Can't Have You


11th January 2010
Codename: Destroy Montana
Target: Miley 'Stupid Slut' Cyrus
Objective: To make sure she never get's hired again.

Sitting in my trailer, I scoured all gossip sites, posting 'anonymous' blogs about Miley. I posted everything from her cheating on her boyfriend (Justin) to not being a virgin anymore. I had hired someone to hack into her phone and get all her images and messages for me. Dad always said that when I wanted something done, I never stopped until it was right. And this time, there was no stopping me. She had caused me the worst heartache of my life and I wasn't about to let her get away with that. No way. This was my battle to win and I didn't plan on going down either.

From the TCA's I had ended up winning choice breakout artist, , choice female artist and choice hottie. I was glad I had beaten out Miley even if she did have the other categories. Oh well, people still thought I was better looking than her. They were my first awards and I was currently having some shelves built into my room to begin housing the awards I hoped I would be winning soon. I had the Grammy's this Sunday and I was excited to have been nominated for them as well. My album was one song off from being finished so we were going to have a release party in two weeks. The album was coming out on the first of February and I was excited for it, my second album already!

Kris had been in contact just yesterday, apparently she's got her first big deal with Levi jeans so her face (and butt) is soon to be plastered everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. Caleb's birthday was coming up soon. Eighteen! Can you believe it? It seemed like only yesterday we were playing mud pies in the back yard. Time was moving so fast already; like a speeding car down the highway, music turned up, voices talking loud and not a care in the world.


"Zoe, you're on set in three, let's go." Samantha, my PA said, knocking on the trailer's door. I swore under my breath and shut the computer, getting up and checking myself once more in the mirror before facing the cold air outside.

As I got into the golf cart that was taking me to the next set, I could my phone vibrating in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw the message was from Kris.

So exactly when had you
planned on telling me JOSEPH
not dating him are you? Please
tell me your not dating him! Hes
Nicks brother love and if I know you,
which I obviously do! Then I know you're
still not over Nick no matter what you
might think! Please call me!!

x x x

I sighed at Kris's txt, I had really hoped she wouldn't find out but I swear, the girl has some sort of telepathy with anything that concerns me. It was creepy. Txting her back I shut my phone, switching it off.

. . .

"Okay, so for this scene I need you to be on the verge of tears. Can you do that for me?" Tim asked as the make-up artist retouched my face and my hairstylist re-arranged my hair.

"Yeah, sure." I nodded, earning a foul look from the two women. I had heard of people using memories to make them feel sad so I figured I might as well try.

Closing my eyes I began to think.. About Nick.

"I just need to tell you this. I care about you too but remember, trouble won't befall me at every corner okay? I'm not a little girl."

He nodded. "Okay."

He gave me a final kiss before resting his cheek back on my head, my head on his shoulder and our fingers laced with each other. It felt right. This felt right. I stared up at him and for once, I didn't worry about the future, what was to happen. I simply stayed in this moment, lost in the whirling passion of a teenage romance.

Opening my eyes back up, I could feel the stinging prick of new tears. Getting up from my chair, I walked on set and then we began filming, my thoughts locked onto that stupid boy who had broken my heart.

. . .

"So, have you talked to him at all?" Kris asked over the phone.

"No." I groaned, "It's just so awkward."

"Of course it's awkward! You've just dumped his brother and now Joe's proclaiming his love for you! What you need to do is figure out how to keep Joe as a friend without having him hate you." She said.

"Oh thanks, cause that makes me feel soo much better." I retorted, annoyed. Why couldn't life and love be so much easier? Where was this whole need for drama and hysterics and proclamations?? Grrr!!!

"I'm sorry but that's all I've got." She said softly, almost sadly.

"Kris, is something wrong?" I asked her, frowning.

"It's.. No. Don't worry."She sighed, letting out a breath.

"Babe, I'm your best friend. You've gotta let me in, I can help." I told her.

"Um, fine. I-I think I want to break up with Tommy." She said.

"What? You're dating him?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, it happened on the boys tour and well.. I just think something's off between us you know?" She sighed again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her, annoyed and a bit hurt she hadn't trusted me enough to tell me.

"Well, Tommy and I thought you might object.." Kris trailed off, sounding guilty.

"To what? My best friend and my best cousin dating? Why would I object? I knew you two would get together, I just hoped you would've actually told me." I was angry now. It had been well over two months since the tour had ended and almost eight since Kris had left it. How could she have not told me?

"I'm sorry, we just thou-"

"I have to go." I scowled, hanging up forcefully and switching my phone off.

Wasn't this perfect? I'd just lost my boyfriend (my fault, I know! But still!), my (ex) boyfriends brother had just said he might love me and now my best friend and my cousin were lying to me. When the hell was all this going to just stop? Have I not had enough bullshit for one goddamn lifetime?

Apparently not.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh. Be prepared for
the next one people.
You are going to
be shocked.



x o