Can't Have You

Bottle of Pills.

"Hello beautiful
It's been a long time
Since my phone's rung
And you been on that line
I've been missing you
It's true."

I frowned. I didn't remember setting my alarm and that sound was scarily close, not on the other side of the room where my stereo was. My eyes flew open when I realised exactly wha-who that was and I shot up, grimacing as pain shot through me. I looked around and saw..


What the-

"Miss me?!" Nicholas sprang up from the side of my bed, large grin on his face.

"Nick!" I screamed as he sat down on the bed, enabling me to throw my arms around him.

He laughed and placed his around my waist as I inhaled his cologne, my head on his shoulders. He placed a light kiss on my bare shoulder before pulling away and smiling at me.

"I've missed you. How have you been?" He asked, taking my hand in his and rubbing his thumb over it. I almost sighed in relaxation.

"Fine, sore a bit but not as much as before. How was the rest of the tour?" I said, leaning back onto my pillow again.

"It was cool but you wouldn't believe how many people kept asking about you, the reporters were worse than usual." He shook his head, still smiling.

"You're awake!" Kevin said, walking in with Joe right behind.

"Hey! Wait- How long have you guys been here?" I asked them, furrowing my brows.

"Well, our plane landed at seven and it's three in the afternoon so.." Joe grinned, raising an eyebrow.

"Why didn't one of you wake me?!" I shrieked, hitting Nick's chest with such force I saw him wince slightly, "Oh, sorry. But seriously! You could've been out having fun not waiting for the cripple to wake up."

"That's what I said.." Joe mumbled, smirking and earning a whack on the head from Kevin. "Ow!"

"Shut up. And no worry, we tried out the quads and your dad showed us around everywhere." Kevin smiled, shrugging with nonchalance.

"But still, it must've been incredibly boring." I frowned, pouting.

"Oh, and you could've made it more exciting? Let me remind you of your bedridden state." Joe teased.

"Let me remind you that I could make you bedridden too mister so watch it." I threatened and he rolled his eyes, poking his tongue out. "Anyway, so what are we doing today?"

They all stared at me with confused expressions, "What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"Well, you don't expect me to sit in here while you're all out having fun and everything!" I whined but their expressions gave me their answers already. "Aw come on! I'm tired of laying here like a useless cripple. I'm so bored I could almost write a book on boredom! Pleeaassee!"

"Only if you're dad says yes." Kevin and Nick said in unison before looking at each other and laughing while Joe and I rolled our eyes.

. . .

Two hours later and I was finally free of my home turned prison ward. Dad had strictly warned us that if anything happened to me, there would no longer be a group called the Jonas Brothers. I brushed it off but the boys were taking it very seriously.

"Ow." I muttered as I slid out of the car with Nick's help.

"Oh my gosh you idiot! Zoe, are you okay? I'd better not get killed for this!" Joe suddenly freaked out, checking me over and whacking Nick on the arm.

"Hey! Ow! She's fine. You're fine right? No bruises, no open wounds?" Nick also frantically searched me.

"Step away from the blonde girl." I said, shoving them both away and grimacing at the same time because of the pain in my chest. "I'm fine alright. Now shush or you'll blow our cover."

The three guys and I each had a different disguise on so hopefully we wouldn't be recognised. I had a black bob wig on with large sunglasses, an over sized shirt, shorts and converse with a fedora hat while Nick had a platinum blonde wig on with a cowboy hat, sunglasses, t-shirt and baggy jeans, he hated it because it looked messy. Joe was wearing a leather jacket, fake moustache, large sunglasses and baggy jeans too. Kevin had the same as his brothers (purple wig this time) and actually looked the funniest. It was strange to see them all in such un-prepared outfits unlike their usual, tidy and good looking clothes they wore.

"You guys look like dorks." I giggled as we walked along the street, intent on our destination.

"Purple is so not good for my skin tone." Kevin sighed making the rest of us stop and stare at him with confusion. "What? I like to take care of how-"

"Dude. Be a dude." Joe said, clapping his hand on Kevin's shoulder.

"Shut up Joe. You take the longest in the morning." I rolled my eyes as Nick laced his hand in mine.

"Yeah- well.. You're a chick." Joe tried to redeem himself.

