"Ah, I'm good, how are you?"

"Great, actually, hey, say hello to Nick!"

"What? Is Nick Jonas there with you as well?"

"Yeah, say hi Nick!"

"Hey Ryan!" Nick laughed.

"So, is it true then? Are you two back together?"

"Geez Ryan, are we not allowed to travel together as friends now without the world assuming we're dating?" I scoffed, giggling as Nick pecked my cheek.

"Well come on you two? By the sound of you're giggling Zoe, it seems like you're a lot more than 'just friends'."

"Aww Ryan, are you jealous of Nick and I? You know I love you!" I laughed as did Nick.

"Aw, I love you too Zoe! Anyway, what are you two doing now anyway?" Ryan asked.

"Well, Nick and I were just going to my photo shoot and then our sound check for tonight's performance at Hollywood Bowl! Can you believe it? I'm so excited!" I squealed, grinning like mad.

"So, is this your first concert there then?" Ryan asked, laughing slightly.

"Who? Nick or Me?" I asked.

"You, Zoe. Duh." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up." I poked my tongue out, Ryan laughing over the phone.

"Hello?" Ryan asked.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I mean Europe was huge and all but seriously, it's the Hollywood Bowl! I'm going over the top here with my excitement!" I said breathlessly.

"Wow, sounds fun then. So, what's the photo shoot for?"

"Haha, it's for my new album."

"Have you decided on a name?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna call it 'Always and Forever', after one of the songs on the album."

"Will you be singing that tonight?"

"Naw, but I am going to be debuting my new song 'You'll Always Find You're Way Back Home'."

"Oh that's good. And what about you Nick? How's the plans going for the tour?"

"They're great. We've got seven days and I'm super stoked."

"I heard that Selena Gomez and Zoe, are coming on tour, is that true?"

"What?!" I screeched, looking at Nick in surprise.

"Wait- Didn't you know?" Ryan laughed.

"Oh my gosh? Are you for real? Am I actually coming?" I squealed.

"Nice going Ryan, it was supposed to be a secret!" Nick scolded a laughing Ryan Seacrest.

"Sorry! I thought she knew!"

"Am I actually coming on tour with you guys?" I asked, my eyes wide.

"Yeah.." Nick smiled sheepishly.

"WOOO!" I screamed.

"Well guys, I'd best leave you two to it? Have a great concert tonight!"

"Thanks Ryan!" I laughed, Nick saying good bye as well as I hung up.

"Hey!" I said to Nick who looked at me before I leaned over and covered his lips with my own.

"Did I tell you I love you?" I grinned.

"Maybe once or twice." He grinned back before kissing me again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww yay haha!

She's going on tour with them!
I figured I couldn't keep them apart
especially since they've just gotten back


x o