Can't Have You

Prince Charming

We had only an hour and half before the show started to get ready since we had practiced the whole day. I was hot and sweaty having been dancing for the past two hours non stop. We had gone back to the hotel where all our hairstylists, make-up artists and outfitters were waiting.

In my room, there were two racks of clothing waiting plus about four people ready to change me from frumpy to fabulous. I showered first and then they began with my make-up, mineral powder, blush (pink), eye shadow (silver/blue/pink/purple), eyeliner (black), mascara (black) and then lip gloss (pink). The outfit my stylist picked out consisted of light grey, slightly loose skinny jeans, blue flat boots, a purple racer back singlet with thick straps and a pink singlet with thin straps and rips all down the front over top.

My hair had some parts corn braided; pulling some of it back but most of it was out and curled. Jewellery was kept to a minimum with just a couple of beaded bracelets on either hand, each one a colour of the rainbow and a long necklace that had a heart on the end. I opted out from having dangly earrings and kept to my colored studs I already had in.

"Two minutes Zoe." Theo called. I would've gotten ready back at Stone Mountain but they didn't have showers so I came back to the hotel. I had about two more outfit changes later on anyway.

I was sprayed with perfume before deemed ready. Leaving my room, I saw Theo and Kris waiting outside, Chace having stayed behind at Stone Mountain. Kris had changed into a cute and fitting pink dress that was tight on the bodice but had the skirt part flare out a bit stopping just at her thigh, a pair of white gladiator sandals on her feet.

"You look pretty.” I smiled, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "What’s the reason?"

"Can I not dress up every once and a while?" She asked, becoming defensive.

"Defensive much?" I grinned at her and she poked her tongue out.

"Let’s go ladies, time’s-a-wasting." Theo smiled, ushering us out of the hallway.

It took twenty minutes to get to Stone Mountain since people had begun to arrive even though the concert didn't start for another forty-five minutes. The stage manager, Rob, led us to our dressing room and told us to be at the stage in half an hour so we could do a quick little run through off stage.

In my dressing room, Kris and I fooled around, listening to music like the Spice Girls, Jesse McCartney, The Cores and other random songs that I had on my burned CD’s. We were soon joined by the boys (Frankie included) and Selena, all of us dancing and acting like idiots until our half hour was up and we were told to silently walk to the stage. We had fifteen minutes so before we did our quick run through, Mr. Jonas prayed for a good show. Once we had finished, we did a very quiet run through of one song from everyone, Sel and my dancer’s waiting at the side while the crowd screamed in anticipation.

"Okay Selena, you’re on in, three." Rob counted down for her while she adjusted her head piece. He indicated for her to run out onstage as the music started.

"Hello Atlanta!" She yelled, running out and waving at the crowd who were going crazy.

The boys were above the stage, that much I knew, while I was performing. I was going to introduce them and then they were being lowered down, each on their own rope. Like some sort of Spiderman or James Bond. While I was singing, I tilted my head up at one point, inconspicuously seeing if I could see them. I saw a white shoe before it disappeared and I had to look back at the crowd.

"So, I was just wondering.. Could anyone tell me if they've heard of The Jonas Brothers?" I asked, my hands on my hips. I had a head piece as well, the small mic just in front of my mouth.

The screaming and... Crying? I heard gave me my answer. "Well, then, give it up for the Jonas Brothers!"

My words were lost as the crowd went into raucous applause and noise as ‘Burnin’ Up's' music began. I ran off stage just as the boys were lowered down. Sel and I waited at the side, watching the boys perform, dancing and singing along to their songs, our mic's having been switched off.

During the show, I was welcomed back on before Selena.

"How is everyone tonight?!" I yelled, walking out and giving each guy a hug. "Alright, so just before we begin our song. I want to tell you guys a little story."

The guys all looked at me in confusion but the band and everyone knew what was going on because I had already told them.

"Right, so this morning we were all here dancing and practicing and singing you know, so then Joe decides he wants to be the cool one and does a few flips, Nicky over there thinks he can beat him, does his own few flips and then they tried to get me to do it. I said nah because I'd rather show them up in front of a thousand people!"

I yelled the last bit, everyone screaming and going wild as the guys laughed, shaking their heads.

"Well then Miss I-Can-Do-Anything, show us what ya got." Joe grinned.

"Here Kev, hold my mic yeah?" I grinned, handing my mic over to Kevin who was looking confused but amused. (I so rhymed right there.)

The crowd began chanting my name, making me laugh as I crossed to the side of the stage. I hadn't done this in years so I was a bit rusty. I had tried practicing this afternoon to make sure I could still do it but most of the time I simply landed on my butt.

Counting in my head, I took off running on three. I flung myself forward into a front hand spring and then into a no-handed cartwheel, sliding to a stop once I had finished. I turned to face the boys who each had surprise written all over their faces.

Taking my mic back from a stunned Kevin, I began to speak.

"Boys, ya'll just got OWNED!" I yelled, the crowds screaming near deafening.

The concert didn't end until about eleven that night and we still had the meet and greet to do afterwards. I was almost falling asleep standing up, after meeting the fan girls (few boys) and shaking their hands, hugging them, taking photos, signing autographs and whatnot.

"Baby, wake up." A voice said, laced with laughter. My head hurt as I raised my head off of my uncomfortable pillow. Turns out I had actually fallen asleep at the table we were sitting at for the meet and greet.

I groaned as I blinked my eyes open, taking in my surroundings. Only Nick and Kris were there, smiling at me.

"Come here, I’ll take you to Theo’s car." He smiled at me, holding out his arms. I shook my head but he simply lifted me into his arms as if I weighed nothing. Within seconds, I was out like a light in my Prince Charming’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, don't blame me with that whole
'OWNED' thing, I actually have no clue
what it's supposed to mean lol, I've
just seen people using it LMAO.

Anyway, I know crappy one but my
brain is too tired to function properly
lol, comments? Appreciated greatly



x o