Can't Have You


"Nana!" I squealed, coming off the plane, dad in tow with my bags since I couldn't 'carry any heavy objects'. What did the man think I was going to do? Lift a bloody crane? Idiot.

I hugged the small, ageing woman thankful my arm and chest weren't hurting anymore. Behind her stood my grandfather, tall and proud in his sixties.

"Lois, Michael." Dad greeted them, giving nana a kiss and granddad a firm handshake. I loved my grandparents because they were the one thing that I could associate with my mother fully, they were there through her entire life and they knew just how much she meant to me.

"Well then dearie, how 'bout we get you home and rugged up yes? You can't possibly be warm in that outfit." Nana said, eyeing my shorts and t-shirt up with apprehension. Could I help it if it was summer in New Zealand??

"Hmm, I forgot just how cold it was here." I smiled, hugging my body to try and create some warmth as we were led through the airport by two of my bodyguards, the paparazzi taking photo's of 'newly recuperated Zoe Cooper'.

"How do you feel now Zoe? Are you worried at all?" Someone asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just dealing with this day by day and no, no worries. Sam and Kat were just messed up and well, I forgive them for that. They weren't in their right states you know? Thank you all though for your support, it's been great." I smiled, signing some autographs for a few girls and even some boys.

I kept my head down as we were led out to the newly brought blue Toyota that granddad had decided he needed after the truck broke down on him a few months ago.

I slipped into the backseat while Garth and Peter, the bodyguards got into the seats right in the back, dad next to me and my grandparents in the front. Nearly an hour later and we were finally at my grandparents house, it was nearing ten-thirty by this time. Theo was coming over at lunch time with Kelsey and the movie's director, Tim Burton to discuss everything and tomorrow, we began filming.

"So, how long has that boy been put away Mark?" Granddad asked.

"Five years with parole in three for good behaviour. Not long enough in my opinion." Dad scowled, answering his father-in-law. Granddad and dad soon continued the conversation while I tuned them out, checking my phone.

One New Message.

I grinned, I loved getting messages. I felt so loved and excited when I did.

Hello movie star. =]
I'm going to be in your
neck of the woods in
a few weeks. Hang out yes?
Well.. Hope you have fun filming.

x Taylor

I grinned at Taylor's message. I had gotten to know Taylor Swift quite closely since I had been introduced to her a few months ago by Selena. They were talking on a video message thing and I came into the room so BAM. Friendship. She was amazing and we had been talking of a collaboration together, I hoped we would do it soon, I was getting edgy about it. In a good way of course.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

I frowned, I hadn't messaged Taylor so it couldn't have been her.

As soon as you can, we are hanging
out! I've missed you! =]

x Aaron

Oh, right. Aaron was British wasn't he? Hah, stupid head. You all remember Aaron Johnson right? Good, now that that's cleared up I had better message him back.

Gimme a couple of hours and we'll
go have dinner yeah? Sweet.

Missed you too loser.

x Zo

"Who loves you?" Dad asked as I sent the message.

"Aaron. Remember, we met him here on Miley's tour." I told him. Miley and I were completely cold turkey, no more arguing or nothing since I had been in hospital, I think she felt bad. I did, I didn't act very mature. I think I might call her sometime actually..

Aaron and I continued our little conversation until Theo, Kelsey and Tim Burton had arrived. I was jittery at the prospect of finally meeting the man who had created my favourite movies like The Nightmare before Christmas and Corpse Bride.

"Zoe, Tim Burton. Tim Burton, Zoe Cooper." Theo introduced us. Shaking hands with Mr Burton, I felt rather like a star struck teen than his newest actress. Tim Burton was a unique looking character with a black, stubbly face and Albert Einstein looking black hair but nevertheless, this was still a imaginative genius.

"I'm pleased to meet you Zoe." Mr Burton smiled and I couldn't help but smile back, I think it looked slightly like I was a loony toon though. "Now, about the movie, would you mind if we dyed your hair? I mean, we could get a wig of course but wigs cost thousands and such.."

"No, no, dye my hair all you like." I grinned, "I suppose it's a bit too dark to be Alice's really."

