Can't Have You

"I love you Nick Jonas, remember that."

I fell off stage.

It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Especially considering I did it in front of thousands of screaming fans in Colombia. Okay, so this is what happened:

I'm on the stage you know, doing my whole singing and dancing thing when BAM! I hit the floor. Turns out I was too close to the edge and when I went to turn around I slipped and fell off stage. Thankfully the fans were behind security barriers so I didn't crush anyone or whatever but my fall caused me to sprain a wrist (which is now strapped incase you were wondering) and turned me into the laughing stock by my band members, dancers, family and well, everyone on the tour really.

"Don't let her too near the edge Kenny!" Joe yelled as I practiced. I scowled and poked my tongue out at him, "Yes, because your so safety conscious aren't you Joseph? Hmm, remind me who had to get stitches because of falling over?"

"Oh shut up." He pouted, poking his tongue out as well as I smirked at him, satisfactorily.

Tomorrow afternoon we were flying to Spain. I was excited but that also meant Kris was going home as well. I tried not to think about that.

"Have fun?" Nick asked, sitting next to me as I took a break.

"About as much fun as a kiwi in a ferret's home." I grumbled, my wrist aching.

"Well you wanted to fall." Nick laughed, rubbing my back soothingly.

I turned to him and scoffed, "Oh, so I wanted to fall now, did I?"

"No, I didn't mean it like that." Nick laughed, slightly confused at my tone. To be honest, so was I.

"Gosh Nick, you say some stupid things sometimes." I snapped, getting up and storming off, ignoring his calls.

For the past three days I had been having really sore stomachs, back pain and headaches for no reason. I wasn't stressed, I hadn't been doing anything that would hurt my back in anyway (apart from the falling thing but that wasn't my fault) and I was eating right so my stomach had no reason to be upset.

"Hey, hey, hey what's wrong?" Chace asked as I stormed past him, in a bad mood. That was another thing, I had been incredibly stroppy too and for no reason!

"Why can't you just leave me alone? You're not my father!" I shrieked, shoving him off and fleeing into my dressing room, slamming the door shut. I breathed in deeply, still in a bad mood while he yelled at me from the other side.

I went into the bathroom to splash water on my face and cool off, realising I actually needed to go toilet. That was when it happened.

Kris's P.O.V

I was just talking to Tommy when there was a glass shattering scream.

"What the-" Tommy went to go swear but I knew who it was. I took off for Zoe's dressing room, my mind going into overdrive with the possibilities of what it could be.

"ZOE!" I screamed, bursting in through her door.

"Kris?!" I heard her yell.

"Yes! What's wrong?" I asked, frantic as about eight other people came rushing in.

"I'm only going to talk to you! Is anyone else there?" She asked. She sounded as if she was near hysteria. I turned and had to usher everyone else, locking the door after them before turning back around.

"Alright, they're gone." I told her. The bathroom door opened and Zoe stepped out, her eyes red rimmed and glossy with tears. "Zo? What happened?"

"I-I.. There's something really wrong.." She whispered, she sounded terrified.

"What? What?" I sad impatiently, wanting her to spit it out.

"I'm.. I'm bleeding.." She said quietly, shocked.

"Where?" I asked, freaking out as I searched her for signs of damage.

"Down.. There." She mumbled, horrified.

I giggled.

Normal P.O.V (Zoe's)

I finally knew why I was so moody lately. I was also, completely mortified. I had missed out on all the health lessons we ever did at high school and as for my primary school's health lessons.. Well, I'll be contacting that principal let me tell you that.

"I'll miss you so much!" Kris cried as we hugged. She had spent about a whole month longer with
us than she should have because of her modelling thing and all but now her mum wanted her home. She was going to continue with high school and then she'd go into the modelling business, or so she says.

I had tears rolling down my cheeks as I watched my friend walk away from me. I didn't want her to go, who was going to stay up so late with me and then be late with me to sound check? I waved a final farewell as she turned into the air tunnel, disappearing from my sight. It felt as if a part of me had gone then again, that's what Kris was. She was a part of me. I'd be seeing her in a few months when we went to New Zealand but I was still close to breaking down, I mean, that was my sister. I was amazed we had survived without each other for so long.

"Come on doll, we need to go now." Theo said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I stayed for a moment longer before allowing myself to be dragged away.

. . .

We were six and a half into the tour now. Only one and a half more months and I'd be goinghome. No, actually, I'd be going to England. Wanna know why?


