Can't Have You

"Did you really think you could just forget about

"This room is freakin' huge!" Kris screamed when she threw open our door. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile at my friend's happiness. Kris had never stayed in a hotel before since her parents never actually travelled outside of New Zealand. "Shotgun window bed!"

Damn. I knew I should've said something. It took us about half an hour to get everything sorted, we didn't bother unpacking since we'd be repacking in less than 48 hours.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" Came Kristen's voice, her face in front of mine.

"Wha- oh, sorry, thinking." I smiled apologetically.

"And we all know how dangerous that is.." She giggled, pushing me over on my bed so she could climb on. "You wanna tell me what you were thinking 'bout?"

"Not much really, just you know, the tour and everything. How fast everything is going." I shrugged, rolling onto my back and putting my arms behind my head.

"But, you're okay right? Not getting sick of it all yet?" She wondered, leaning on her elbow.

"Course not.. Just I mean, when I heard I was number one it sort of sparked something in me you know? Like it was just hitting me that I'm here and I'm living the dream I've always had." I said quietly, staring up at the ceiling. It was a pale cream, nothing special.

"I know, it's great isn't it? I mean you an internationally recognised singer and me, about to become a model, it's surreal." She breathed, grinning ecstatically.

"I just wish, mum was here to see it. She always said I'd make it one day." I said, almost in a whisper as I turned to face Kris whose face had softened.

"I know how you feel, not literally of course but my own parents not being here kinda hurts a bit too, but we'll be fine Zo, don't you worry about that. Everything happens for a reason and I think this, this career you're building up was the final gift from your mum." Kris smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Thanks Kris, I couldn't have done this without you." I smiled weakly. It was true, Kris was like my rock and without her I think I would've crumbled.

"Aw.. Okay enough of this mushy stuff there's a pool downstairs that's got our names on it, let's go!" She laughed, making me laugh too as she jumped off my bed. I shook my head, sighing with a smile on my lips. At least Kris knew how to cheer up a depressing mood.

Today was one of the only days we actually got to spend in the cities we were going to. The rest of them we were only there for the concert and gone the next morning, early, next morning.

"Come on! Come on woman! We're wasting daylight!" Kris laughed, rummaging through her bags.

I groaned as I got up off my bed, searching through my own case to find my bathing suit. It took a while since I couldn't remember what bag it was in. Turned out to be the one with shoes. In the bathroom I pulled the purple one piece on. It was the coolest thing. Close to a bikini but totally connected simply with parts cut out on the side. I pulled on an oversized grey shirt (one of Chace's) and a pair of Soffe shorts.

"Let's go comrade!" Kris yelled. Alright, who found the skittles and gave them to her??

I shook out my hair and grabbed my towel, leaving and locking the room with her. We invited Selena as well, all of us racing each other down the stairs.

"Kris, wait!" I yelled but my warning went unheard as Kris turned back, laughing and then smacked straight into the glass door. She slid down to the floor, groaning and holding her head.

Selena and I turned to each other, our mouths twitching before we finally burst into laughter, doubling over.

"It's not funny!" Kris pouted but soon she was laughing as well, unable to control herself anymore. With tears in our eyes we finally got out of the foyer and outside to the pool, still laughing of course.

"You could've warned me earlier.." She muttered, pulling off her t-shirt and shorts. Sel and I followed suit before going over to the pool.

"It's cold!" I shrieked, pulling my foot back out. It was a warm day but there was no way I was getting into a freezing pool at only ten in the morning.

"You're such a sook!" Kris laughed, her and Selena looking at each other with a devilish look. Uh oh. I knew that look, it was the same one she usually got whenever she..

"No!" I screamed, running from them. They had me cornered of course, the two of them were both faster runners than I.. Where was Roo when I needed him??

"Aw come on Zoe, just a small wee dip.." Sel grinned maniacally as her and Kris advanced on me.

An idea came into my head and I widened my eyes, "Tommy!"

Kris spun around and I ducked past her, giggling as I ran off. I made it to the other side of the pool, backing up near the doors when they caught up with me.