I liked my brown hair but I supposed going back to blonde wouldn't kill me.

"Oh thank you. Now, about your script.."

It had taken us close to four and a half hours by the time we had gone over everything. I was to be at set by six tomorrow morning and I had to stay all day until about nine tomorrow night. Geez and I thought touring was tiring. It was about five when I finally got the energy to message Aaron and choose a time to meet up.

Getting into the shower, I washed off and used some hair removal cream on my legs before getting out and drying off. In my room, I stood in front of my wardrobe deciding on what to wear just as my nana walked in with some biscuits and juice for me.

"Thanks." I grinned at her, the towel wrapped tightly around me.

"Going on a date love?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Just meeting a friend." I said, shrugging.

"You know, in my day, I used to play the field. Why would any girl stick to just one man until she's older I have no clue." She sighed, leaving the room. I stared, open mouthed at my grandmother. I think she just told me to 'play the field'. Ew. That's really weird. Especially considering she's nearing like, seventy.

Going back to picking clothes (and eating a biscuit), I finally decided on a pair of royal blue jeans and a cream sweater with black flats that had a ribbon that tied around my ankle. Leaving my hair out, I applied a bit of mascara and then brushed my teeth, filling a bag with my cellphone, wallet, keys and lipgloss.

"I'll be back later dad!" I yelled as Garth and Peter followed me out to the car. Getting into the drivers seat (remember I now have my learners), Garth got in next to me and Peter in the back. For getting the role in the film, Theo and Kelsey had brought me a silver Dodge Stratus Coupe. It was also supposed to be doubled as a Christmas present too.

Getting in, I couldn't help but grin as I buckled up and then started the car, loving the feeling of the steering wheel vibrating with power beneath my fingertips. Backing out, I turned on my stereo and then turned it up, Eric Hutchinson's 'Rock 'n' Roll' blasting out.

"If he wants to rock he rocks
If he wants to roll he rolls
He can roll with the punches
Long as he feels like he's in control.

If he wants to stay he stays
If he wants to go he goes
He doesn't care how he gets there
Long as he gets somewhere he knows."
I sung along, rocking from side to side as I drove, not even caring that my bodyguards were in the car as well.

Half an hour later and I had finally arrived at the restaurant I was planning to meet Aaron at. He had invited a few friends so it wouldn't look like we were having some sort of romantic dinner or whatever. After parking the car, I got out and was immediately flanked by Garth and Peter, people staring at me with strange expressions, some even with cameras.

Walking inside the small restaurant, I immediately spotted Aaron with a couple of guys and girls in one corner, separated from everyone else. He waved at me, a smile on his face as I made my way over.

"Aaron!" I greeted, hugging him and sitting down in the seat he offered. He introduced me to the two boys and three girls that were seated there. Calvin Goldspink who was twenty, I remembered watching him in Wild at Heart like last year. Stacey McClean, who was the same age as Calvin, Nineteen year old Hannah Richings and twenty-two year old Matt Di Angelo.

I was the youngest by three years, the oldest being Matt who was six years older than me. I felt like such a little kid.

"I love your music Zoe, I've even got the CD. Are you working on another one?" Hannah asked me, sipping her drink.

"Yeah, I'm in the recording studio every spare minute." I smiled, ordering a coke.

"Awesome, I can't wait. Hey Matt.." Hannah then turned away from me and I became silent once more, smiling every so often at points of their conversation. It was strange being like this, like some sort of wall flower. I couldn't join in with their conversations because they were talking about their good ol' times and everything.

"Hey, you okay?" Aaron asked and I nodded, smiling. "We're heading back to mine after dinner, feel up to it?"

I frowned, "Aw, I would but I've got to be up early. Thanks anyway."

"Okay, that's fine, some other time yeah?" He smiled at me, touching my hand. It was an innocent gesture but I couldn't help but blush at the warmth of his fingers. "Let's get some tea then."

I guess you could say the night was pretty good after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. Boring.
Good stuff will be coming
soon as well as the finale.
Don't know if I plan on making
a trequel, I might I suppose. Especially
considering how I'm planning on ending this.
Look out for a surprise. Can't guarantee you'll
like it either. =]


x o