Can't Have You

Wake Up Call

I was the first one up the next morning since I could barely sleep after my nightmare. The whole night I was afraid to shut my eyes, scared that the dream would come back and show the ending. Switching my phone on, I found I had two messages. One from last night, one from a few minutes ago, both from Nick.

If your up the first read come to my room please?

Getting out the comfortable bed, I pulled a jersey on over my singlet, my short-clad legs beginning to feel the cold. I brushed my teeth and tidied my unruly hair up before quietly sneaking out of my room, keycard in hand. My feet padded softly against the carpeted floor as I walked the few steps to the boys room.

Knocking gently so I didn’t wake anyone up, I held my breath and waited for the door to open. I breathed a sigh of relief when the door swung open to reveal a sleepy and disheveled Nicholas Jonas.

“Aw Nick, you should just go back to bed, you look exhausted babe.” I giggled, leaning against the door frame as he tried to wake himself up.

“I would but I’m looking at an angel, so I think I may have died in my sleep and this is my heaven.” He smiled in a sort of dream-like way, causing me to blush as he pulled me closer, wrapping his arms around me.

Taking my hand, Nick led me to the sofa, Joe and Kevin’s doors shut with hushed snoring sounds coming from each. Setting me on the sofa gently, Nick sat down on too, wrapping a blanket around us. I leaned into his chest, his arms securely around my waist.

“Zo, what happened last night?” Nick breathed, his breath minty and fresh.

I sighed, “It was just a nightmare, I swear. I haven’t been getting much sleep so it was bound to happen.” Shrugging it off, I hoped he bought the story.

“Well, what about yesterday-“

“Honestly Nick, I’m fine. I just got worked up over nothing. I promise everything is... Fine.” I really had to stop saying fine.

“Are you sure? You know you can talk to me.” He said softly, his big brown eyes so open and honest, it almost made me spill the whole truth.

“And I will. But there’s no need to worry because there’s nothing wrong.” I laughed gently, praying it sounded normal and not like I wanted to cry.

“If you say so.” He yawned before pecking my lips gently.

I giggled, “You should get some sleep now baby.”

“But then I can’t see you.” He pouted, stealing another kiss as I laughed quietly.

“Then learn how to sleep with you’re eyes open, now sleep mister.” I commanded, kissing his nose.

“Nuh uh. Not until I get a better kiss than that.” He raised an eyebrow, waiting.

“You’re such a girl.” I rolled my eyes, leaning my face ever so slightly up to him, our lips touching.

Nick’s hands moved to the small of my back, pulling my closer as one of his hands slid down my thigh, grabbing my leg and hitching it over his waist, causing me to gasp and my breathing to become labored. He let out a small moan as I gently bit his bottom lip, my hands tied in his curls. Nick trailed his kisses across my jaw and gently down my neck, sucking ever so gently just above my jersey collar.

“Oh gross!” Kevin and Joe yelled indignantly.

“I sit on that couch!” Joe groaned as Nick and I sprang apart, me landing on the floor with a muffled thump.

“Sorry!” I blushed as Nick helped me up much to the amusement of the boys.

“You couldn’t just hmm... Never do that again could you?” Kevin asked, both he and Joe with small smiles on their faces, their eyebrows raised.

“No!” Nick and I protested, laughing at our unison.

“I can never sit there again now.” Joe whispered, staring horrified at the couch that both Nick and I now occupied.

“Shut up and go get ready.” Kevin rolled his eyes, pushing Joe out of the room, “You two better get ready too, everyone will be waking up soon.

“Shoot, it’s nearly eight, I better go.” I gave Nick a kiss before running out the door, promising to see him soon.

Sliding my keycard through my doors lock, I opened the door and slipped in quietly, Kris just waking up.

“Morning!” I grinned, my cheeks flushed as I grabbed some clothes out of my bag.

“Hey, you’re looking better.” She smiled, stretching and yawning.

“Well, considering I just had a pretty good make-out session, I’m feeling it too.” I winked, her gasping voice blocked out as I ducked into the bathroom to get ready.

After my shower I changed into purple short shorts, blue Nike Air’s and a yellow singlet with a blue zip-up fitted hoodie, my hair in two French plaits, courtesy of Kris. We tidied our room up, repacking all our stuff and then brushing our teeth, leaving the room as everyone met in the hallway. Chace, Kris and I were going to Stone Mountain together so the three of us waited outside by Theo’s car.

We had fifteen minutes to get there by the time Theo came outside, getting into the car and starting it. Kris and I downed our quick cereal that Chace had gotten us from the hotel’s kitchen. It was nice, I suppose but it didn’t really have much of a flavor.

Our sound check today was at ten, we’d be spending the entire day at Stone Mountain so they had shut it down for us so that we could all our choreography and singing down pact.

“’S Tommy and the band there yet?” Theo asked me as he drove into Stone Mountain’s parking lot.

“Um, yep. He’s helping to set up.” I said, reading the message Tommy had just sent.

“Good, here’s the schedule for tonight, hurry up and go to the stage, I need to check a few things.” He said, handing me a piece of paper. Kris and I said bye before taking for the stage, Chace going elsewhere.

