Can't Have You

Stupid Slut.


I didn't win anything but I was grateful I had even been nominated, I made a vlog on my bebo telling my fans that.

"Morning." I smiled at Kris who appeared in the kitchen doorway while I ate my Fruit Loops.

"Hey, you're up early." She said, though it was rather groggily. We went to an after party after the awards and didn't get home until about three and it was only seven right now. Four hours of sleep didn't agree with either of us, her the most.

"Going to have to get used to it, aren't we? What with our plane at four tomorrow morning." I sighed. Nick and the others were leaving tonight at nine whilst Selena and I had to catch the 4am plane to Atlanta. Today we had to pack our bags and then Sel and I were being interviewed before having a small concert so hopefully everything would be over by at least ten-thirty tonight.

"So, what are you taking?" Kris asked, coming into my room. There was going to be about three tour buses. One for both Sel's and mine's dancers, one for the Jonases of course and one for Sel, Kris, Chace and I plus Sel's sister and parents.

"Almost my entire wardrobe." I giggled. I already had two suitcases full and I was currently working on my third that was going to house my shoes and body products. They had decided to cut the tour down to only eight months, thank lord, since they decided a year would be far too long.

We were touring through Canada, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Oceania which meant we were going to perform in NEW ZEALAND! I couldn't wait for it. Being back in my home town was going to be the greatest moment especially since we were allowed to spend a day in each city. We were only going to Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch but it's not like I really wanted to go anywhere else, I just wanted to see Christchurch and of course, this was the first time the boys or Sel had even performed there so it was so much more special.

"Hey, you've got a message from someone." Kris said, looking at my phone. She took it off charge before chucking it to me.

"It's from Selena, she says turn to channel three." I said, reading the txt. Kris grabbed my remote and switched my TV on.

"..We all know her as Hollywood's latest songstress but just last night, reigning teen queen Miley Cyrus, has been talking about supposed 'friend' Zoe Cooper in a less than friendly way."

I was confused; what was this lady on about?

"Just last night Cyrus was overheard telling a friend that Cooper had been using rumoured boyfriend Nick Jonas for publicity and that the apparently the only reason RadioHead, one of Cooper's favourite bands and whom Cyrus was snobbed by, wanted to contact her was just so they would look good to the public eye. Exactly where is this jealousy coming from Miss Cyrus? Currently there's no word on how Zoe is taking the statements but one thing's for sure, these two aren't going to be shopping together anytime soon."

I was shocked. What the hell was wrong with Miley? And how dare she say I was only using Nick! Without realising I was dialling her number, absolutely furious.

"Hey, Miley speaking!"

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled into the phone.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh don't play stupid with me! You know what I'm talking about! Where do you get off saying I'm only using Nick for publicity?"

"Excuse me? Everyone knows it. When you dumped him you're career started going down the drain and now that you're back with him suddenly everything's all peachy again? Nuh uh, not even you can deny that one."

"Are you kidding me? I'm in love with him, something you obviously can't see because clearly you've got you're fat head stuck up you're even fatter butt! I've been a really good friend to you and this is how you treat me? Jesus, Perez Hilton was right. You are just a stupid slut." I snapped and with that I hung up the phone, panting furiously.

"Wow." Kris breathed, her eyes wide.

I caught her eye and suddenly, we were in fits of giggles, unable to control ourselves again.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know! It's super short I'm sorry but I couldn't be bothered
writing anymore. I swear on my life the next one will be better,
okey dokey?? Comment and rate, PLEASE?? Seriously people,
what's up with the 'no commento'?? Kinda depressing you know..

Anyway, enjoy!

x o