Can't Have You


And the winner is...



(Thanks for voting everyone, much appreciated! =] Back to the story now..)

"Okay, so picture number three? Is that the final decision?" Kelsey asked as she began gathering the photos. I nodded and she smiled, "Good, I'll get these to the print shop and leave to your singing, alright? Okay then, ciao ladies.. And men."

We all said goodbye to Kelsey as she left the room, the folders of photos in her hand and her phone almost permanently attached to her ear.

"Right then, what's first?" I asked, turning back to John and Theo as Kris leaned back into the couch.

"Well, actually, we've actually brought the rights for you to sing Martina McBride's 'This One's For the Girls' song, is that alright?" Theo asked.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed as Kris and I looked at each other in excitement, "Yes!"

"That's good. Go on then, get in there so we can have a play around with the chords." John laughed, pointing to the recording booth.

I jumped up and almost sprinted into the booth, accidentally knocking over the music stand as I did. I blushed and apologised as I picked it back up, adjusting the lyrics.

"Okay, so the beat we've done a little demo to is a bit more pop, so just sing it and then we'll make the adjustments we need to, okay?" John said over the speakers. I nodded, smiling as the music began.

I swayed in time to the music before beginning to sing.

"This one's for all you girls about thirteen
High school can be so rough, can be so mean
Hold onto, on to your innocence
Stand your ground when everyone's giving in.

This one's for the girls!

This is for all you girls about twenty-five
In a little apartment, just trying to get by
Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o's
Wondering where you life is gonna go

This one's for the girls,
Who've ever had a broken heart,
Who've wished upon a shooting star,
You're beautiful the way you are!
This one's for the girls,
Who love without holding back,
Who dream with everything they have,
All around the world,
This one's for the girls!"

It took another two hours to actually get the song right and sounding how we wanted but when we were done I felt elated. As a little girl, my mother used to sing the song to me all the time. It used to be the only thing that would make me go to sleep.

"Zo? C'mon love, we need to get a couple more songs before you're interview, alright?" Theo said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and then smiled at him, nodding.

We went through a few more of my songs which took up another two and a half hours. It was about midday by the time we had finished and time for my interview.

. . .
"Okay, so you're being interviewed by Mary Hart alright? So, remember try not to let on that you and Nick are dating okay, you two are close but that's it." Theo briefed me as we walked on the E! set.

"Alright, anything else?" I asked as I sat down in one of the two chairs.

"Nope, you should be fine." Theo said, looking at his planner as Kris stood talking to a cute assistant while I had make-up applied to my face and a mic applied to my sweater.

"Hi Zoe, Mary Hart. How are you?" A pretty blonde woman smiled, shaking my hand as she sat opposite me, a bunch of papers in her hands.

"Good thanks. You?" I replied politely, smiling.

"Oh great, you know we've actually got Jessica Simpson in later." She laughed as a make-up assistant applied make-up to her face as well.

"That's so cool!" I gasped as the camera crew brought their camera's closer and people hurried around trying to get everything set up.

"Alright and we are recording in five.. four.. three.. two.." The director mouthed the 'one' as the red light switched on, on each camera.

"Hi, I'm Mary Hart and today I'm interviewing the latest Hollywood Songbird, Zoe Cooper. So, how's it going Zoe?" Mary said before turning to me, a smile on her face.

"Great actually, everything's been pretty good lately." I smiled.

"That's good. So, about this tour with you, Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas, are you at all worried about the fact that Selena is Nick's ex-girlfriend and you being his girlfriend, that there could be a bit of jealousy?"

"Haha, where did you hear that? Yeah Sel's coming on tour but we're all the best of friends, Nick and I are close but of course Sel is a best mate of mine so there's like no jealousy or whatever, her and Nick though were a really cute couple." I laughed, shaking my head.

"So, you and Nick aren't dating?"

"We're really close, I mean they've, meaning his whole family you know, have helped me through heaps. They were the ones who got me here and so I owe them a lot. They're really good friends of my entire family."

"Speaking of your family, I hear you're dad's actually getting married this April, is that true?"

"Yeah, haha, it is. Dad's getting married actually to one of my old classmates mothers."

"Well, congratulations to him."


"How's your new album coming? I hear you're actually doing a collaboration with Demi Lovato? Is that true?"

"Yeah! A few months ago we got together and decided to write a song together. It's called 'La La Land'."

"Has it got any meaning behind the words or was it just a fun project?"

"Well, it's really all about how everyone's like so concerned with looking perfect and having the latest styles, so we're just saying that we're not going to change who we are so that everyone will love us."