Sel and I were on before and also during the boys performances. Kris and I arrived at the stage with a few minutes to spare, everyone else already assembled there. I was glad that for once the photographers and press reporters weren’t allowed anywhere near Stone Mountain today so that we could rehearse in peace.

“Finally, now we can begin.” Kenny Ortega yelled out, you remember him right? The guy who directed and choreographed HSM 1, 2 and 3, the Hannah Montana Concert, Camp Rock and like, a thousand other things.

Kenny started us all off by warming up. Both our voices and our bodies. We’d have to stretch and with every stretch do a different vocal exercise. We were going well for fifteen minutes until there was a loud crash behind us. Everyone’s heads spun around to see Joe tangled up in the drum kit, causing us all to laugh, unable to stop at all.

“Alright, alright, calm down!” Kenny laughed as well while Joe untangled himself, his face red. “Come on Sel, get your dancers ready and we’ll begin with you.”

The boys began to fool around on stage while Kenny helped Sel and her dancers out, making sure they’re timing and everything was right.

“Watch me!” Joe yelled, running and then doing a front flip.

“Please! I can do better!” Nick teased, repeating Joe’s actions but instead of just one front flip, he flipped twice through the air.

“Come on Zoe!” Joe called as Kevin chased Frankie across the stage.

“Nah, maybe later.” I smiled, ignoring the two boy’s puppy eyes.

“Aw buzz kill!” Joe pouted. I simply poked my tongue out and took a swig of my water.

“Morning cuz!” Tommy greeted loudly, his voice right next to my ear. I screamed and jumped in fright, spinning around and whacking my taller cousin.

“Don’t scare me like that!” I shrieked, my heart pounding.

“Well I didn’t think it’d scare you.” He shrugged, his white teeth startling against his tanned skin as he grinned. “What are you guys doing?”

“Sel and Kenny are practicing while the boys are goofing off.” I said, “Seen Kris?”

My smile widened as I noticed Tommy’s cheeks darken, “I-I’ll go find her..” He stammered, turning and taking off.

“I’m sure you will..” I snickered once he had gone, turning back to the stage.

“Hey, where’s Tommy going?” Nick asked, his arms snaking around my waist from behind.

“To find his damsel in... No distress.” I giggled, realizing my sentence didn’t actually make sense.

“Uh, alright.” Nick laughed awkwardly, obviously confused. “So, anyway, how would you feel about having a late lunch, early dinner with me later on?”

I pouted, “Aw, Theo’s got me on lockdown for the whole day. No free time allowed.”

“Let’s go Zoe!” Came Theo’s voice from stage right.

“See. I’ll see you later.” I gave Nick a final kiss before running across the stage to where Theo was standing.

“Okay, so lucky for you, Kelsey has organized a video link between you and the director of a new show that’s going to be broadcasted on Disney, James Carter. Now if you get the part, they won’t start the filming of course until you get back, do you remember that script I gave you a while back? Well, you’re auditioning for the lead part, Kelsey’s got the script all ready for you, I just you need to wow him alright?”

I nodded, taking all of Theo’s words in as he led out to my dressing room. Stone Mountain didn’t actually have dressing rooms so we had set up tents just at the back, sectioned off by posts and also security. There was one each for Sel, the boys and I.

“Here,” Kelsey said once I had entered the tent, “I’ve highlighted the parts Mr. Carter wants you to read.”

She had highlighted about a page and a half. My hands were shaking with nerves as I read it all, taking it in.

“Now, Theo will read it with you while you do the audition okay. You ready?” She asked and I nodded. “Alright, well Zoe, meet James Carter.”

The TV switched on and the camera on top began blinking a red light. James Carter was a sturdy looking man with a thick black hair and the dark shadow of stubble on his face. He was dressed in a black suit and his eyes were a startling green.

“Hello Zoe. My name is James Carter.” He smiled.

“Um, hi. I’m Zoe Cooper.” I smiled nervously.

“Well, you sure have the looks for the part but tell me, how old are you?” He asked.

“Sixteen.” I answered him, my cheeks heating up at his compliment.

“Good age. Alright, well whenever you’re ready.” He gestured for me.

I nodded and then looked at Theo and Kelsey who both gave me the thumbs up. Taking a deep breath, I waited for Theo to read his line. The series was about a girl from Texas who comes to L.A and is actually a superhero. It looked cool, there were even action sequences.

It took almost twenty minutes but finally we got through the script. I looked at the screen, waiting for Mr. Carter’s verdict.

“Well, that was great but I do have other auditions to see to, I’ll get back to you. Thanks for auditioning Zoe. Good luck.” He smiled.

“Yeah, thanks. Bye.” I said, my heart hammering in my chest, threatening to burst.

Kelsey switched the camera off and turned to me, her face expressionless.

“I think you may have just got it.” She grinned happily, making me laugh as she and Theo hugged me.

Oh, I am so cool right now.

♠ ♠ ♠
So, I hope you guys liked that
one, I tried to make it as long as
my little fingers could type lol.

Thanks to all the dedicated fans
who got me up to TEN whole stars,
I love, love, love all of you.

Comments anyone? They're doing superb,
I really love you guys feedback, honestly.

Thank you sooo much!


x o