Can't Have You

A Single Red Rose.

"So, what'd your mum say?" I asked once Kris was off the phone that night after rehearsals.

"Okay, so she said yes, I could arrange an interview. But, she wants to be conferenced in on the phone and she wants your dad to be there too." She said, giving me a sympathetic smile as she sat down on my bed.

"Aww, didn't you tell her me and dad aren't on very good terms?" I whined, covering my face.

"She reckons since you've been going so well that perhaps your dad would be able to make sure I'm looked after while I'm here, sorry." Kris shrugged as we both laid down, sighing.



"Let's make a pact." I said, sitting back up again.

Kris laughed, "What do you mean?"

"Let's promise each other, right here, right now, never to ever let fame go to our heads or break us apart, yeah?" I said in all seriousness.

"C'mon, what are we Zo, five?" She rolled her eyes so I whacked her, "Hey! Ow!"

"Be serious Kris! C'mon, promise me!" I groaned.

"Oh alright, yes. I promise not to let fame go to my head or break us apart, alright?" She finally said, sighing in annoyance.

"I promise too, not to let fame go to my head or break us apart. Shake on it?" I smiled, holding out my hand.

"Shake on it." She replied firmly, grabbing my hand and giving me a small smile.

. . .

"Ged'Up!" Theo yelled the next morning, ripping my covers off. I let out a small shriek as the cold air hit my short clad legs.

"It's freezing Theo! What on ea-"

"It's five-thirty, you're supposed to be on set at quarter to seven so hurry up!" Theo said, pushing me out of the bed and making me collide painfully with the floor.

"Hey! You're supposed to be looking after me, not damaging me!" I argued as I got up sulkily.

"Yeah, yeah.. Hurry up woman! I'll get Kristen." He said before leaving the room.

Getting back up, I tidied my bed and then went to have a shower, almost falling back asleep under the warm water until Theo yelled at me from the other side of the door. I finished washing my hair, my body and shaving before I got out, drying myself off and chucking on a pair of purple track pants, my black ugg boots, a grey singlet and a thin black cardigan, leaving my hair out.

"Wow, your hair's getting long ain't it?" Kris said as she walked in.

"S'pose so. Before we go on tour though I'm actually getting it trimmed and layered a bit, you know." I nodded as I sprayed a bit of deodorant on.

"Sweet, might get mine done too. Now c'mon, Theo's spazzing downstairs. Honestly, you should've gotten a more laidback manager." Kris shook her head, a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, just tell him I'm brushing my teeth alright." I told her. Kris nodded and then left as I finished washing my face and brushing my teeth before grabbing a bag and putting my cellphone, wallet, keys and i-pod in.

"Finally! Now we can go!" Theo sighed angrily as I came downstairs.

"Hey, where are you off to?" Caleb asked, walking into the hall still in his pyjamas.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm starring in an episode of Wizards of Waverly Place, cool eh?" I giggled as Caleb rubbed his eyes.

"Cool, have fun." He smiled wearily before giving me a hug and going back to his room.

"Is he still at school here?" Kris asked as we got into Theo's car.

"Yeah, West Beverly. Isn't that weird? I mean, we watched that on T.V just last year." I shook my head, laughing.

"So, who else apart from the Disney teens have you met? I mean, you haven't actually told me." Kris suddenly realised, turning in her seat to look at me with eager eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh, "You're such a nerd!"

"Oh hurry up and tell me woman!" She laughed as well, hitting my arm.

"Okay, okay. Well, lemme' see.. I've met Winona Rider! She was, like, walking past me on Sunset and I got her autograph and everything. Umm, there was the time at the Golden Globes where I met Freddie Prinze Junior, he is soo cool! And still really good looking, ha!" I giggled.

"That is, like, amazing, okay, who else?" She gasped, grinning as well.

"Umm, i- OH MY GOSH, I met John Travolta and Kelly Preston at the Oscars, that was the coolest even I've been to!"

"You've only been to like, three award shows." Kris pointed out and I rolled my eyes, "So? It was cool!"

