Can't Have You


I was playing the piano the next morning when I heard movement from behind me. I stopped and turned around, nana was standing by the door, smiling at me.

"Morning." I smiled.

"What was that you were playing?" She asked, walking over and then sitting next to me. She smelled like peppermint and rose oil.

"Oh, just a song I wrote a few months ago." I said.

"Play it again, please? It sounded beautiful." She smiled.

"Um.." I blushed, "Okay."

I started playing again, my fingers moving swiftly over the keys. Nana looked at my sheet music and nodded along.

"Sing now Zoe." She told me and I obliged.

"I could be recognized from a distance,
Yeah, I could be the biggest name on the screen.

Singing and dancing forever
Signing my name for whoever

Yeah, it's all in my reach

Yeah, If i give it all that I got
I get there to the top
But I don't even wanna to go
If I have to go there alone, so;

Stand me on top of that mountain
Let me; fly to the end of the world
Yeah, I can go anywhere

But if you're not with me there
It'll never be enough
There's no place like us
There's no place like us."

I finished the song and then bowed my head, just so nana wouldn't see the few tears that had rolled down my cheeks.

"Beautiful." Nana whispered once more, before placing a hand on my shoulder and a kiss on my head. She soon left the room and I was left to my thoughts.

Bzz, Bzz, Bzz

And my cellphone too, it seems.

I took out my phone, sliding it open.


Where have you gone?
We need to talk.


It was the first message from him I had received ever since I changed my number. I decided to message him back, it couldn't hurt, right?

I'm on a break.
If you still want to talk when
I get back, then we'll talk.

I pressed send and then waited a few moments. Sure enough, my phone buzzed again.

Where have you gone?
And why?

I sighed, running my hand through my long hair before replying.

When I get back Nick.
I just need time to myself right now.

I'm sorry.

After I sent the message I switched off my phone. I had just begun playing a few random chords when nana called me for breakfast.

I shut the piano before getting up and leaving the room, heading down the hall and into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filling my nose.

"Morning Zoe." Granddad greeted me as I walked in. He was already seated at the table, the small TV they had showing the morning news.

"Morning." I smiled back before helping nana with the pancakes and setting the table.

Granddad said grace and then we began eating our breakfast.

"So, what do you plan on doing today?" Nana asked as I put a few berries on my plate.

"Um, I suppose I was just going to look around London, you know. See the sights and everything." I shrugged.

"With who?" Granddad asked.

"Um, I don't know. I know a couple of people who could show me I suppose." I said.

"Nonsense, I'll take the day off and show you around." Nana said with a wave of her hand.

"It's okay, really. I have some friends. I'll just message them and see what they're up to." I urged, sipping my milk.

"Are you sure?" Nana asked, worried.

"Leave the girl alone Meredith." Granddad sighed and nana shot him an annoyed look.

"I'm allowed to worry so shut up." Nana said making me laugh.

"Yeah, yeah well I have to get going. Our business doesn't run itself you know." Granddad smiled, getting up and giving his wife a kiss and me a pat on the head.

Oh, did I forget to say that they own their own business? Yeah, it's a catering one.

"See you." I said to him before he left the kitchen.

"Well, now, I'd best get a bit of housework done before I go in as well." Nana said, clearing the table down.

I helped her with the dishes, washing and vacuuming of the house before she left for work too. It was about ten before I got into the shower. When I got out and dried myself, I put on a purple round neck sweater, a black sweater vest over top, a pair of denim skinnies and flat grey boots with a black and white triangle scarf.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, sweeping my fringe to the side before applying a bit of make-up. I had changed ever since I'd gone on tour. Lately I had taken to shopping and trying to look nice, even wearing make-up. After applying my second coat of mascara I brushed my teeth, finally leaving the bathroom.

My phone began buzzing as soon as I walked into my room, I picked it up and read the new message.

Hey Zoe!
Aaron here! Remember me?
Well, I heard you were in London and
I was actually hoping we could meet up??

It's ok if you don't want to, I just figured
you'd might want to take a tour of London
by a Brit like myself lol.

Well anyway, txt back if you want to.


I grinned at the txt. Just the person I was going to message. I replied back to him happily, giving him the address. He said he'd be here in ten.

Aaron Johnson. You know, Robbie from Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging?

Oh yeah, I so got to meet him.

I slipped my i-pod, spare keys and wallet into an oversized bag I brought from Milan a few weeks ago then sat in the lounge, watching TV and waiting for Robbi-Aaron to arrive.

The door bell was soon ringing and I was up out of my seat, almost running to open the door.

"Hey!" I grinned, breathless as he stood there on the porch.

"Hi, so you ready to go?" He smiled back.

"Yeah sure, let's go." I said before locking the door and shutting it behind me, following Aaron out to his car.

"So, how come you decided to come back?" He asked as we got buckled in.

"Just needed a time out you know. I've only just started my career and already it's taking a toll on me." I sighed.

Aaron laughed. "Well, what did you expect? You're going to be super famous by, I'm guessing, the end of this year, of course it's going to take a toll. People want you Zoe, they want to know everything about you. It's simply a question of whether you think you're able to take the pressure that's going to be put on you. Personally, I think you're doing really well."

"Aw, thanks." I smiled, "What about you eh movie star? What's next in you're future?"

"Big Ben." He laughed, pointing out the window. I stared at the window as well and gasped. Big Ben was huge.

"That is so cool!" I laughed as Aaron tried to find a park.

We both got out of the car, keeping our heads low. I put on a pair of sunglasses as we walked closer to the clock tower.

"Did you know Big Ben's having it's one hundred and fiftieth birthday this year." Aaron said as he led me around the large clock tower.

"Wow, it really is old isn't it?" I said as I stared up at it.

"Do you know what that place is?" He asked, stepping closer and pointing to a large, castle-like structure next to the tower.

"Um, like Westminster Abbey or something?" I shrugged, trying to remember what my social studies teacher had taught me.

Aaron laughed. "Close. It's Westminster Palace."

"Oh, right, I knew that." I grinned, blushing.

"Um, excuse me?" Asked a small girl next to me. She couldn't look much older than nine.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are you Zoe Cooper?" She asked, a bit timid.

I bent down to her height. "Don't tell anyone but yeah, I am. How'd you guess?"

"Because of you're pretty hair." She smiled, her eyes alight.

"Aw, thanks." I grinned back at her.

"I just wanted to say that I love your music. And you're really pretty." She said, beaming at me, a tooth missing from the front.

"Aw thank you so much. That's so sweet. Look sweetie, I'd best be going. You have a good day okay? Bye." I smiled at her, waving before I started to walk away with Aaron.

"Bye!" The little girl cried out, making Aaron laugh.

"You've even got England hooked on your music." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up. You're just jealous she knew me and not you." I smirked and he gasped, feigning shock.

"Oh come on super star, let's go get a drink." He rolled his eyes, taking me by the hand and pulling me across the street.