"That's sounds great, I look forward to hearing it. So let me ask, have you got a celebrity crush at all?"

"Oh my gosh! What girl doesn't? Haha, um.. Oh they'll probably tease me later but yes, I do have a crush on the Jonas boys!"

"Really? All of them or a particular one?"

"What are you suggesting? Hah! Um, no all of them, I mean, they can sing, they look good in tuxes, like what girl wouldn't like a boy who could sing to them and look good? Besides, they're really sweet so that's a plus."

"Aw, that's cute. Anyone else?"

"Umm.. I don't know if I want to tell.."

"Aww, come on Zoe!"

"Okay fine.. Just like every other girl really, I do have an almighty crush on the Twilight boys. You know, Kellan Lutz, Taylor Lautner, Rob Pattinson, Cam Gigandet and Jackson Rathbone.. Ooh! Even Peter Facinelli is really good looking. Haha! Even though he could probably be my dad!"

"You know he's got like two kids right?"

"Oh my gosh! I know, my mates think it's so wrong but I can't help it. Only, I prefer him with brown hair, the blonde just blends in with a skin a little too much."

"Haha, alright then. So, have you got anyone you look up to? Any idols at all?"

"Yes, actually I do. But they're not famous. Well, people who know me would know them but it's actually my brothers. All of them; Caleb, Tyler and Chace. They're just the greatest people I've ever had the privilege to know. I love them dearly, they mean the world to me."

"You're brothers? Wow. They must be great if they're you're idols. Do you not fight very much then with them?"

"No, not really. And if we do, it's always about petty stuff like who ate the last Wheelie and stuff."

"Wait- What's a Wheelie?"

"Oh! It's like the New Zealand version of Oreo's. Haha."

"So, are you missing New Zealand much? Or have you just gotten used to living here now?"

"Nah, I still call New Zealand my home. I miss like, everything from there! I haven't watched any Shorty Street episodes for the past six months or Home and Away, it's so depressing! But, my best friend Kris who arrived yesterday actually brought over some like marmite and even the past few issues of Creme so, I suppose I can live with them for a while, haha."

"Creme? Is that a New Zealand magazine?"

"Yeah, my favourite actually!"

"So, just last week you actually left to go to England? Can I ask why that was?"

"Um.. Well, it was just a really hard week for me and I suppose a lot of things actually came crashing down, so I took some time off and just got my head back on straight."

"That doesn't sound too good. Are you okay now?"

"Oh yeah! I'm perfectly fine now, haha. England was good for me and I actually got to hang out with my grandparents too, so that was fun."

"Aw, sounds lovely. I was actually wanting to ask, what's you're most embarrassing moment?"

"You're kidding me! Oh my gosh, do I have to answer!? Haha!"

"Yes Zoe! Come on, just one story!"

"Alright, alright. I think- next to my whole fainting at the Golden Globes spiel that my most embarrassing moment would have to be.. when I met the Jonas Brothers for the first time. I've said it before but like, I just ran away literally, screaming and crying. It was absolutely humiliating!"

"Haha, that must've been a real sight!"

"It was! Oh gosh, I can't believe you just made me relive that! Haha!"

"It mustn't be too bad now though if you can laugh about it."

"No, I suppose not."

"Well, anyway, that's really all the time we have now. I hope the tour goes well and I can't wait for the day we see a poster for your own tour. Have a great time Zoe and thanks for coming on the show!"

"That;s okay, anytime. Thanks Mary!"

The cameras switched off and then I was able to relax. Kris came running over once I had gotten my mic unhooked and Theo had congratulated me on another 'well said' interview.

"That was soo cool! Ahh, I can't believe I just watched you do that! Were you nervous at all?" She asked, grabbing my arm and jumping up and down.

I laughed with her as she jumped, "A bit, not as much as it used to be."

"Uh, excuse me, could I perhaps talk to you?" A mature looking guy in a nice suit asked, tapping Kris on the shoulder.

"Um, yeah sure. What about?"

"Well, I'm Jake Harper and I'm from Q Models, I was wanting to know actually if you'd be interested in signing with us?" The guy said, smiling at Kris. I winced as suddenly Kris' hold on me tightened.

"Oh my lord! Really?" She almost screamed.

"Yeah, look, here's my card. Call me and we'll arrange a meeting kay? I have to go now, I hope to be hearing from you. Bye!"

The guy walked away, leaving Kris and I to a strange silence. She turned to look at me, her eyes wide and a manic grin on her face.

♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler yeah, but some info
is important so you'd best remember
this chapter LOL.


Thanks and enjoy!!

Much love!

x o