Can't Have You

Tommy and Kristen Up a Tree..

"Three more days!" Kris sung as I finished straightening my hair.

"I know! And tomorrow is the Kids Choice Awards! I'm performing!" I squealed, spraying myself with perfume.

"Who's all going with us?" She asked, flipping through one of the magazines in my drawer.

"Well Caleb, Tyler, Tommy and Lisa are. Dad's not, I made sure Theo didn't get enough tickets for him or Renee." I scowled, adjusting my shirt.

"Zo, you could atle-"

"Not listening." I said, ignoring her words. I wasn't planning on cracking before him, no way.

"But he-"

"Kris, just leave it alright." I sighed. At least I wouldn't have to deal with dad on the tour. This time Chace was coming with me since I point blankly refused dad to come.

"Well.. What are we doing today?" She asked me, finally dropping the subject.

"We've got the morning to shop and then Tyler's going to come and take you to your shoot this afternoon while I go to my sound check, that okay?" I said and she nodded. I could feel a bit of tension in the room so I picked up one of my soft toys and threw it at her, breaking it as we both began laughing.

"Let's go have breakfast loser." She shook her head grinning, dragging me out of my room.

Downstairs while we were having our breakfast which consisted of chocolate spread on toast, the doorbell rang.

"Who would that be at.. eight in the morning?" Kris asked, sipping her juice.

"It's Tommy!" I screamed when I opened the door, jumping into my cousin's arms. I hadn't seen him for about two or three weeks now and I was getting depressed without him.

"Hey Zo." He grinned letting go of me.

"Oh my lord.." Kris whispered from behind me. Oh, that's right. She hadn't seen Tommy in like eight years or something.

I stopped and stared at the two. I couldn't believe it.. I knew that look Kris had on her face. It was the same she always got when she was thinking about Ben..

"OH MY GOSH!" I burst out, causing the two to jump.

"What?" They asked at the same time, stunned. I turned red, "My toast."

Kris stared at me with an odd expression while Tommy raised any eyebrow. I gave an awkward smile before turning and leaving the two alone even though I had already eaten my toast.

It was a few minutes before they came into the kitchen and I had a knowing smile on my face, the two of them standing unnaturally close.

Bzz.. Bzz.. Bzz..

I smiled when I checked my phone.

Morning Beautiful.

I grinned as I txted him back.

Hello Handsome. What are you doing?

At the studio. Are you coming in today?

Aww, I'm sorry. Kris and I are shopping.

Can I come? =

I couldn't help but laugh. Get singing mister. Ill message you later. I love you Nick J.

Meany.. I love you too Zoe Cooper.

I shut my phone and put it back in my pocket. "So, what are you doing today Tom?"

"I was hoping I could hang out with you two.. If that's okay?" Tommy said, not even look at me but at Kris.

"Sure Tommy, you can carry our bags." I giggled. Tommy groaned, realising what I had meant. It had been a while since I had last gone shopping and I had to admit, I liked spending money on clothes and shoes.

"Ready to go?" I asked Kris once I had brushed my teeth.

"Yep, where's Tommy?" She asked, coming out of her room.

"Downstairs.. Why?" I asked, smirking.

She blushed, "No reason.."

"Alright then, come on.." I giggled, leading us downstairs where Tommy was waiting for us.

Tommy had driven over since he had gotten his full license about a week and a half ago so he was going to drive us around. Score haha. I sat (reluctantly) in the back and allowed Kris to sit next to Tommy. It was funny to watch them, they obviously liked each other but I'm pretty sure they were both clueless. I listened to my i-pod while they talked, letting them have their 'private' time.

"Come on, are we there yet?" I whined twenty minutes later.

"Yes Zoe, we're here. Come on let's go shop!" Kris said excitedly.

It took us nearly four hours to get our dresses and shoes and by that time Tommy was almost in tears because of all the bags he had to carry. I jumped into the backseat of his car, slumping down because of how exhausted I was.

"I can honestly say, I am never going shopping with you two again." Tommy groaned as he began driving. Kris caught my eye in the rear view mirror and suddenly the two of us were in a fit of laughter, unable to control ourselves.

We got like this sometimes, so tired that even the smallest thing would set us off into fits of laughter with no ability to stop. It took us abit ten minutes to finally calm down and by then I was at my house. Tyler was already waiting for us by the time we got there so I gave Kris a hug and then she left with him, now Tommy and I all by ourselves.

"I'm hungry." I whined, hitting my flat stomach. I didn't like having such a flat stomach, I liked it when there was a little bit to actually grab not just something so flat you look like a board.

"Then eat." Tommy rolled his eyes, grinning as he switched on the TV.

"Ca you make it for me.. Pleeaasse?" I pouted, trying to do my best puppy dog eyes.

Tommy looked at me then quickly shut his eyes. "No! No way!"

"Awww, Tommy!" I whined, poking his arm.

"Urgh. Fine." He muttered, getting up and going into the kitchen.

"Something sugary please!" I giggled, calling out to him.

Ding! "Ooh, doorbell." I grin, getting up and running to the door.

"Yo!" I yelled, throwing it open. "Theo!"

"Afternoon love. Ready?" He smiled.

"Hang on, Tommy's just making me a sugary snack." I grinned happily just as Tommy appeared next to me.

"Hey!" I protested, that ain't sugary.. Or a snack!"

Tommy had gotten me an apple, grinning as he handed it over to me. I sighed in frustration as I took it, Theo looking between us. "You are so walking." I muttered, following Theo out to the car.

"It's got sugar in it." Tommy grinned, getting into the backseat.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." I grumbled, taking a bite out of it.

Seriously, this cousin of mine sucked right now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short.. And a filler yes but I'm just trying to
get through all this boring stuff right now so
bear with me.

ENjoy!.. Comments anyone??

x o