Can't Have You

Sparkling Tear Drops.

Two days, fourteen painful stitches for Kat and one hell of a black eye and broken nose later, I sat at home in my room, biting into a juicy green apple. I was being monitored now. Everyone was constantly making sure I was eating. I'd stopped wearing make-up and opted for the natural stuff whenever I had to wear it.

Me and Nick though, well, that's just it. There was no 'us'. We'd barely even talked actually. It was hard and awkward between us, a lot of things left unsaid still.

Dad had ended up grounding me once he found out about what had happened. I laughed in his face when he yelled at me then left to go to the studio. My brother's had found it hilarious when I told them and Tommy had hugged me tightly when I told him, almost crying from his laughter.

Life was getting a bit better I suppose. My face was clearing up and I had put on about a K.G since England. Aaron and I continuously messaged each other, he was fast becoming a really close mate, especially after all the help he gave me.

I couldn't believe how stupid and naive I'd been over the past few months, letting Kat hold her stupid threats over my head. I still hadn't told my dad about that, I figured the time would come when I'd tell him but now just wasn't it.

I was performing tonight, back at the Walt Disney Concert Hall with, yep you guessed it, the JoBro's. Thankfully, Selena, Demi and Mitchel would be there.

Tomorrow I started recording for my next album once again, I planned on putting 'No Place Like Us' on it even though there wasn't actually an 'us' anymore, I suppose I wanted it on there because it signified a big part of what I had.

"Zo? Kelsey and Theo are waiting." Tyler said, walking into my room. I nodded, "Cool, tell them I'll be down in five."

Tyler hesitated for a moment for leaving. I knew he was making sure that I was actually eating my apple and not just faking it.

I finished my apple off in a few bites before chucking the core in the bin. I pulled off my oversized hoodie and frayed pyjama bottoms, swapping them for a tight blue racer back top, a pair of grey sweatpants and a pair of (OMG!) Skechers, Blue and Black, D-Lish sneakers that I had brought in England.

I put a headband in my hair, pushing it all away from my face. There was still a few pimples but they were small and thankfully, barely noticeable. Putting my hair up into a ponytail, I left my room.

"Afternoon Zoe, c'mon we need to get going or you're going to be late for sound check." Theo said, looking up from his blackberry.

"What time is it again?" I asked as we all walked outside, the flashes of camera's going off.

"Five-thirty and it's already five-fifteen, now come on." Theo urged, ushering me into the car where Kelsey sat, my bodyguard, Will, in the backseat.

"Hey Kels, hey Will." I greeted them, getting a stiff nod from Will and a short wave from Kelsey as she talked rapidly on her phone, checking her PDA.

Theo backed out of the driveway slowly, the metal gates opening for us and the paparazzi crowding the car. I kept the back of my head to the window, thankful that the windows had actually been tinted a while ago.

"Oh, here, I picked this up for you." Kelsey said, handing me a bacon and egg croissant. I rolled my eyes but accepted it anyway, thanking her.

I finished eating it plus drinking down the smoothie Theo had brought for me when we arrived at the concert hall. I was ushered out of the car, Will sticking close by my side and keeping the photographers away. Theo was interviewing more body guards tomorrow so by next week I should have at least three.

"Zoe? Has Zoe Cooper arrived yet?" The stage manager Michael screamed, rushing around with his clipboard in his hand.

"Over here Michael!" Theo yelled and Michael almost sprinted over to us.

"Alrighty, sound check now!" He snapped, grabbing my arm and dragging me through a series of halls before we actually reached the stage.

I stepped onto the stage and crossed to the middle where technicians and sound people were setting things up. I stepped over a few wires and came to a halt when a woman put her hand out to me.

"Philippa O'Neil. Zoe Cooper yes?" She asked and I nodded, "Right, here's your mic, we'll run through a few songs and then you've got half an hour with your dancers before the boys are due on. Where is Mitchel??" She muttered, walking away.

The boys. That meant Nick and his brothers.

I didn't know if I could perform with them, let alone even stand being able to see him. A mic was thrust into my hand, the band behind me setting up just as Tommy walked on stage, his guitar slung on his shoulders.

"Hey!" I grinned, waving at him. He looked up and smiled, walking over to me, giving me a hug.

"How you been?" He asked.

"Fine." I answered him honestly.

"Are you sure your okay with N-"

"You'd better get tuned up." I said quickly, pointing to the band. He frowned at me but reluctantly went to go set up.

Five minutes later and the chords of 'No Place Like Us' started up. I had sung it at the last concert on Miley's tour and people had gone crazy for it so I had decided to sing it again for tonight, hoping America would like it too.

I went through 'Love Story', 'Full Circle' and 'Fifteen' before I had my rehearsal with my dancers.

"Ollie!" I squealed as Olivia 'Ollie' Barclay walked out on stage with my three other dancers, Leo, Ricky, and Vicky.

"Hey Zo!" Ollie grinned, rushing over and scooping me up in a hug.

I hadn't seen the red-headed beauty since the tour and I had missed her like crazy.

"How have you been?" I asked her, stepping back and grinning.

