Can't Have You


"Haircut time miss." Kris said, walking into my room and throwing open the curtains. I groaned and tried to duck under my covers but that didn't work, she simply yanked them off me.

"Fine, fine I'm up." I moaned, stretching and swinging my legs over the side of the bed, getting up. Nick and I didn't get home until about midnight and then he stayed until about two in the morning before Big Rob came and picked him up.

"So, where we getting my hair cut then?" I asked as I went into the bathroom, accepting the health bar she gave me.

"Back at Lady Chic of course and you're also getting an eyebrow and leg wax." Kristen called out.

"Aw no! That stuff is painful!" I groaned, shutting the door and turning on my shower.

"Ah the things we do for beauty!" She laughed.

"Screw beauty! I'd rather be ugly and pain free!" I yelled, having a quick shower.

"Yeah sure." I heard her reply as I got out and dried off, shooing her out of my room before changing into a pair of grey track pants, blue chucks and a blue sweater. I brushed my long hair and then pulled up into a ponytail, moisturising my face.

"Done yet?" Kris knocked on my door.

"Yep, come in!" I called, adjusting my bracelets and then switching my phone back on.

"You've got two minutes and then Chace is driving us to Lady Chic." She said, making my messy bed.

"Thanks, I'll just brush my teeth and then we can go." I grinned, brushing my teeth in the bathroom quickly before tidying my room up a bit and then going down stairs with her.

"Morning." I smiled at Chace and Tyler. Caleb had already gone to school and dad had been taking earlier shifts at work so he wouldn't have to see me. I didn't care though, it wasn't like I wanted to talk to him.

The two of them nodded at me, their mouths too full with food to make sentences. I sat down and helped myself to some juice and lucky charms. We all finished breakfast and then Chace was driving us to Hollywood Boulevard.

"So, what time do you need me to pick you up?" Chace asked when he parked the car.

"Um, midday? My appointment is at quarter to one." I said as Kris and I got out of the car.

"Alright then, see you later." He smiled, waving at me as he and Tyler drove off.

"Come on, you're appointment is in three minutes." Kris said, pulling me inside Lady Chic where Kara, the secretary greeted us.

This afternoon was my drivers test. My second one since I had failed the first. I was so nervous but Kris kept telling me I'd do fine. Guess I just had to take her word for it. Opal, my hairdresser, cut my hair to a bit above my elbows, layering it and giving me a side fringe. It looked so much more better than my usual one length hair. She even darkened it a wee bit, not very much but just enough to notice it.

"Wow, thanks!" I grinned, gazing at my reflection.

"NO probs love, now let's get those eyebrows done." She smiled and I grimaced. An hour and a half later and both my legs and eyebrows were red and sore as I left Lady Chic with Kris.

"I swear, I'm going to discover a way to get rid of unwanted hair without all that pain." I grumbled as we got a smoothie each.

"It's called laser hair removal." Kris rolled her eyes.

"It's called shut up." I poked my tongue out at her and she elbowed me, both of us giggling as we walked around the shops for a bit.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I quickly pulled it out, checking the message.

"Who's it from?" Kris asked, sipping her drink.

"Joe. He says good luck for this afternoon." I grinned, messaging him back. Immediately Kevin's and Nick's messages along with Caleb's came through and I txt them all back, thanking them. Next thing I knew Miley, Selena, Demi, Alyson, Mitchel and almost everyone I knew messaged me.

"They probably think you're going to fail so they'd best give you all the luck you're gonna need." Kris sniggered.

"Shut up." I retorted, frowning.

"Aw Zo, I'm kidding." Kris laughed, hugging me.

"Oh yeah, whatever." I laughed with her as Chace pulled up outside the store we were in. We left and got into his car, Chace taking me to get my learners permit.

"Okay, relax Zo, you'll be fine." Kris soothed as I signed a few people's paper's and even body parts before being taken away for my test.

Forty minutes later and I finally came out of the room, slightly shaking. I had a few pictures before they left me alone but there was still paparazzi outside, trying to get shots of me.

"So?" Kris asked once I was given my results.

I took a deep breath and looked up at her;

♠ ♠ ♠
Mhmmm, I know.. Filler but I'm still on a bit
of a writers block. I swear it'll get better!!



x o