"And you're sexist." I shot back.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Shut up both of you!" Nick and Kevin yelled, causing the few people on the street to stare at us. I caught Joe's eye and suddenly we were both in a fit of laughter.

"Wait, I need to get a bottle of water." I said as we passed a small stand that was selling fruit and drinks.

"What for?" Nick asked as I approached the man, buying a Pump bottle off of him.

"I have to take two pills every four hours, for the pain." I shrugged, producing the small pill bottle from my bag and shaking out two pills, placing them in my mouth and swallowing them down with water.

"Rightio, so where's this park?" Joe asked, bouncing around. We had planned on going to Orana park for the day. It was a huge wildlife sanctuary with lions and gazelle and all types of animals.

"Right there." I pointed out to the large sign in front of us reading 'ORANA PARK'.

"Oh." Joe blushed, looking down. We walked inside the main building and paid for our tickets inside plus tickets for a ride in this cage thingy to watch the lion's being fed.

"Come on slow pokes!" I teased, rushing through the doors and outside to where all the animals were. First up on our walk were the porcupines, the meerkats and the otters.

"I can't see any- ARGGHH!" Kevin yelled as suddenly an otter flipped up in front of him before swimming away. Nick and I laughed before turning to the large porcupine in it's little enclosure while Joe tried to spot a meerkat.

"Here little meerkat.. I won't eat youu!" Joe called and I stared at him with an odd appraisal.

"Why would you eat a meerkat Joseph?" I asked him, frowning.

"No! I said I would't eat him, duh Zoe." Joe rolled his eyes at me as if I had asked a stupid question.

"I'm so glad I picked the normal brother." I muttered as Nick joined us.

"Hey!" Kevin argued, turning away from the otter's pool.

"I'm too old for you anyway." Joe poked his tongue out.

"Don't I know it. I can see the wrinkles from here." I giggled, returning his gesture.

"Nicholas, you're girlfriends pushing it." Joe warned and I grinned at him, giving him a side hug.

"Aw, I love you Joey." I giggled, ignoring the pain in my back when Joe hugged me back.

"Joe, let go, you're hurting her." Nick said as a wave of pain came over my face.

"Shoot! Sorry, why didn't you say it still hurt for people to touch you." Joe groaned, quickly removing his arm.

"Because it's nothing and don't you dare tell dad about this." I threatened all of them and reluctantly they agreed not to say anything.

It was dark by the time we finally got home that night, dad and I argued because I was supposed to be home at a reasonable time. I figured eight-thirty was reasonable enough so I didn't see what his problem was.

"Zoe, you're not even supposed to be out of be-"

"Not caring dad. I had a good time and that's all that matters. Hey Tank!" I greeted the boy as I walked into the lounge, greeting the two Jonas parents as well.

"So, how was you kids day?" Denise asked as the boys and I got ourselves something to eat.

"Joe tried to eat a meerkat!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"I said I wasn't! Gosh Zoe you big mouth." Joe scowled as his parents stared at him with weird expressions.

"Sure, that's why they all hid from you." I laughed just as he hit me on my left arm. "Ow! Damnit!" I screamed, doubling over from the pain that shot through me.

"Shoot! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" Joe quickly tried to help me but Nick shoved him away as tears sprung to my eyes.

"You idiot Joe!" Kevin snapped.

"No-No. It's fine, I'm fine, really." I breathed, trying to fight back the pain.

"Bed. Now." Dad said firmly while I tried to stand up properly.

"Dad, it's fi-"

"We'll talk about this later, get to that bed now." He snapped as well, pointing to my room.

I touched Joe's hand as Nick helped me back to my room, edging me slowly onto the bed.

"It's not Joe's fault Nick, be nice to him." I told him as I took off my wig and everything.

"He hit you, of course it's his fault." Nick scowled.

"It was an accident and if I hear you or anyone else being mean to him, you're going to have me to deal with." I snapped, losing my patience with him.

"Alright, alright. You're too nice for your own good." He sighed, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I waited until Nick had left the room before pulling out the small bottle of pills in my pocket. Ignoring the instructions I pulled out four, thinking it would numb the pain faster and dry-swallowed them, relaxing slowly as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh. =]

Hope you like it.

x o