Can't Have You

Strobe Lighting

"Who was that?" Kris asked once I got off the phone.

"N-no-one." I muttered, my heart beating wildly.

"You sure? You've gone kinda pale." She said, studying my face with concern. I put on a smile, praying it looked real. "No, I'm fine. Nervous I guess. Man I could go for a frozen yoghurt."

Kris stared at me oddly for a moment before we both cracked up laughing, causing everyone else to stare at us. The phone call was pushed to the back of my mind for now and hopefully that's where it would stay. I watched out the tinted windows as the scenery passed by. Soon, Universal's City Walk came into view and so did about a thousand people everywhere. Photographers, teenagers, kids, parents, adults, even old people were there.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked the others who nodded eagerly. Lisa was almost climbing over everyone to get out.

The driver came round and opened the door for us, the screams hitting me full on in the face as did the bright flashes and yells of the paparazzi.

Everyone else got out and soon we were joined by Theo and Kelsey plus one of my bodyguards. I was interviewed by a few people, had photos taken, signed a lot of books, arms, legs, heads, chests but of course, I drew the line at underwear.

"Zoe, there's someone who wants to meet you." Theo said in my ear, placing a hand on my back.

"Ooh, who?" I asked, turning around.

"Hey." Grinned Taylor Lautner.

My eyes widened and I knew I was blushing, "Hi."

"So, I never got that txt you know." He said, smiling.

"Sorry, I lost the paper." It wasn't a lie. It just wasn't the whole truth.

"Oh, that's fine. So, it's cool you've been nominated, I voted for you." He smiled.

"Aw, thanks. Twilight's in the best book category isn't it?" I asked and he nodded, "Well, I'm sure it'll win. I've got one of the first copies ever published you know."

"Wow, really? Did you like the movie?"

"Well, to be honest, I think it could've been done a whole lot better. I can't wait for the next one, I have to admit, I am Team Jacob." I giggled.

He laughed with me, "Hey, isn't that your boyfriend?"

I spun and around and sure enough, there he was. "Nick!" I yelled out, making almost everyone look at me, at least it caught his attention though..

All three of the boys walk over to me, each of them giving me a hug.

"How are you?" I asked Joe quietly.

"I'm actually doing pretty well really. I took in what you said and I realised, your right. If Kelly's not the one for me then there's no point moping over it." He shrugged, smiling.

"Aw, I'm glad." I smiled, posing with them.

"So, where are you sitting?" Taylor asked. I had completely forgotten he was there until the guys had started to be interviewed by E!

"Um, I'm not too sure, just near the front I'm pretty sure." I said. I didn't have the tickets on me, Theo did so I had no clue where we were sitting.

"Oh really? I'm near the back. Anyway, sorry but I have to go. I hope you win. See you!" Taylor gives me a hug before smiling and walking away, waving.

"Hey, what was that about?" Nick asks, coming up behind me.

"Oh, he just said good luck." I shrugged and I notice Nick's eyes become distant. "You're not-"

"No! No, I'm fine. Really." He smiles at me, it looks genuine so I simply take his word for it and smile back. "Hey, there's Miley."

"Really?" I ask, turning around. I hadn't seen Demi, Sel or Miley for a while now so I was excited to see her. "Miley!"

She turned around and spots me but something's not right, She gives a short wave, fake looking smile before turning straight back around. I frowned, turning back to Nick. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I wouldn't have a clue." He said, his expression matching mine.

"Zoe, over here please." I heard Theo call. "Sorry, I'll see you later alright? Good luck."

I give Nick another hug before walking away and over to where Theo is talking to Blake Lively and an interviewer. He introduces me to her and we get talking, the interviewer asking us questions before Theo pulls me away.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, what was with that photographer asking me about RadioHead?" I asked him as we find Kris and the others.

"Right, uh RadioHead contacted us and they actually want to meet you cause I told a few people you were a fan of theirs. You are a fan of theirs, right?" He asked and I nodded, grinning.

"Of course I am!" I smile. Impossible as it may seem, I was officially even more excited then I was before. I was going to meet RadioHead!

"Oh my gosh Zo! Guess who I was just talking to!" Kris squeals, running as properly as she could in her heels up to me.

"Who?" I ask her before she explodes.

"Will Smith! He is so incredibly cool!" She squeals again, jumping around like a looney. I couldn't help but laugh with her as she retold her story to me.

As I stood there on the orange carpet I couldn't help but think, my life was slowly getting better and better, I had an amazing boyfriend, my best friend was here. Sure, I wasn't talking to my dad but I knew we'd get past that and beyond all that, I had everything I had ever wished for.

It's moment like these that I wished I could just push pause for a while.

"Hey, you still with me?" Kris giggles and I snap out of my daze.

"Uh, yeah, course." I grin. "Let's go inside, yeah?"

Kris nods and soon us two plus the others are all inside finding our seats. I sit down and Theo offers me a bottle of apple juice he had bought. I thank him and quickly down about half of it while we wait.

. . .
The award for Best Male Athlete was being presented when Theo gets me up so I can get changed into my outfit for my performance after Best Movie Actress. After having my hair redone and let out plus my make-up darkened a bit too match my outfit I wait for my cue under the stage. I'm getting lifted up on a board, the lights inside the building are off and only blue, pink and purple laser lights are going with smoke everywhere before I begin to sing and then the lights burst on with flashes of strobe lighting. It looks amazing I tell you.

"You'll do great, have fun!" Theo whispers to me as I crouch under the stage while my name is being announced. I grin and give the thumbs up, my mic shaking in my hands.

The music begins and when I look up I can see flashes of the lasers. My heart pounds nervously as the board is raised slowly. I couldn't believe it, this moment is what I've been waiting for. It was here that I truly saw it, I was making it. Making something of myself. I began the song, moving in time with my dancers. As I stared out to the crowd, something caught my eye. A woman, in a blue singlet and blue jeans, a pair of muddy gumboots on and her blonde hair tied into a messy bun, the blue eyes a perfect match to mine. She holds up her hand, as if in a final wave before she disappears. No-one saw her but me.

So quietly that not even the mic picked it up I whispered;

"I love you mum."
♠ ♠ ♠
Zoe's Performance Outfit

Aww, I had to put her in there; like some sort
of sign that Zoe was old enough now to take care of
herself. Lol, I hope you all liked it. Comments and rates pwease??

Lovee.. =]

x o