"Who else? C'mon, I need contacts woman!" She grinned.

Our conversation continued until we actually got to the set at Hollywood's Center Studios. We were led inside and shown to my dressing room where I was instantly attacked by hairstylists and make-up artists.

"Alright, so, have you been practising your script?" Victor, one of the directors, asked.

"Yep, I'm pretty sure I now know it back to front." I smiled, even though I was shaking like crazy.

"Alright, okay, we're gonna start the filming in five minutes so get dressed and then Theo will take you over to the set, alrighty? Good." He smiled back before leaving the room.

"Oh god, I'm so blimmin' nervous." I finally confessed to Kris as Paula, the make-up artist, left the room.

"You're gonna do great. See, didn't I tell you those musicals would help someday." She laughed, rubbing my shoulders just as the stylist brought in my outfits for the show.

I was playing famous Hollywood movie star, Cornelia Star. In the show Selena who plays Alex uses her magic to switch places with me because she thinks it'd be cool to be a movie star but then everything starts to go wrong and so David Henrie helps her out and then all is good again.

I changed into the sparkly dress and *gasp* heels they'd brought in for me. My hair was curled and I had to wear a feather boa. I looked like one of those old Hollywood actresses, you know, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.

"Right, you ready?" Theo asked, walking in, "Okay, let's go."

Theo drove us over to the set in one of the golf carts and then led us inside. I introduced Kris to Selena and then Selena introduced us to the rest of the cast. (Yes, David is as cute in real life as he is on T.V)

"Okay, ready everyone?! And, action!" Victor yelled and the camera's red lights all switched on as they began recording.

I strutted across the set and played through the script in my head as the camera's rolled. I mucked up a few times but it all seemed to go fine. We finished at about seven-thirty that night. I was completely exhausted as I changed back into my original outfit, washing my make-up off while Kris hung out with Selena and David. My phone vibrated against the sink and I finished drying my face off before answering it.

Just wanted to say goodnight and goodbye.
Pun intended. =]

I love you Zoe.

x o x

The txt made me smile and the butterflies in my stomach flutter as I messaged him back. I wasn't able to see any of they boys until we were due to catch a plane to Atlanta for the start of their tour which wasn't for another five days. The boys of course had a private plane so they would be arriving before Selena and I since we weren't leaving until later in our own plane as well.

I pulled on my boots and then buttoned my cardi up over my singlet before grabbing my bag and leaving the dressing room, scrubbed and clean.

"Hey, ready to go?" I asked Kris, knocking and walking into Selena's room where the three of them were talking.

"Zo! Say hi to the camera!" Selena laughed, spinning around to look at me through the lens of her camera.

"Hello Selena!" I grinned, waving.

"So, what have you been doing?" She asked as David and Kris watched, grinning.

"I actually just washed all the make-up off of my face and got back into my normal clothes after shooting the next episode of you're show." I answered, poking my tongue out.

"Did you have fun today then?" Sel smiles, following me as I sit next to David on the couch.

"Definitely! I'm officially hooked on acting now!" I laughed. Sel moved onto questioning the others before we all finally said goodbye and she switched off the camera.

"Come on girls, you ready yet? We have to go." Theo said, knocking on the door as he walked in.

I looked at Kris and she nodded so we said goodbye to the other two before leaving the set with Theo, getting into the back seat of the car. Theo told us about the schedule for the next day and then he was dropping us off, waving goodbye as he drove away.

"I'm exhausted." I groaned as we trooped inside and up to my room.

"Yeah- me too. Um, I'm going to go to, uh, bed. Bye!" Kris suddenly said, shooting out of the room.


"Hello milady." Came the smooth sweet voice of Nicholas Jonas.

I turned around, shocked. "What are you doing here?"

Nick was dressed neatly in a black tux with a single red rose in his hands.

"We, love, are going on a date."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooooo sorry I haven't updated. I've had MAJOR
writer's block! I'm sorry for that, I would've updated
sooner but I couldn't argghhh!!!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this one. Rate and Comment PWEAASSEE!!

x o