Can't Have You


"Kris..!" I yelled, throwing open the door to our room, "Oh."

The four boys, Sel and Kris all looked up at me in shock. Suddenly, no warning possible, I burst into tears, causing all of them to jump up and rush towards me.


"What's wrong?"

"Are you okay?"

"What happened?"

"Kris.. I just want to talk to Kris.." I sobbed, pulling away from all of them.

"But.." Nick tried to protest but Sel and Kris ushered everyone out, Sel leaving as well.

"Kris! C'mon let me in!" Nick pounded on the door. I heard some scuffling and muffled arguing before it finally went silent outside our door.

"What on earth happened?" Kris gasped, leading me over to the bed.

I wiped my tears as she wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "I-I got a phon-phone call.."

"From who? Is everything okay?" She asked, her face contorted with worry and confusion.

"Nothing.." I whispered, "will ever be okay anymore.."

"Oh god.." She mumbled as I showed her the crumple post it note in my hand.

. . .

"Why don't you just come out love? It'd probably do you some good, you know, be around friends, a friendly atmosphere." Kris tried to reason with me. I shook my head though, wrapping my blanket tighter around me, "No thanks, I really don't want to."

Tonight everyone had planned to go out for dinner but eating didn't seem so appealing seeing as I was sick to my stomach and trying to fight off an annoying migraine.

"Aw, please? I don't wanna leave you here by yourself.. Especially not after this afternoon.." She said, her brows knotted in concern.

"Ready to go girls?" Theo asked through the door, knocking on it. Kris strode over and opened the door, letting him in. "Okay Zo, I know you're famous and all but the whole, just got out of bed look doesn't mean you're actually bringing the bed sheets with you."

I smiled, albeit rather weakly, at him. "I'm not feeling up to it. You guys go, have fun."

"You sure?" He asked, "Not getting sick already are you?" Theo placed a hand against my forehead and frowned.

"No, course not. I just have a wee headache. It'll be fine after a good night's rest. Really, go, enjoy tonight. Lord knows it'll be one of few within the next eight months." I sighed.

"Okay, well we'll bring ya something back. You get some rest now love. I need my little superstar up and running for tomorrow." He grinned, rubbing my shoulder.

"But..!" Kris tried to argue so Theo pulled her out of the room, shutting the door behind them with a wink.

Curling up on my bed, I switched the channel to MTV, smiling to myself as 3oh!3's 'Don't Trust Me' began to play, my latest obsession.

"Hello?" She calls out upon entering what looks like an empty classroom. The sky outside is blackened with grey, looming rain clouds. The sign a terrible storm is coming.

The girl was me. I could see that but it was as if I was cloned because I was also watching myself from behind what looked like a two way mirror or even a camera lens. I often had dreams like this, watching myself from distance, always able to feel what the other could but never able to do anything.

"I've been waiting for you Zoe."

I feel it too. That ice cold grip on my heart as I hear the voice. The softness breaking the eerie silence

"Why won't you leave me alone?" She/I whispers, backing away.

"Run." A voice whispers in her/my ear, fingers trailing over the back of my neck. They're comforting, unlike the person who stalks us now.

"You took everything from me."

"You did that to yourself." I/We say back, trying to find our way out of the classroom inconspicuously.

"C'mere, I just wanna talk.."

I/She turns and runs, fleeing the classroom. With each pounding step, a word is reverberated within my beating heart. Run. Run. Run.

"Zoe dear, you can run but you'll never be able to hide. You're famous now, I'll always be able to find you."

I/She tries the front doors of the building, shaking them in frustration when they don't open up. Locked. How typical.

"There you are.."

I/She spins around, seeing only the looming and forsaken darkness, heart wildly beating with panic. As if it can feel the death nearing, waiting for it. Taking in those final beats before the trigger is pulled on it.

The shiny, silver barrel of a shotgun comes into view, the hand gripped tightly around it.

"No.. No, please!" We beg.

The sound is deafening but the pain does not come. My death comes swiftly, something I wasn't expecting. The blood pools slowly, staining my top.

Wow, we think. Here we are, dying and all we could think about is our top being stained.

"Sweet dreams." The voice whispers, eyes glinting with malice as we try to focus our own.


I screamed as I was jolted awake, my eyes flying open. Everyone is crowded around my bed, each of them staring at me with concern and worry. "What on earth happened? We could hear you screaming from the hall! The concierge had to call us because he could hear someone yelling up here." Chace said, searching my face.

"What?" I mumbled, wiping my.. wet cheeks? When did I start crying?

"You were calling our names. Zoe, what happened?" Kelsey asked, placing a hand on my cheeks in a sort of motherly fashion.

"I-I was.. It was just a nightmare.. Sorry." I muttered, trying to steady my breathing.

"Are you sure? You sounded terrified." Kris said, her eyes wide with shock.

"No, really. I'm sorry I ruined your evening." I said, sitting up.

"It's fine love, just as long as your okay." Mrs Gomez said with a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah I am now." I breathed out, not looking at them. It took a while but finally they left Kris and I alone, Nick being the most stubborn to leave.

"Are you sure your okay? You're still pale and look, your hands are shaking." Kris pointed out, shutting the door and coming to sit on my bed.

"No, really, just a nightmare. Nothing to get worried over, alright? I'm sorry-"

"There's no need to be sorry for anything." She smiled, brushing part of my hair off of my face. "You get some proper sleep now."

I thanked her as she got into her bed, saying goodnight before we switched out our lights. Little did I know this was just the beginning of so much more to come.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. Intense lol. Okay, so I'm not
going to be posting any tomorrow or the
day after it since I am babysitting at my uncles
for both days sorry so I'll try to post a long one later
and when I get back I'll try to post two extra's for ya.

Comments and rate? Hmm.. Love all the feedback I'm
getting! Thank yous soo much!


x o