Can't Have You


"It starts in my soul
Makes me lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feelin' shows
'Cause you make me smile
Baby just take your time now
Holdin' me tight.

Wherever, wherever, where ever you go,
Wherever, wherever, where ever you go."

"That's so much better Zoe, brilliant work this morning." John said over the speaker. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Grab your stuff Zo, you're sound check is in half an hour." Theo said as I began packing up. It was nearing midday and my sound check was over at Universal Studios for tonight's Kid's Choice Awards. I was actually nominated, I couldn't believe it. I had been nominated for Best Female Singer and Best Song.

After saying goodbye to John, Theo drove me over to Universal Studios where there was a lot of people rushing around trying to get the stage, lighting, sound check and effects ready for tonight. It was absolute mayhem, amazing though. I used to watch all these award shows and now here I was; performing at them!

"Zoe Cooper? Is she here yet?" The stage manager called out from the stage.

Theo rushed me on stage and then Jordan (the stage manager) handed me a mic. I was singing 'Full Circle', 'No Place Like Us' and 'Our Time is Here' plus presenting the Favourite Music Group with Blake Lively. I'm stunned, I get to be onstage with THE Blake Lively, from Gossip Girl!

I went through two lots of my songs before I was finally allowed off stage, my dancers needing a rest.

"Hey Ollie." I grinned, sitting next to her with a water bottle in my hand. I hadn't seen her in a while as well since her phone had been taken off her so she couldn't txt.

"Hey!" She squealed, hugging me. "How ya been?"

"Pretty good, Kris and I went shopping yesterday for our outfits tonight." I smiled.

"How many are you taking?" She asked.

"Well, there's my outfit for most of the night, one for onstage and then there's the one just incase I get slimed." I laughed and she nodded, laughing with me.

"Hopefully they don't slime you while us dancers are on stage, I don't have any stylists to do me up afterwards." She giggled and I rolled my eyes, laughing anyway.

"Let's go Zoe, we've got to go meet Kristen at her shoot and then you two are booked into Lady Chic to get ready for tonight." Theo said when he got near us. I pouted, I couldn't be bothered getting up now that I was comfortable but I did anyway, saying goodbye to Ollie.

"We have to be quiet alright." Theo whispered as we walked into the building where Kris was having her shoot. They were doing a few shots to put into her portfolio incase people wanted to hire her for videos, ads and other stuff.

We crept silently into the room where Kris was posing. She was in a dress and simply standing against a wall, the photographer positioning her body every so often. Finally they did a quick shoot outside in the courtyard before she was done.

"How was that then?" I asked her once she had changed and was allowed to go.

"That was so cool." She grinned, Tyler and Theo walking behind us.

"You did really well Kris." Tyler commented and she blushed. "Thanks."

"What's the time now Theo?" I asked as we waved goodbye to Tyler who had his own car.

"It's four. You're both booked in at Lady Chic at four thirty then the limo's arriving to take you and the family to the awards at seven. The whole thing begins at eight okay?" He told us, checking his blackberry while he did so.

I grinned at Kris excitedly, "This is going to be so much fun. You get to meet like The Rock, Scarlet Johansson.. Um.. Miranda Cosgrove, she's actually really nice you know.. Who else?" I wondered. Kris and I continued the conversation until Theo dropped us off at the salon. We were getting manicures, pedicures, facials, our hair done before getting taken home to change into our outfits.

Kris got her nails and toenails painted black with red stars while my toenails were a bright green and my nails a bright yellow. Her hair was curled with parts plaited and pinned back whilst mine was pulled back into a loose bun with sparkly clips. Kris's make-up was done quite naturally with bronze eye shadow on, a bit of peachy blush and only a bit of light black eyeliner with long black lashes. It looked stunning against her tanned skin. I had glittery gold liner put on my eyes with dark lashes and pale green eye shadow.

