Can't Have You


Sitting on the plane, I was glad for the quietness and calming tone that private jets had. No-one else but Garth and Peter were here since I had specifically requested to go by myself. I had three days and then it was back to England. I was nervous and excited as the plane took off, nervous at the question of what was bothering Nick and excited at finally being able to see my friends again. It had been a while since I had seen any of them.

Putting in my i-pod, I listened to Falling Up's 'Fearless', a song I had recently come across while on Youtube. It was nice and had a good melody, not to mention the lead singer was quite good looking. Too old though. Pulling out my copy of The Lovely Bones, I settled in and began to read.

Nick was the only one who didn't know I was coming. The rest of the cast and everyone knew but I had asked for it to be a surprise for him. Kevin and Frankie were going to meet me at the airport and then I was going to go back to the set with them and surprise Nick there. I was jittery at the thought of seeing him again. To finally have his arms around me keeping me warm and safe, his soft lips on mine, his hands roaming my bo-.. Okay, got a bit carried away there. Next topic.

By the time I had finished the book, we still had a while to go before landing so I figured I had better catch up on some precious hours of sleeping. Leaning my chair back, I tied my hair up into a bun and then put a pillow under my head and a wrapped a blanket around me, falling asleep within minutes.

. . .

"Miss Cooper?"

"It's Zoe." I groaned, sitting up.

"Yes, well the plane's about to land, we need you to put your seat as it was and buckle in if you could please." The hostess said.

I complied with her instructions and set to fixing my seat and my hair, pulling it out of the bun and letting my long locks fall down to my elbows in waves. As soon as filming was over I planned on going straight back to a darker colour, this pale blond was incredibly boring. I was actually thinking of even getting either blue or pink streaks, not for a while now but I had seen a blond girl walking down the street with pink streaks under her hair and it looked awesome.

Staring out at Canada's night sky, I smiled in anticipation to finally seeing everyone. The plane touched down ten minutes later with a small bump and finally, I was off, close to running for the gates. I passed through security with ease as people started yelling and freaking out, asking me to take pictures and sign things for them. I obliged for a few minutes before saying I had to go and then having Garth and Peter escort me out to where the black SUV with tinted windows was waiting.

Getting into the back, I gave both Kevin and Frankie a hug each.

"You've grown Tank!" I gaped, staring at the once small boy, who I reckoned would now come up to my shoulders or chest.

"Yep! I grew eight centimetres!" He boasted proudly.

"I had best start growing too then before you overtake me." I said, smiling as Kevin began driving, Garth and Peter next to me.

I stayed silent through the half hour drive, drifting in and out of a doze before the car finally came to a final halt.

"And, we are here." Kevin said, winking at me as he got out of the car. Garth and Peter grabbed my suitcases while I slung my backpack over my shoulders. The night air was crisp and fresh compared to England's usual cold and dreary.

My purple shorts stopped mid-thigh but I had a cream sweater and a pair of beige ugg boots on so that counteracted the cold my legs were feeling. We were in a wood-sy area with lots of trees, bushes and chirping wildlife. There were log cabins set up everywhere as well as wires all along the ground, some hidden, some not.

Making our way on the path that had been lit up for everyone, Kevin lead me to their cabin. I wasn't staying there, I was actually going to be bunking with Demi and Meaghan Jette Martin. Garth and Peter took my bags to my cabin while I went inside of the Jonas' cabin, greeting Denise and Paul with a hug.

"So, where is everyone?" I asked, sitting down on the couch next to Frankie.

"Just finishing up a scene. Nick's watching them." Denise smiled, "How's your movie going?"

Everyone continued talking for another twenty minutes when we got a message from Joe asking if I was there and that they were coming back now. I got up from the couch and went to hide behind the front door so that when Nick shut it he would see me standing there. It took a whole ten minutes and everyone in the room, including me, were trying to stop giggling when finally the door opened.

"Nick, can you shut the door please?" Joe said, walking into the lounge. I fought against myself to not laugh when suddenly Nick came into view.

Putting a broad smile on, I couldn't help but giggle as he stared at me wide-eyed.

"Boo." I smiled before he registered that I was there.

"Zoe." He said, almost stunned before wrapping his arms around me.

"Long time no see." I whispered in his ear, hugging him back.

"Hang on!" Nick said, pulling away and turning to his family. "You all knew about this?!"

"Sorry bro, gotta follow the girlfriend's instructions." Joe grinned, shrugging.

Turning back to me, Nick smiled and shook his head. "Come on, let's go for a walk before the others take you away."

I waved goodbye to his family, Nick's hand lacing with mine as we left the cabin, walking behind the other cabins so we wouldn't be spotted and walking down to the lake.

"So, how are you?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence.

"Good, yeah, the movies coming along great and my albums getting there. You?" Was it just me or was there something this boy was hiding from me?

"Yeah, yeah, everything's going well." He nodded, not looking at me.

"Hey," I said, lifting his chin to make him look at me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Sorry, just tired." He shook his head, sitting down on the small jetty that jutted out a wee bit on the lake, pulling me down with me.

Sitting in silence with Nick, I felt like crying. This wasn't the happy, 'I Love You' reunion I had wanted. This; this here was crap. He was hiding something from me and I hated it.

"So, look, we're both tired so how about we call it a night and I'll see you in the morning yeah?" I sighed, getting up.

"Huh? Are you sure? Okay, see you." Giving him a short kiss on the lips I walked off, leaving Nick on the jetty as I went back to the cabin I was sharing with Demi and Meaghan. They hadn't arrived yet and so I walked into my room, shut the door and bolted it, not wanting to be disturbed.

Taking a couple of pills out of my pocket I swallowed them down then changed into my pyjamas and crawled into bed. After seeing Nick, I knew it, something was wrong between us and I had a feeling I was going to find out before I left just what it was.

I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep that night.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh. Drama.

=] Anyone know
what's up with Nicky?
I've got a fair idea lol.



x o