Can't Have You

Atlanta, Georgia

"Geddup, come on, you need to get ready." Chace's voice stirs me from my dream rather annoyingly.

"Two more minutes?" I moan, burying deeper into my warm covers.

"Come on little sis, or you'll miss the plane." Chace says, getting under the covers with me. I rolled over, facing him whilst opening one eye.

"What's the time?" I ask sleepily, yawning.

"Two thirty." He smiled.

"Aw.. Noo, I need my sleep." I pouted, frowning at him.

"Sleep on the plane, get ready now. Come on.." He laughed, suddenly tickling me. I squealed and shrieked, trying to get away before I jumped out of the bed running for the bathroom. "Fine! I'm up!"

After showering and changing into a pair of grey track pants, blue Nike's, a black t-shirt with a green NZ on it and a fitted blue hoodie that read 'USA', I tied my hair up into a messy bun before brushing my teeth, repacking my toiletries and then stuffing my cellphone, passport and i-pod into my carry-on bag. Chace helped Kris and I take our bags down to the waiting SUV. Theo had wanted a limo but I thought it was far too early to have one of those and besides, I liked to save them for special occasions.

Kris, Chace and I all crawled into the backseat and soon I was asleep as the driver started off. It was about three when we got to the airport and Chace was shaking me awake. We had to deal with only a few paparazzi this morning because really, let's face it, who on earth gets up this early? The three of us went through security before being cleared to go to the boarding area. We had to wait in the gate for about forty-five minutes so I had a quick sleep there before Chace woke me up again, saying Selena had arrived.

"Morning sleepy head." She grinned as I lay curled in my blanket and my purple travel pillow. I opened my eyes and gave a small smile, "Hi," I managed to mumble before going back to sleep until we had to board the plane. The plane was probably just smaller than the average plane with about fifteen seats, a medium sized fridge, a couch and screens in the back of each seat. There was twelve of us; Selena, her mum, her step-dad, her little sister, Theo, Kelsey, Brit and Jill (Selena's Manager and Publicist), Kris, Chace and then me. Oh, and the pilots and stewardess.

Our flight was going to be about four and a half hours long, meaning we were landing in Atlanta at about eight. I slept a good two hours before waking up, stretching and yawning.

"Ah, sleeping beauty rises." Theo smiled at me as I pulled my blanket off. I groaned and made my way, shakily albeit, to the toilets to try and freshen up.

My hair was dishevelled but other than that I looked fine since I didn't have any make-up on to smudge. I ran my fingers through my hair and tidied it up a bit before reappearing back out where everyone was, greeting them.

"How'd you sleep?" Sel asked as I curled back up with my blanket.

"Good, these seats are really comfortable." I smiled, snuggling into the blanket. "Oh, and thanks for messaging me yesterday. I can't believe Miley did that."

"I can." She said abruptly, "Miley's terrified of you, Demi and I taking over what she claims to be 'her title'."

I snorted, "What do you mean? If anyone had a chance for 'her title' it would be you and Demi. I've only just stepped onto the scene."

"You're kidding? Zoe, you're everywhere. I mean, come on, this is your second tour in like less than three months. This is only my first." Selena laughed.

"Yeah, but you've got your show and everything." I pointed out and she rolled her eyes at me.

"I thought you were auditioning for a show as well? And another reason why Miley's jealous is because RadioHead have asked to meet you. She wanted to meet them and they completely snubbed her." Sel snickered.

"Wow, harsh. But really, why does she need to get so jealous over something like that? It's just petty." I scoffed and Selena shrugged. "At least I have you and Demi."

"Ahem!" Kris said, her head popping over the seat in front of me. Selena and I giggled, "And of course, I have Kristen too." I rolled my eyes at my best friend who stuck her tongue out which caused the three of us to giggle even harder.

"You hungry sis?" Chace asked me and I nodded, "What's there?"

Chance ended up giving me a bowl of cereal with an apricot and walnut muffin, an orange juice and a little bowl of sliced mango. Kris, Sel and I talked while I ate my breakfast, them already having eaten when they got on the plane.

"Where are we meeting the guys?" Kris asked once I had finished. I looked at Selena who looked at me. "The hotel? We've got hotels tonight don't we? Since we're not leaving until the morning after tomorrow."

"Theo?" I asked, looking for him. "Yes?" I heard him.

"Where are we meeting everyone?" I asked.

"At the hotel love."

"Thank you." I turned to Kris and Demi, "Problem solved."

Kris then yawned causing Selena to yawn and then I was yawning, all of us giggling again. We decided to get some more sleep since we'd barely be getting any over the next eight months. It seemed as if I had only shut my eyes when suddenly I was being shaken awake.

"Mhmmphghh?" I groaned, my words muddled together.

"Buckle up, we're about to land." Kelsey said then proceeded to wake the other two. Grudgingly I sat up properly, buckling my belt before leaning back into my seat, about to shut my eyes again.

"Uh ah! Stay awake Zoe!" Theo warned me from across the aisle. I gave a groan of annoyance before blinking my eyes open. Sitting up, I stretched out just as Selena and Kris stretched, yawning as well.

Checking my watch I saw it was quarter past eight in the morning. I looked out my window and grinned, I could see Stone Mountain where we would be performing tomorrow night. I was in awe, Atlanta wasn't much compared to L.A and New York but it was pretty, more simple and that was what I preferred. It took another half hour but finally we were off the plane and I was able to stretch my legs out properly.

"Come on kids, the limo's are waiting." Theo and Brit said, ushering us all past the photographers and screaming fans outside to the waiting cars.

"So, where are we staying?" I asked, pulling my phone out and switching it on.

"Tonight and tomorrow we're staying at the Marriott Stone Mountain Inn." Jill answered me as she checked her planner.

"Ooh yay, I heard it was a good place to stay." Selena grinned excitedly while I checked my messages.

Two of them were from Nick both dated this morning, one of them was from Caleb, another from Tyler and three from Tommy, two of them from last night and one from an hour ago. All our band members had flown last night so that they had time to prepare and everything before we got there.

Under the boardwalk, down by the sea-a-a yeah!
On a blanket with my baby, is where I'll be!

I frowned as everyone went quiet, "Isn't that dad's ring tone?" Chace asked.

"Yeah, hang on. Hello?" I answered it, confused.

"I just wanted to call and make sure you guys are doing okay." Came dad's voice, it sounded sad and rather lonely. Then again, this was first time I was going to be away from him for so long.

"Yeah, we just landed about fifteen minutes ago. We're fine." I replied to him, trying to be nice. I mean, if he could then so could I, right?

"Oh okay, that's good. So, what are you doing now?" He asked.

"We're just on our way to the hotel."

"Okay, well, I'll c-call later alright?"Dad sighed.

"Okay then." I responded.

"L-love you Zo."Came dad's voice again.

"Yeah, love you too dad."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, so small wee chapter for ya's.
Not sure when the next will come out.

Okay, need to say something, if the comments
don't pick up a bit more I won't be posting as
much alrighty? You'll be lucky if you get one chapter
within a month cause seriously, I put a lot of time
and effort into it. So come on guys, pick up the
comments please.


x o