Can't Have You


No matter what had happened to me, getting on a plane at four-thirty in the morning was not my idea of fun.

"Can we never catch an afternoon plane or something?" I whined, getting onto the plane, Chace carrying my bags (cause I made him do it =]).

"Not unless you want to get mauled by both fans and the press." Theo winked at me and I rolled my eyes, grinning. Things were so much better now. Everything was out in the open and we were all helping each other with our troubles. Our family had never been closer.

Ooh! Big news!

Renee's expecting!! Ahh, that's like amazing! And kinda grosse cause I know how babies are made but still! I'm not going to be the youngest anymore! As much as I like being the youngest, I want a little brother or sister to dote on just like everyone has with me! This is the greatest thing ever! Oh.. And the fact that Tyler is finally out of his coma! He's alive! Life was just getting better and better!

Bzz. Bzz. Bzz

From: Nick J.

Are you coming to the
Grammys tonight?


I smiled at his message. We had decided to start over, back as friends and make our way from there. I still loved the guy but this was the best thing for us, to have some time apart to see if the other is really what we want.

Yeah. I'm just getting
on the plane. Meet up if
possible, yeah?"

Sure, see you in a few hours.
Joe says hi btw.

I smiled and messaged my reply before being told to switch off my phone. Sitting in my seat, I felt the familiar sensation of the plane lifting up into the air before fifteen minutes later and it had regulated it's flight, allowing the seatbelt sign to be switched off.

"Milo!" I said happily, getting up and making a cold milo for myself. I had stocked up on marmite, milo and milo bars ever since we had left New Zealand, I even went and brought the first two seasons of Outrageous Fortune I was so happy.

"Ease up on that milo Zoe or you're going to have none by the time we get to L.A." Chace laughed, shaking his head. I had officially hired Chace as my personal assistant/body guard. I mean, who was going to look after me better than my own brother, right?

I poked my tongue out and mixed my drink before sculling it down with a satisfying burp, receiving a disgusted look from Kelsey and Theo before laughing at them. "That was good."

"You're lucky the papers don't know about.. That side of you." Kelsey said, staring at me with distaste. Meh, it's what you get when you're raised by men.

"So, what's going on when we get to L.A?" I asked, sitting back in my seat and reclining back as I waited for Theo to answer.

"You have an appointment at Lady Chic, a waxing appointment." He smiled almost evilly as I groaned. I hated waxing. It was the most painful thing possible.

"Am I getting my hair cut?" I asked, frowning at him.

"Only a trim because it's got to look the same in the movie remember." He said and I nodded.

We had about three or four months worth of filming left before it wrapped up and the editors took over. My album release party was tomorrow night and world wide it would be coming out in three days. I had also been scheduled to star in the newest Disney original show called 'Flying The Coop'. It had actually been written for me and was all about, you guessed it, a country girl making it big. I couldn't wait to begin filming as Kristen had been offered a role as, you guessed it, my best friend, Karly Bowman. Tony Oller had been cast as my love interest (score!) and they were still auditioning for the part of my family.

I began to play on my laptop, reading e-mails, checking out my bebo, facebook, myspace, twitter and even my official website, deciding to answer some fan letters.

Dear Zoe,

I'd just like to say I love you so much and I think you're so strong after having to deal with your break up and the death of your brother. I hope everything gets better for you! I was wondering if you'd be able to send me a signed poster please? I just really want one so badly! You're my hero and I think you're such an inspiration!

From Holly

Dear Zoe,

My name is Caitlyn-Rose and I'm seven years old. I live in Utah with my mommy and my daddy and my dog Rosie. I think you are really cool and you are my hero. My mommy says that if I eat my vegetables I will grow up tall and pretty and awesome like you. Is that true? Did you eat your vegetables? I love you very much and I have your cd.

From Caitlyn-Rose

Dear Zoe,

I think you're the strongest person ever! If I had to bury my brother I think I would like totally not be able to! You're such an inspiration to teens everywhere! You're officially my one and only idol! I love you Zoe!

From Becky

I loved reading the mail people all over the world sent. It was amazing that I had caused these girls to start idolising me. I was famous but I was a regular teen as well. It just goes to show that even the smallest thing could make a difference in someone's life.

Oh. I so know which charity I want to sponsor!

"Theo!" I yelled suddenly, making everyone jump and causing me to laugh. "No, this is serious, get Starships Children Foundation on the phone please! I have some lives to change!"

. . .

Touching down in LA, Theo began talking with Hank Porter, Starship's CEO. He was arranging for a charity event soon where I would get a few of my friends (the famous ones) to come and hang out with these kids for a day and just bring a bit of joy to their lives.

Sitting in the limo, I bounced around, happy for the warmth the Los Angeles sun was providing. I would be seeing dad and them soon, Tyler was still in the hospital and I'd be seeing him tomorrow morning. Pulling up outside the house, I almost fell over Chace trying to get out of the car. Running up to the front door, I threw it open, calling out everyone's names.

"Renee!" I yelled, hugging her. Okay, wtf was with my happy mood all of a sudden? Hey! Someone slipped me something didn't they?! I soo bet it was Chace..

"I told her not to have that extra packet of skittles." Chace sighed, coming inside.

Ohh, now we know. =]

"Okay, I'm going to get changed and then KAT!" I yelled, looking around for her.

"Yeah?" She asked, running down the stairs.

"You. Me. Shops. Hurry up!" I grinned, pushing past and running up to my room. Kat and I had grown closer now, she was having therapy and she realised that no, I wasn't at fault for all the bad things that had happened. We were even beginning to become friends now.

I had, like, a two minute shower, eager to get outside and into the warmth of the daylight. Pulling on a pair of pink skinnies, white ankle boots and a grey singlet with an off the shoulder blue shirt over top and a wide black belt around my middle with a few bracelets and chain necklaces. I tied my hair up into two French plaits before putting on a bit of make-up, just a small amount of concealer, powder and some eye make-up and I was ready.

"Let's go Kat!" I yelled after brushing my teeth and shoving things into my oversized bag. I banged on her door and almost punched her in the face when she opened it up.

"Ready?" I asked, grinning and she nodded. We linked arms and tried to run down the stairs together, almost falling over and then deciding that our staircase wasn't exactly wide enough for two people at once.

"Chace! Are you coming?" I yelled. I had earned my restricted a while ago but if I wanted to drive, I had to have Chace in the car because he had his full.

"Be out there in a minute!" He said as Kat and I ran out to the car, getting in. I waited impatiently for Chace to come, honking the horn at him. I had the Grammies in about seven hours and I still had to buy a dress!

It seemed like ageess before Chace finally appeared, getting into the passengers seat, his face coated in crumbs. "Wipe yourself down. We have an image to protect." I said in my best diva voice.

He rolled his eyes and shoved my shoulder gently as I giggled, starting the car up and driving out the drive. I had told Nick before for him, Joe and Kevin to meet us on Rodeo. I hadn't necessarily told what he'd be doing but he'd find out soon enough. I spotted the familiar black SUV in the parking lot next to one of the shops so I located a park close to it and turned off the car, getting out. the SUV's doors opened to reveal the three brothers each with a hat and sunglasses on and Big Rob.

"So, what are we doing?" Kevin asked.

Kat and I looked at each other then back at the boys;

♠ ♠ ♠
Meh. Filler.
Three more chapters people!



x o