"You two look great." Theo beamed when he saw us. Theo had also changed, only into a plain black tux with a blue shirt and grey tie.

"You do pretty well too." I smiled at him.

"Haha, thanks now come on, you need to get changed into your outfits." He said, leading us outside. My bodyguards were already there, holding back the paparazzi.

"Geez, they're really getting crazy aren't they?" Kris said once we were in the car and driving away.

"Yeah I know. I read the other day that apparently I'm going on a bender." I laughed, remembering the article I read about me going off the rails.

"They like to milk things for their worth, don't they?" She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but who would buy something that just said 'Zoe Cooper, Doing Great.'?" I laughed and she agreed.

"I'll meet you girls there okay? I have to go and meet Kelsey." Theo said when he dropped us off.

"Sure, see you Theo!" We waved as he backed out the driveway and drove off, beeping.

Everyone (Caleb, Tommy, Lisa, Tyler) were all inside, already ready and waiting. Lisa looked cute in a blue sundress with frangipani's stretching up one side and her hair curled.

"Hey Lisa!" I grinned, hugging her as she ran up to me. I hadn't seen her in about a month or two either. "How's Blackberry?"

Blackberry was the kitten Nick had gotten for me, I couldn't take him on tour so I let Lisa look after him and now he refuses to come back to me.

"He's good, he's getting really fat though." She laughed.

"Then stop pampering him so much." I rolled my eyes, "We'll be down soon, we need to change."

Kris and I left the others, going up to my room where we had stored our outfits. Kris was wearing a yellow and red dress with flowers on it with a pair of strappy red heels and a couple of bangles on each wrist. She looked amazing in the dress as I helped her zip the back. It flowed down to just above her knees, showing enough without being tarty.

"You're turn miss." She grinned, pushing me into the bathroom with my dress.

I changed into the green strapless I bought. It came just above my knees as well and had gauzy, floaty material. Kris had made me buy yellow heels as well to match the dress. I had to admit, heels were wearing on me especially since I had discovered gel pads I could put in them to make them more comfortable. I clipped on my jewellery before I brushed my teeth, finishing off my look with a bit of lipgloss.

"Hmm?" I asked, stepping out of the bathroom and turning for Kris.

"Jesus woman. I never knew you could dress so well." Kris looked stunned. I scoffed and hit her lightly but we both giggled.

"What's the time?" I asked her, spraying perfume on both of us.

"Um.. Ten to seven. We've got ten minutes." She said as I grabbed my clutch, shoving both our cell phones, lipgloss and keys in.

"You like?" We asked the boys as we got downstairs.

"I'm going to laugh when you fall over tonight." Caleb grinned, staring at my heels.

"Hey! I'm getting pretty good in these thank you very much." I said indignantly, placing a hand on my hip.

"Yeah, that's why she fell over at the shoot two days ago." Kris giggled.

"How come everyone gangs up on me?" I moaned, pouting.

"Cause you're the easiest." Tyler laughed, putting an arm around me. "Aw, but you look great Zo."

"At least someone loves me." I said and this made everyone give me a group hug. Dorky much?

When they were finished there was a knock at the door.

"The limo's here!" Kris freaked out as she ran to the door, almost falling in the process. The driver stood at the door and then we were all getting into the back of the limo.

"I can't believe I'm going to an award show.." Kris sighed dreamily. I laughed at her, it was amazing for me too especially since I got to perform but I knew it was more special for her because she had spent her whole life waiting for this moment.

"Zo, I think you're phone's ringing." Kris said, pointing to my clutch.

She was right, it was ringing. I pulled it out and checked the number Unknown.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Missed me?

And just like that, life seemed to come crashing down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kristen's Outfit

Zoe's Outfit

Ooh! Cliffhanger lol. Let's see who can guess who
the caller is.. Could be a few people actually.. =]

I'll try to get the next one out soon so you're all not
tormented by the mystery person.

Comment and Rate please and thank you!

x o