Can't Have You

Let's Pick A Photo.

"Why can't I wake her?"

"I'll wake her!"

"Out Joe!"

"I'm her boyfriend so I should get to wake her!"

"You get to wake her anytime, I'm the best friend so I rank higher than y-"

My eyes popped open and I shot up at the words.

"KRISTEN!" I shrieked.

"DUCK AND COVER!" Joe yelled from the other side of the door. I threw my covers off and leaped from the bed onto my best friend.

I screamed happily as I hugged Kristen, tears of joy rolling down my cheeks as I laughed.

"I'm glad to see you've missed me!" Kristen laughed, a few tears of her own falling as well.


"HEY!" Nick, Kevin and Joe (still on the other side of the door) shouted indignantly but I waved them off.

"Well I'm glad to know being famous hasn't made you lose sight of who I am." She giggled as we stood up, me still attached to her.

"How could I forget the girl who helped me when I we- Never mind." I quickly finished my sentence, turning red.

"Haha, ah, I remember that. Year.. Five if I remember correctly?" She smirked as I finally let go.

"Shut up." I muttered, Nick and Kevin looking confused.

"What?" Kevin asked but Kris and I rolled our eyes before pushing past the two boys and leaving my room.

"So, is Joe getting kicked out of your room kinda like a ritual or something?" Kris asked as we descended the stairs.

"Pretty much." I laughed, walking into the kitchen with her.

"So when did you get here?" I asked as we sat down at the table, Nick on the other side of me as Joe and Kevin helped themselves to food.

"Last night! You were supposed to be awake but oh no, you'd gone and fallen asleep." She rolled her eyes, her pink lips stretched into a smile.

Realisation dawned on me, "Wait- You were my surprise?!"

She nodded and I groaned. "Aw, they could've told me to stay awake!"

"So, how has Hollywood life been treating you?" She asked as I began to make us some breakfast.

"Good, I suppose. Bit hard at times but nah, I've been fine." I said, Nick looking down at one point.

"I can't believe you've already done a tour with Miley Cyrus, as much as I don't like her, that's pretty awesome. You know, you're all Marian College can talk about. It's all 'Zoe This' and 'Zoe That' and 'Zoe Cooper has once again..', honestly, it's so annoying. I'm like, 'yeah, already know that idiots.'" She laughed, thanking me as I sat back down with our toast and juice.

Nick grabbed my hand under the table and ran his thumb over it as I grinned.

"So, Nicholas, Joseph, Paul, how's the plans for the tour coming along?" Kristen asked. I didn't know why she used their full names and they didn't either by the look of confusion on their faces.

"Fine. I get my own bunk." Joe grinned.

"Nah, really? Who would've guessed?" I feigned shock and the others laughed as Joe threw a bit of toast at me, hitting my on my shoulder.

"You have crap aim." Kris laughed.

"You suck." Joe poked his tongue out at her.

"So, what's on the schedule for today?" Kevin asked, trying to stop Joe and Kris throwing toast at each other.

"Well," Nick began, "For us, we have a media conference this morning in an hour then we have to go to the studio to do a bit more of the series and then we have a taping of Late Night With Conan O'Brien."

"Wow." Kristen breathed.

"So what's on you girls agenda today?" Joe asked us.

I looked at Kris, grinning. "In the studio this morning to record a few songs.. Um, then I have to go over album covers with Kelsey, I have an interview with E! and then I have a photo shoot with Seventeen because..! I'm their cover girl!" I squealed happily.

"Seventeen?! Oh my dear lord!" Kris exclaimed, her eyes wide.

"Ooh, and then we're at rehearsals tonight with the dancers. You'll get to meet Ollie." I told Kris and she nodded.

"Isn't that the one who-"

"It was her brother actually. You must remind me to give him a hug." I said, winking at Nick.

"Well, nice seeing you again Kris but we need to get going, sorry." Kevin said, standing up and clearing the dishes away.

"Yeah, we'd best get ready as well. Theo will be here in an hour." I told her as the boys gave us both hugs (Nick a kiss on my cheek) before leaving us.

Kristen was staying in the guest room across from me so we both had showers in our own bathrooms. I changed into a pair of grey skinny jeans, a yellow v-neck sweater and a pair of flat ankle boots.

"Gosh and here I was thinking I'd have to help you with you're outfits. Girl, when did you learn how to dress?" Kris exclaimed, her hands on her hips.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh you know, had this mate back in New Zealand who kept bugging me to dress my style up a bit, you know."

Kris laughed just as we heard the doorbell ringing. "Oh, that'd be Theo, c'mon, we'd best hurry up."

I answered the door while Kris chucked our stuff into her bag. Everyone was either out or in bed so we left the house, jumping into the back of Theo's car.

"Oh my god! Did I tell you? I'm taking my driver's test this weekend." I grinned excitedly, jumping in my seat as I belted myself in.

"You mean, you haven't done it yet and you've been sixteen for how long?!" Kris asked, shocked.

I blushed. "Yeah, well.. I kinda failed the first time."

"It's true!" Theo piped in and I shot a glare at him while Kris almost wet herself laughing.

"Well, did I mention that when I get back I'll be sitting my Restricted?" Kris smirked at me.

I groaned and pouted. "This is soo unfair."

"Let's go ladies, we gotta an album to make." Theo said, parking the car.

Kris and I jumped out, following him into the Hollywood Records building and upstairs to the control room. I introduced Kris to John just as Kelsey walked in, a few folders under her arm.

"These," She said, dropping them onto the couch, "are you're album photo's, pick one."

I stared at Kris for a moment before we grabbed the folders, opening them and searching through the photo's.

"Aw, you look so good in this one- Look!" She said, showing me a picture. Twenty minutes later and we had narrowed it down to three photo's.

"Hmm, I don't know. Which one do you think?" I asked Kelsey, showing her the pictures.

"They're all equally good, how about we take a vote?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I'm gonna let
you readers decide which pic
you'd like because I can't decide haha.

(And yes, I do realise the 'Forever and Always' part is around the wrong way)



So message me with your pick
and then the winner shall be deemed
the second album.. =]

Much Love!


x o