"Bored mostly, what about you? Have you been keeping well?" She inquired, her tone questioning.

I groaned. "Not you too!"

"Hey! I'm not the one who worried everyone sick and is now paying the consequences so just answer the question." She smirked, throwing her hands up in a 'mock surrender'.

"Ugh, yes mom," I couldn't help but giggle at my lame attempt of an American accent, "I've been eating about as much as a blimmin' pregnant mother."

"Good. Now, come on, we've gotta get dancing." She grinned, taking her place with the other dancers.

I shook my head at her before taking my own place as well, in the middle of them. I was hot and sweaty by the time I came off stage with them. I hadn't danced or even exerted myself like that for a while.

I stood at the side with Tommy, a water bottle in my hand when I heard music start up. I knew exactly who it was and it broke my heart to have him so close.

"Well, here we are again
Throwing punch lines, no one wins
As the morning sun begins to rise, we're fading fast
And we won't work this out.

No, we're not gonna work this out tonight
(We won't work this out)
No, we're not gonna make this right
So I'll give a kiss and say goodbye
(Give a kiss goodbye)

'Cause we're not gonna work this out

I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes as I listened to them. I turned to Tommy and he took one glance at me before pulling me away.

"Not here you don't Zo." He murmured as he led me away from the stage. The instant we were alone, he pulled me into him and stroked my hair softly as I cried.

. . .

"No heels." I said firmly, crossing my arms.

"Oh come on, they're not even that high!" Lucille, my stylist protested.

"Nope. I refuse to wear heels anymore." I stated, shaking my head.

Two Months Ago..

I walked out on stage, trying to stay upright in my heels as I walked.

"How ya'l- SHOOT!" I screamed into the mic as my feet caught on, well, nothing really and I went head over heels onto the hard floor. I groaned as I sat up, most of the crowd laughing.

I was beet red and then stood up, quickly beginning my song.

"Ugh, you Disney stars are so difficult." Lucille scowled, turning around to pick out a different pair of shoes to match my outfit.

"Hey! I resent that! And anyway, you didn't fall on stage wearing heels now did ya?" I argued and she rolled her eyes though there was a small smile on her face.

"Here, then." She said, "Now hurry, you've got to be out there in ten."

I slipped on the converse and then she re-touched my curled hair before deeming me presentable and getting Michael to lead me back to the stage.

I stood to the side as I watched Demi finish up her set. She gave a wave to the crowd before rushing off.

"That was great Dem!" I grinned, hugging her.

"Aw thanks, haha, now you're covered in sweat, sorry!" She laughed apologetically.

"Eww! Grose!" I rolled my eyes at her before I was made to out on stage.

"Good luck!" I heard her whisper before the bright lights hit me and the crowd began screaming.

"Hey everyone! How ya doing?" I laughed, a loud roar going up in the crowd.

"Alright, alright! Hit it guys!" I grinned, nodding at Tommy who smiled back as he began to strum his guitar.

Nick's P.O.V

"C'mon guys, you're up in ten, hurry please!" Michael said to us, popping around the corner of our door's dressing room.

"Yeah, we're coming." Kevin answered before getting up, slinging his guitar around his neck.

I got up and followed him, the ending sounds of Zoe's second to last song echoing in the hall. Man, she had a beautiful voice..

"Dude! You there?" Joe asked, waving his hand in front of my face. My eyes snapped up to him and I frowned for a moment before nodding.

"Y-yeah fine." I muttered and continued to follow them.

I stood a bit away from the stage, ear plugs in my ears as I sung softly to myself. We all stood in a circle as dad prayed for a good concert.

Once dad was done, Kevin tapped me on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, taking out the ear plug.

"You need to hear this." Kevin said before pulling me a bit closer to the stage.

"Wha-Why?" I argued, trying to pull away. There was a different song playing, one I'd never heard Zoe sing before.

"Stand me on top of that mountain
Let me, fly to the end of the world
Yeah, I can go anywhere
But if you're not with me there
It'll never be enough
There's no place like us.

There's no place like us."

"So?" I snapped suddenly, turning back to Kevin, "What's that supposed to mean? It's a song."

"You know as well as I do that Zoe has never written something like that before." Kevin said firmly. I was right, Zoe didn't like writing songs about love. She said everyone did that and it just seemed unoriginal to her.

The ending bars sounded and she took a bow before waving to the crowd and then walking off, straight towards me.

"Zoe! I've missed you midget!" Joe cried out when she got closer. Her eyes locked on me for one moment and I could've sworn there were tears but she quickly looked at Joe, a grin on her face.

"Hey Joey! I've missed you too giant!" She laughed as he scooped her up in a hug.

Don't touch her!

"Hey Zo, how you been?" Kevin asked as he hugged her as well.

I didn't hear what she said but Kevin gave her a sympathetic look.

"Come on, we're on." I said brusquely, refusing to look at any of them.

As I walked out onto the stage, I could've almost sworn that I saw a sparkling tear fall from Zoe's blue eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry, completely irrelevant I know but
I saw METROSTATION perform last night!!
I almost cried, they're such AMAZING performers!!



x o