Can't Have You

Thank You Zoe Cooper

"So, what are we doing today?" I asked Theo as I sat in the front of his car eating the fruit salad he had bought for both Kris and I.

"You're in the studio this morning then you're dad is coming at ten to pick up Kris and take her to her interview then you've got a signing to do plus a shoot this afternoon at four for TeenVogue." Theo recounted to me.

"TeenVogue? Wow." I gaped, grinning at Kris.

I pulled my phone out and began playing around with it. You know, playing games and such. I came to a photo of Nick and I from the other night and stopped, smiling. It was the most perfect picture possible. I had taken just as he kissed me. There was a full moon in the background and all the trees were alit and glowing. I couldn't believe we were just teenagers, we looked as if we were happily married or something.

"And now, her song and album has officially hit number one, Zoe Cooper with Our Time is Here!" The radio announced. I looked at Theo as he stared at me.

"OH MY GOSH!" I screamed, jumping up and down.

I was on the biggest high of my life as we arrived at Hollywood Records, a few people congratulated me and I bore a huge grin.

Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling.
And every time we kiss I swear I can fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last.
Need you by my side.
Cause every time we touch, I feel this static.
And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat so,


"YOU'RE NUMBER ONE!" Nick's voice yelled along with Frankie and Kevin in the background. I was kinda surprised Joe wasn't there.


"Congrats babe!" Nick said, his brother's making gagging noises as I laughed.

"Thank you! And shut up Kevin!" I said, ignoring Kevin's 'kissy' noises.

"Okay, well I'll message you later kay? I love you!" Nick said. I just had enough time to say goodbye before he clicked off.

"This is incredible." I gushed as Theo led us up to the recording booth.

"I know! I mean, both your song and album at number one! Woah.." Kris breathed as we said hello to John.

"Okay ladies, enough chatter, time to work." John smiled, giving me my headset.

I entered the booth and waited for the music to begin.

"I've been awake for a while now
you've got me feeling like a child now
cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place."

"Alright, let's try that again but I'm going to change the tempo a bit okay?" John said over the speaker. I nodded and he began again.

"It starts in my toes
and I crinkle my nose
where ever it goes I always know
that you make me smile
please stay for a while now
just take your time
where ever you go."

"Brilliant." John said over the speaker once we had finished the whole song. This album was taking longer since none of the lyrics had actually been pre-written.

"Okay, what one's next?" I asked, sitting on my stool as John played the playback for me.

As John went through the music, dad walked into the room. I watched him from the booth ignoring his wave. I saw his face fall and I felt a little guilty but there was no way I was going to be the first to back down. Not after he tried to ground me for something that wasn't my fault. I watched him talk to Kris who nodded and then got up, entering the booth.

"I have to go now." She pouted.

"You'll do great Kris, have fun." I smiled, giving her a hug.

"I'll txt you alright. See ya." She waved, smiling slightly as she left the booth. Dad and Kris said their goodbyes to John and Theo before leaving.


"Come on Zo, I need a bit more oomph put into it." John sighed, cutting the music.

I groaned, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's up with me this morning,"

Lie. I did know. And it all began with that stupid father of mine..

"Look, take a five minute break and then we'll get back into it, okay?" John spoke and I nodded, sighing as I put down my headset and left the booth.

Theo and I walked over to the little cafe across the road and I get a hot chocolate plus a small bit of red velvet cake to go. As we leave, Theo has a hard time trying to get the photographers away from me.

"Zoe! What do you think about RadioHead trying to contact you?"

"Are you doing a collaboration with them?"

I turned to Theo, my brows furrowed "What?"

"Come on guys, would you all let me tell Zoe something myself every once in a while." Theo laughs and then finally we're back at Hollywood Records, the security at the front entrance holding back the paparazzi.

Bzz.. Bzz.. Bzz..

I pulled out my phone. Joe.

"Who is it?" Theo asked and I answered him, kinda confused.

Zoe! I need ur help.
Call me ASAP!

"Do you mind?" I asked Theo and he shook his head, "Go ahead."

I pushed the call button on my phone, the dialling tone beeping.

"ZOE?!" Joe yelled, making me wince at the loudness.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Um.." I heard him hiccup and I suddenly became worried.


"I think Kelly and I are breaking up.." He whispered. I knew he was crying. I had never heard Joe cry and right now I was kinda scared.

"Where are you?" I asked him, checking my watch.

"At home in my room. Nick and Kevin have gone to a sound check. They think I'm sick.." He said quietly.

"I'll be there in twenty." I said firmly.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked once I had shut my phone.

"Come on, I need to get to Joe's." I said, dragging him out to the car park.

Theo chucked me the keys and I jumped into the driver's seat whilst he got into the passengers. I started the car and then backed out, going as fast as legal to get to Joe's.
I drove up the driveway and then jumped out, not bothering to turn off the car as I sprinted for the front door. I knocked and then threw it open, going up the stairs and into Joe's room. He lay underneath his covers, sniffling every so often.

"Joey?" I whispered, shutting the door behind me. The room was coated in darkness, the sunlight trying to filter through his shut curtains.

"Zo?" He asked, sitting up.

He really didn't look so good, his hair was a mess and his eyes were red and puffy, much like me when Nick and I broke up. I walked over and hugged him, causing him to cry again. I couldn't believe it, here was the happiest guy possible crying on my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked him once he had calmed down.

"Well, I was talking to her last night and she said that she had had enough of all the camera's and everything following her and stalking her every move. I asked her what I could do and all she said was that she didn't know if she could do this anymore." Joe said quietly, his eyes brimming with tears again.

"Joey, look at me." I said firmly, tilting his face up to me. Reluctantly he lifted his eyes to look at me.

"Now see here mister, you are Joseph Adam Jonas, one of the most sought after guys in this ENTIRE world. What you are feeling right now is just a little glitch on your road to happiness whether it be with Kelly who obviously doesn't know what she's got or whether it be with some other girl okay? You will not let this get you down, look and Nick and I, we didn't talk for about five months and yet here we are, better than ever."

"Well actually.."

"Shut up." I smiled, "So instead of sitting here moping which gets you nowhere as I should know, get your little butt into that shower, get changed and then I'll have Theo take you to the sound check, alrighty?"


"Joseph Adam Jonas, if I have to bring that shower to you, so help me I will." I threatened, raising my eyebrows.

"You're scary when you give advice." Joe muttered, reluctantly getting up.

"Yeah but you're out of bed so it worked." I grinned while he poked his tongue out before going into his bathroom.

"Thank you Zoe Cooper!" I heard Joe yell and I couldn't help but grin.

"Anytime Joseph Jonas!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, cutees.

Hope you guys like this one.. I did lol.
Anyway, so my writer's block is slowly.. unblocking
itself haha. So yeah, sorry for the slow updates.

Enjoy and Comments??

x o