Can't Have You

Warning: Mature Language.

No-one was coming. My phone was ringing on the floor but Sam quickly stopped that by stepping on it, the loud crack echoing in the deathly silence, making me flinch and shake with fear. I kept praying for a miracle, something, anything that would come and save me right now. My mind reeled with the idea of never telling my dad just how much he meant to me, of telling my brother's how much they meant to me. I'd never be in a movie, never have my own house nor even kids. Everything came right down to this moment and whether or not I'd make it back.

"They're going to come looking for me you know, if I'm not there soon." It was a hollow threat but there was a truth to it. I was going to be searched for, I just hoped they'd find me soon.

"Oh don't worry, by the time they find you, we'll have already had our fun." Kat smiled, placing a hand on her bony hip.

"Why are you doing this to me? I didn't do anything to either of you!" I yelled, hoping someone would hear it.

"Didn't do anything?!" Kat screamed, losing her cool. "I was sent to military school because of you! Do you know what they do to girls like me there?"

I saw it in her eyes, the same look I once had nearly three years ago.

"What they do to you there? You're cousin should know, he did the same to me." I snarled, pointing an accusing finger at Sam.

"Did to you? Bitch you were gagging for it! 'Sam, I love you, let's go somewhere private.' Nearly a whole year I was stuck in that godforsaken place! Because of you my parents disowned me! My father even spat on me the day I was taken away!" Sam screamed, losing his cool as well.

"Woah, hang on. Yo-You raped her? You never said nothing 'bout that Sam!" Kat suddenly said, looking confused and worried.

"Of course I didn't rape that hoe. She was begging me for it!" Sam tried to defend himself but I knew it, I could see it in Kat's eyes. At least she had some good left in her.

"Begging you Sam? I was screaming for you to stop. You took everything away from me that night, you left me broken and cold! I almost killed myself over that night!" I cried, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Sam.." Kat looked horrified as she stared between us, "How could you?"

"I didn't!" Sam yelled but it was too late, Kat's tough exterior had been broken down. Her anger had evaporated the minute she realised exactly what her cousin had done.

"Kat, please, go get someone." I begged her, "Or at least let me go."

"Move and I'll shoot." Sam growled, pulling out a shiny silver gun.

My heart pounded like a target in my chest as he turned it to me.

"Hey, no way! You said destroy her career not kill her! What the hell are you doing? Put that away!" Kat screamed, freaking out as well.

Staring down the shiny silver barrel, I realised this was it. My dream was coming true. I would see the ending of it and the ending didn't seem to be the happy one I had been hoping for.

"Sam.. please.." I whimpered, backed against the wall as my tears fell in droplets.

"You ruined my life Zoe." Sam mumbled, his words breaking with both anger and torment.

"I-I didn't mean t-.." I murmured, voice cracking with fear.

"Well you know what Zoe, it's too late for apologies, because of you my life is over. So now, I'm dealing my own justice by ending your life too." Sam whispered insanely, completely off the rails, his eyes alight with malice and fanatical.

"Sam- NO!" Kat screamed.
