Can't Have You

This is it people. You're all going to HATE me.

YOU'RE HERE!" Someone screamed the next morning, jumping on my bed. My eyes flew open and I shot up to see the form of Demi Lovato on my bed, her hair a mess but a bright grin on her face. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Thank you for the wake up call." I shook my head, hugging her.

"Meaghan!" Demi screamed and Meaghan Jette Martin came running in, having just finished brushing her teeth by the look of the tooth paste on her shirt.

"Damn." She muttered looking at it and wiping it off before looking at me and smiling, "Hi! Zoe? I'm Meaghan!"

"Hey, how's it going?" I smiled, shoving Demi off me as I got up and stretched.

"Great, you?" She smiled as Demi stood up too, poking her tongue out at me.

"Yeah, especially after my special wake up call this morning." I said pointedly, staring at Demi who shrugged and smiled innocently. "Anyway, so what's on for today?"

"Breakfast, filming, lunch, then hopefully if we've been good a swim then some more filming then dinner then whatever we want!" Demi burst jumping about.

"Alright.." I said, staring at her with apprehension, "I'll just go and clean myself up and I'll meet you two at the mess hall, yeah?"

They nodded and then left me to have a shower and change. I pulled on a pair of yellow shorts, a grey off-the-shoulder shirt that read 'I'm Awesome. Jealous?' and a pair of blue low-cut chuck taylors. Tying my hair into a ponytail, I swept my fringe to the side and then put my cellphone into my pocket before leaving the cabin, locking it and then going over to the mess hall where I could hear the buzz of people talking.

Walking in, it seemed like the talking halted for a minute as people saw me.

"Zoe! Over here!" Joe called, waving his fork in the air. I walked past everyone and sat down next to Joe, Demi opposite me.

"Hey, where's Nick?" I asked, staring around.

"Oh, still in.. bed." Joe frowned, looking away quickly. I stared at him strangely for a moment before letting it go.

"I'll be back. I'm hungry." I said, getting up and going to get some breakfast. After loading my plate up with hash browns, an omelette and some pieces of bacon plus getting a bottle of orange juice, I walked back to the table where the others were.

Sitting down with everyone, I felt just that bit happier than I have had in a while. Don't get me wrong, I love filming and all, I just hate the fact that I'm so isolated. In the film, I'm really the only teenager and it's not like I can hang out with other teenagers all the time. I knew being famous and everything was going to be hard, I just didn't think it'd cut me off from everyone. I never had enough time to do anything and I barely had enough time to sleep. People were constantly trying to vie for my attention. Kris and I hadn't talked since forever, I haven't seen my brothers for close to five months, dad's had to hold off his wedding to suit my schedule. It just all felt like a weight, holding me under with no intent on letting go. To be honest, the only thing I relied on, that kept me going day after day was Nick. He was like some sort of rock in my life, the one thing I thought I could count on. But as I was going to find out, even the strongest rocks crumble.

. . .

That night after dinner and once everyone had wrapped up filming for the day, I took my chance and messaged Nick to come to my room. I was hoping to just have some 'us' time while Meaghan and Demi were over at Alyson's and Anna's cabin. The people here were incredibly friendly and I had gotten to know the entire cast pretty well, even the dancers.

Nick responded with a yes and that he'd be there soon. Tidying myself and my room up, I got a couple of drinks ready and some snack food, placing it on the table in the living room. I was going to miss leaving here, everything was such a welcoming atmosphere. A knock at the door woke me out of my thoughts and I rushed to get it, smiling with relief at the sight of Nicholas Jonas.

"Hey." I smiled as he hugged me, kissing me sweetly on the lips before coming inside.

"So, what movie are we watching?" Nick asked, leading me into the living room.

"Hancock." I grinned, switching the TV on and sitting next to him on the couch, his arms wrapping around my waist.

"I've missed you." He said, kissing my neck. Ah, now there's the Nick I know and love.

"I've missed you too." I smiled, lifting his hand and kissing it.

Watching the movie, I could feel myself dozing into a stupor.

"I'll be back, I need another drink." Nick whispered, kissing my lips then getting up and leaving. We had been mucking around during the movie, like he would tickle me and I would try to pin him down but now we were tired and our drink and food had run out.

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.

I stared around. It couldn't have been my phone because it was in my room. I saw the flashing of a light and I grabbed Nick's phone, the culprit. Flipping it open I was shocked to read the screen.

New Message from: Milez

He was txting Miley still? I wouldn't say anything though, I mean, he did have history with her and I didn't want to be like some sort of psycho girlfriend who dictates who he can and can't talk to. That just wasn't me. Clicking off the message, I saw his background was a photo of me when we were on tour and I had just woken up. I was looking at the camera with a cheesy grin and my hair was stuck up in different places. I looked like a dork. I decided to check out his other photo's and began going through the camera album. There were photo's of Joe, Kevin and Nick, one of Frankie and Me, Sel and Nick, Joe and I, Nick and I but my heart stopped as I came to another. One that didn't involve any of the above people. This was a photo of Miley Cyrus.

Clad in only a bra and her underwear.

No. No. No. No. This wasn't happening.

Clicking to the next I found more photo's of her; in her bikini, on her bed.

My world was breaking apart slowly, crumbling at the edges and falling away. Screw being a good girlfriend, I went straight to his inbox.

I miss you too. Did you get
the pix? What did you think?
You should send me one.



I'll send another one just
for you. You should dump
Zoe already? We were a better
couple. I still like you Nick.



"Hey, what are you doing?" Nick asked, coming back in. I stared up at him; confused, hurt, angry. I finally knew it. I finally knew the reason Nick had been so off with me.

Nick Jonas had been cheating on me.