Can't Have You


"Breaking News! Teen sensation Zoe Cooper has just been hospitalised after having been shot merely hours ago in her hometown of Christchurch.."

"...singer Zoe Cooper was taken into hospital in the early hours of the morning after suffering a shooting incident.."

"...her shooter, a former ex-boyfriend, who is under name suppression has currently been taken into custody.."

"...there is still no word on the star's health but it has been said that she has been undergoing surgery for the past few hours.."

" everywhere are having candle light vigils for the singers recuperation.."

It was all over the news but I didn't care, all I wanted was for this incessant pain to finally end. If this was death then what everyone had said was not true. Death was not peaceful, death was the worst thing someone could go through. I was awake but not fully awake, my eyelids were too heavy to lift and their was constant chatter all around me.

"..she's losing too much blood.."

"..scalpel nurse.."

Then one last sound.


. . .
Third Person's P.O.V

Chaos. Everywhere and anywhere. How could one girl cause so much grief, so much pain and heart ache? Thousands of people waited outside Christchurch Hospital, waiting to hear the news. Hundreds of people were inside, some crying, some so consumed by their grief they didn't hear the doctor's words.

Alone and in a secluded corner sat Nicholas Jonas. In that white room down the hall sat the one girl who had managed to make him fall so hard he never wanted to come back up. Without her he felt as if there were no point to anything. He ignored his families words of hope and only heard his thoughts of despair. What was he going to do if he lost her?

Normal P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep.

God, shut that thing off already..

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Oh come on! Anyone care to shut off the annoying beeping sound?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Hey! Woah, why does it hurt to move?

'Cause you were shot idiot.


Everyone's waiting for you to wake up, you know.

Huh? How long have I been asleep?

Close to four days Zo, don't you think it's time to put them out of their misery?

Well, I would if I could open my eyes. Man my hands are warm.

Clench them, make sure you're still able to use them..

"Oh my gosh! Doctor! She squeezed my hand! Doctor!"

Haha, that reminds me. A patient goes to his doctor:
'Doctor, doctor! I swallowed a camera!'

And the doctor replies:
'Well, let's hope nothing develops!' Hahaha!

This is no time for jokes Zoe!

"Is-Is she smiling? Oh my gosh, I think she can hear us!"

"Zoe, if you can hear me, would you squeeze Kristen's hand please?"

Who's that? I don't know that voice.


Woah! Okay, sorry!

"She can hear you! Zoe, please, wake up!"

Kris! It's Kris! Okay, okay I'll try and open my eyes..

Ow! Okay, blinding light!

The room swam into focus as I tried again to open my eyes. Faces stared down at me as I looked around at all of them, my hand still clasped with Kristen's.

"Oh my baby.." Dad cried, hugging me. I cried out in pain as his arms leant against my chest and he quickly pulled away.

"What the hell.. What happened?" I groaned, my chest on fire.

"Zo.. Sam shot you.." Kris said softly, tears falling and landing on the bed.

"I knew that." I rolled my eyes, "I meant, what happened afterwards?"

"Well, Theo had just turned the corner when you were shot so he got Sam from the back and took the gun off him while Kat called the police. I'm so glad you're alright, you had us all terrified." Kris said quickly, barely taking a breath.

I frowned as I looked around my bed. Chace, Caleb, Tyler, Dad, Kris, nana and granddad.

"W-where's Nick? And Kevin? And Joe-"

"They're just outside sweetheart, calm down." Dad soothed, patting my hair down as my heart rate monitor began to beep faster. Soon Joe, Nick and Kevin had all filed into the room along with Denise, Paul and Frankie who gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, I'm sorry guys but we have a maximum of three visitors at once so I'm going to need a few of you to leave." The doctor said, coming in with his clipboard.

"Oh, well.." Dad mumbled, looking around at everyone.

"Um, could I talk to Nick please?" I asked quietly. Everyone turned to me for a moment before nodding and then all leaving the room, each giving me well wishes.

"Nick?" I said, staring at him. From the moment he had come in, Nick hadn't even looked up at me and stayed nearest to the door.

"H-how are you?" He asked, almost timidly, as if he had asked any louder I might just break and crumble before his eyes.

"I've been better, I must say." I tried to joke but his face didn't change.

"You've been out for four days." He mumbled.

"Yeah, I know." I sighed, there was no point to this, he obviously didn't want to be here. "Just leave already."

"Wha-Huh?" He said, finally looking up at me with confusion written all over his face.

"You obviously don't want to be here so just leave already." I muttered, struggling to hold back tears.

"No, I'm sorry. It's just.. It's been really hard lately." He said quickly, coming forward to the bed.

"You know I wouldn't have left you like that. No bullet will stop me. I'm like.. Supergirl." Okay, another bad joke but at least he smiled that time.

"You don't know how good it feels to see you awake." He murmured, sitting down on a chair and scooting it closer, taking my hand in his. I almost groaned at the touch of his skin against mine, the heat rushing into my hand.

"You don't know how worried you had me, no, how worried you had everyone. I was terrified I wouldn't be able to feel your heart against mine or your lips against mine. I-I felt as if my whole world had shattered when you were shot." Nick mumbled. It hurt to see the tears well up in his already blood shot eyes, the dark bags beneath them an indicator of the lack of sleep he had had.

"Hey, you can't get rid of me that easily." I smiled, tilting his face up so I could him properly.

"I just didn't know what to do.. If I had just stayed with you then maybe.." He said, tears falling.

"Nick, look at me. I'm alive alright, I'm going to be fine." I soothed him.


"No, look, what happened has happened, you can't change the past, I just need you to not blame yourself over what happened. Sam was crazy alright, you couldn't have known what he was capable of. I feel sorry for Kat actually, she was just roped into it." I sighed, kissing his fingers.

"I'm sorry Zoe, I should've-"

"No Nick, forget it. Just, do something for me alright?" I whispered.

"Anything." He responded, leaning forward onto the bed.

"Kiss me." I said just as he placed his soft lips against my own.

Taking away all thoughts of ex-boyfriends, guns, doctors and hospitals, I lay there kissing Nick with pain in my chest but a whole life ahead of me. I was going to be fine. I was going to be in a movie, I was going to get a house, grow up, have kids but best of all.

I was going to be with Nick.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aw yay. I didn't want to go for the whole
'Kat saves Zoe' thing with Kat jumping
in front of the bullet so I hope you guys
like this one. What sort of writer would I
be if I killed off the main before the story
ended? Lol, comments please!!


x o