"Nicky!" Kris grinned and I shook my head, "Nuh uh! Not falling for tha- Argghh!"

I screamed as I was lifted off my feet and then thrown into the pool. It took a few seconds before I finally surfaced, coughing and spluttering. I looked up and saw the laughing faces of both Kris and Sel but also the Jonas boys, Frankie included.

"Alright, who threw me?" I yelled, hoisting myself out of the pool. All heads swivelled to Joe who was looking at the others. "Aw, come on! You said you wouldn't tell!" He whined.

I walked closer to Joe, an evil smile on my face. "Hey-Hey, noo!" He yelled as I jumped on him, drenching his clothes and messing up his hair.

That started the whole thing off. Us girls trying to get the rest of the boys soaked. Kris threw Frankie into the pool while Sel and I cornered Kevin, Nick hiding behind one of the chairs.

"Come on ladies.. I'm the nice, sensible one!" Kevin tried to plead but we weren't having it. We both grabbed at his arms, pulling him towards the pool. We got close enough that Kris was able to push him but he latched onto us, pulling us with him.

We emerged from the pool laughing at poor drenched Kevin before getting out, Sel going after Joe and I, Nick.

"Don't come near me Zoe!" Nick protested, grinning. I smiled angelically, "But I want a hug Nicky!"

"I'll.. I won't get you a christmas present if you come near me!" He threatened, of course it was only jokingly but I made it look like I had taken real offence to it.

"We were just playing!" I snapped, turning on my heel and striding off, fighting to keep the smile off of my face. I never was a good liar.

"Wait! Zoe!" Nick's voice yelled. I heard his footsteps behind me and I waited for the right moment. I spun around and jumped him, latching on and wetting his pink shirt and black jeans, laughing.

"That was not even fair." Nick pouted at me while I held onto him.

"Aw.. Does this make up for it?" I smiled, leaning forward. I kissed him on the cheek before jumping off and running from him, around to the other side of the pool.

"That was cruel Zoe Cooper!" He yelled out to me, a smile was on his lips though.

"If you can catch me- Joe!" I yelled as Joe tackled me into the pool, the air being taken out of my lungs at the force of it. In the pool, I opened my eyes to see Joe grinning at me, bubbles everywhere. I poked my tongue out and then pushed upwards, surfacing and gasping in air as I got out.

"You know, you guys really should learn how to change before getting into a pool." Mrs Jonas shook her head as her, Theo, Mr Jonas and Selena's mother appeared. At least they were smiling.

"Yeah guys. Sheesh!" I rolled my eyes as I sat on the edge of the pool, grinning.

"No fair! Zoe started it!" Kevin called out, everyone pointing at me. My mouth fell open, shocked, "Actually! Joe started it!"

"Joseph.." Mrs Jonas called, raising an eyebrow at her second oldest.

"What? Zoe was asking for it. Besides we were going to go swimming." He grinned, making the rest of us howl with laughter at his excuse.

"Yes, well next time do you mind putting proper swimming clothes on? Now hurry up, grab a towel and go get changed properly." She shook her head, a small smile on her face.

"Yes mum." All the boys answered, grabbing a towel off the sun chairs and trooping inside.

"Oh, and Zoe love." Theo called.

"Hmm?" I answered.

"There's a phone call waiting for you at the front desk." He said before he and the rest of the parents walked back inside.

"I'll be back." I said to the girls, towelling off before running to foyer, my shirt and shorts sticking to me as I got near the front desk. "Um, Zoe Cooper. My manager said you had a-"

"Call for you yes, here you go." The lady smiled, handing the phone over.

"Zoe speaking!" I answered.

"Did you really think you could just forget about me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh, the mystery person appears
once more lol. I know I said I'd
reveal who they were like three chapters
ago but I thought this would be so much
more fun lol.

Any guesses as to who you all think it is??


x o

P.S Oh, and thank you guys so much
for the commenting, it's amazing really! I really
really do appreciate it! Thank you!!