Can't Have You

Yeah, That Felt Good.

I couldn't believe it. There he was. Right there, on my grandparents front door step.

"Ho-How did you find me?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"Well, it wasn't hard you know." He said, his voice hard and cold, "You and that guy are splashed across every magazine you know."

"That guy is only that Nick. A guy. My friend, okay?" I retorted. He ran a hand through his curls and my heart beat painfully.

"Yeah sure." He said, shaking his head.

"Well it's not like you can talk." I said and he snapped his head up to me. "What? Did you honestly believe I didn't know about you and Kat?"

"W-Who told you?" He asked, his voice breaking.

"Oh who do you think Nicholas?" I sighed angrily.

"That was a mistake. I was upset and besides, who are you to say anything? You dumped Me, remember?" He snapped back.

"I only did that because I had to!" I hissed, my patience wearing.

"Oh yeah, because that explains everything!" He threw his hands up.

He suddenly shoved past me and I saw it, the image of my heart breaking; bit by bit as he stormed away.

"No! Not this time!" I screamed, stamping my foot, tears welling up in my eyes.

"What do you mean?" Nick said, turning back to me.

"I didn't care what she did to me Nick. I-I did it for you. I didn't want to be the reason you're career stopped. I couldn't d-do that to you." I whimpered, begging him.

"Do what?" Nick snapped, getting angry.

"She said she'd destroy us both if she didn't get what she wanted. I-I couldn't do that to you." I said quietly, tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Who said that?" Nick asked, his voice a bit softer.

"Kat, alright." I said, exasperated. Then I told him exactly what had happened.

"Why didn't you just tell me all this earlier?" Nick groaned once I was done.

"I couldn't do it." I said softly.

"So you decided to break my heart instead?" He whispered, stepping closer.

"I thought it'd be easier."

"Well it wasn't."

"I'm sorry."

Nick placed his hands one either side of my arms then used one to pull my chin up so I could look at him.

"Do you even realise how much pain you put me through?" He asked, his eyes searching mine.

"I know how much pain I put myself through." I whispered.

"Zoe, I-"

"Nick? What do you think you're doing?"

My mouth dropped as I looked over Nick's shoulder to see his girlfriend, Kat, standing there.

"Kat?" Nick said, horrified as he turned around.

"Well?" She asked, an eyebrow raised as she stared at us.

"Hang on, what on earth are you doing here?" I wondered as I came to stand next to Nick.

"I came to look for my boyfriend who apparently went AWOL yesterday, thank you very much." She snarled.

"I know what you've been doing Kat." Nick suddenly spoke up.

"So? I got what I wanted." She shrugged, giving us an 'I-Couldn't-Care-Less' look.

"Not anymore. We're over." Nick shook his head.

"Excuse me?" She said, looking outraged.

"You heard me." He said.

"No we're not Nicholas. You see, unless you want the world to know how you raped me." She smirked, raising her head a bit in arrogance.

My mouth dropped.

"You're sick! I never touched you!" Nick snarled, getting angry.

"Oh, I know. But they won't listen to you. You see, I'm the victim in this and trust me, I know how to play a very convincing role." She drawled.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" He yelled suddenly, making me jump.

"I get what I want Nick and nothing stands in my way." She said, her voice low.

"You know what? I've had just about enough of you're bullshit Katharine Wooding." I sighed loudly.

"Oh yeah? And exactly what do you think you're gonna do about it?" She smirked at me, placing a hand on her hip.


I threw one well-aimed punch and grinned in satisfaction as I heard my fist connect with her nose, making a sickening crunch.

Yeah.. That felt good.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, I've been waiting SO long for that.
And yes, that felt soo good.



x o