The whole TV series thing fell through but I had also auditioned for this and I was called up to say I had gotten it over FIFTY thousand girls! I was honestly in shock for a whole hour. It's amazing, I'm going to be in a movie. Even better is that Anne Hathaway and Johnny Depp are also starring in it! Exciting, much??

"Zo, you've got that dreamy look on your face. Are you thinking about England again?" Theo sighed.

"Aren't you? I mean, oh my gosh, this is it! My first ever movie!" I squealed, throwing my arms out and almost hitting him. "Heh, sorry!"

"So you should be, now, I need you start learning this script or you'll be fired for sure." Theo grinned, pointing to my abandoned script.

I groaned but he had good reason, I had a day of rest once we finished the tour before I was flying to England. Honestly, do I get no down time?? I spent the next two hours running my lines with Theo before he finally allowed me to rest. We were in Darwin, a place in Australia, staying in a hotel for the night. Compared to most of where we'd been, Aussie was like a heater on full blast. It was almost Summer and that meant a total heat wave for the next three months. Thankfully we were only here for another week before heading to New Zealand for a week.

"So, have you and Miley sorted everything yet?" Theo asked. I scowled at him.

"Of course not. She's a two-faced bitch, I mean really, using me to get herself more publicity? She's only saying I used Nick because she did. Love at first sight, yeah whatever." I snapped.

Lately things had been getting worse and it was becoming almost a public brawl between me and Miley. A few months ago I was asked about what I thought of her word's and I told the press straight out, that I thought she was jealous and petty. Then she hit back with a whole thing about how I'm only famous because I know the Jonases and of course, I let my anger get the better of me and I said she was just angry that I was kicking her off the Billboard charts not just in America but in the world. I mean, is it my fault I've got a few number ones with only a few months into this whole career? No, I didn't think so.

But as we all know, Miley just had to have the last words and told the press that I went on a bender and I had been sent to England by my label so I wouldn't be fired. She underestimated
me though, I told the press how she wasn't a very good role model especially after having herself displayed all over the internet almost butt naked and that the fact she was dating someone almost five years older than her was really gross, almost like cradle-snatching . That one was only a few days ago and I'm still waiting for the backlash.

"Alright miss, time for bed." Kelsey said, walking into the room. I mumbled something unintelligible but she ignored it, turning out my light before she left the room.

I was just dozing off to sleep when a faint knock at my door pulled me back to consciousness. I frowned, confused just as another knock came. Getting out of bed, I crept over to the door and looked through the little peep-hole thing. I grinned when I saw the faces of Joe, Nick, Kevin and Tommy. I pulled open the door and they rushed in, shutting it softly behind them, all of us giggling like little kids at our sneakiness.

"Movies milady?" Nick grinned, holding up DVD's as Kevin, Joe and Tommy revealed the goodies they were hiding as well. The boys had brought all manners of junk food (sugar free as well) for us to have.

"We have to be- OW!" Joe yelled/whispered as he walked straight into the bed post. The four of us had to stifle our giggles so we wouldn't get told off.

By one in the morning, everyone was out to it. Well, everyone excluding Nick and I.

"Aren't you scared?" He asked. We were talking about each of us filming our movies. He was going to be away as well, filming for Camp Rock 2.

"Of course but everyone I need is supporting so it makes me feel better." I smiled, snuggling into his chest and breathing in his intoxicating smell as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"I don't want to be without you." He said so quietly I almost missed it. I knew what he was feeling but I also knew that time apart would be good for us.

"Yeah, but it's going to be fine. I'll visit you as often as I can and you'll visit me as well.. Right?" I questioned, kissing his fingers that were laced with mine.

"Of course, how could I not? I just.. I just don't want you to leave and find someo-"

"Don't even go there mister. There never will be someone else for me, not while I have the greatest guy possible. You know that." I frowned, tilting my face upwards to look at him.

"And I'll never see any other girl while I have an angel in my arms." He smiled, kissing my forehead. I blushed; he knew I didn't take compliments very well.

"I love you Nick Jonas, remember that." I said softly.

"I won't ever forget it because I love you too Zoe Cooper."
♠ ♠ ♠
Lmao. I just found the whole 'period'
thing funny and besides, I was running
out of material haha. Just thought I'd
give Kris her little 'girl' moment haha.

Anywhoo.. Hope you's liked it!

Comments anyone? THANK YOU
I GOT (even though I had to threaten
everyone.. =]) THEY ARE SERIOUSLY


x o