Can't Have You


I ended up winning best new artist at the Emmy's, I dedicated it to Caleb and almost balled my eyes out when they actually played my concert of when I had heard the news of Caleb and Tyler's accident. All in all though it was a pretty great night, even if Nick and I did avoid one another for reasons that are still unknown. Miley didn't give me the evils or nothing though when she saw me, she just looked.. Sad. I'm starting to think something's up with her.

It was officially nine-thirty am now and I was in the car on my way to see Tyler. I hadn't been allowed to see him at all even though I had put up one hell of a fight. Dad and Chace didn't want me seeing him hooked up on life support and everything, I guessed they had good reason for keeping me away because upon entering Tyler's room half an hour later, I had the sickening urge to run back out. The left side of Tyler's face was bruised, swollen and cut, his right arm and right leg in slings while a brace was around his neck.

"Ty.." I whispered, rushing to my brother's side.

Groggily, Tyler opened one eye, swivelling his head to look at me. "H-hey." He croaked out.


I couldn't get my words out. Seeing Tyler laid up like that with no independence just broke my heart so much more than it was already.

"Come here." He whispered, his eyes catching my watery ones.

Inching forward, I tried not to show Tyler just how much pain his entire being was causing me. "Look at me Zo. Don't be scared, please." Okay, so I was obviously a lot more transparent than I thought.

"Give me a hug sis, you won't hurt me." Ty said, his free arm reaching out to me sort of pathetically. Seeing him so vulnerable, so defenceless made me want to bawl my eyes out. My brother's weren't vulnerable or defenceless; they were God's in my eye's but after today, I was forced to realise that my brother's weren't the indestructible beings I used to think they were. They were just like every other human on this earth and to be honest, that terrified me.

Getting closer, I gingerly wrapped my arms around him, screaming suddenly and throwing myself off him when he let out a cry of pain. My arm throbbed from having smacked myself into the wall, realising too late that Tyler had duped me, his laughter ringing in my ears. Tears of fury and annoyance fell from my eyes before I hastily wiped them away. Now I knew exactly how everyone else felt when I had tried to pass of my injuries as nothing but a mere scratch only a few months ago and being in this position wasn't pleasant.

"Aw come on Zoe, it was just a joke." Tyler smirked, humour laced in his voice, "You should've seen your face."

"That's just it Tyler! This isn't a joke! Caleb's dead and you're going to be holed up in this stupid hospital for months! Do you not realise what we've all been going through? You could've died! Think about that and try to find some humour in it!" I shrieked, my face hot with anger.

"Excuse me miss, but if you continue to make a racket then I'm going to have to ask you to leave." A passing nurse said, her face serous and annoyed.

Tyler waited until she had gone before turning on me; his eyes blazing.

"Don't you think I realised that?" He snapped, his cheeks turning red like every time they did when he got angry. "And who are you to tell me off for making light of my situation when you were doing the very same thing only a few months ago."

I went to say something but I realised he had backed me in a corner. He was right. What right did I have to tell him off for something I was doing not that long ago? Shaking my head at him, "I have to go and.. Think." I said simply, walking from his room.

I walked all the way out to the car where Peter and Garth sat, waiting for me. Getting into the backseat, they both gave me questioning looks but thankfully didn't ask any questions and simply took me home.

I just knew something would bring me down from my short-lived happiness. I just didn't realise my own brother would be the thing that would do it.

. . .

I left for London a week later, seventeen years old and with two new albums under my belt. Filming of 'Alice in Wonderland' ceased three months later and I felt rather sad, as if I were leaving a bit of me behind. Things were just so much more different than before but there was something in the air, as if this was all leading to bigger and better things. I hoped they did and I hoped that somewhere up there, a blonde haired, green eyed angel was smiling down on me, guiding me in the right direction.

I wasn't an adult yet but I knew that I was almost there. I had matured and I had grown up. I had seen more and felt more than my fair share and I was living a life that only select few people really live at this age. I had a loving family, albeit a still rather country-fied family but my family nonetheless. I had great friends and a great support team behind me every step of the way. But most importantly; I had my hopes, my dreams, my entire life to look forward to.

I was officially, 'Flying the Coop'.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, there you have it, the final chapter of 'Can't Have You'.
I know it's short and it's been a while coming but if anyone
had bothered to check out my journal's then you'd know why.

Thanks to everyone who has supported and commented
me through out both stories, you all know who you are. Yes,
there will be sequel and I will post a note on this to tell you all
when I have posted the first chapter so don't unsubscribe.

I love each and everyone of you so much and without you this
story wouldn't have happened so thank you.

Forever and truly yours,

x o x o

Zoe's Tattoo in memory of Caleb.