A Little Piece of Heaven

One Shot

I never thought death would be so confusing. Here I am dying as the blood slowly seeps from my wrists and all that is going through my head is what happened just a few hours earlier.

"Matt how could you?" I asked in a very small, hurt voice.
"Jen I'm sorry. She- it's just- ," he tried to get out.
"I don't want your apologizes or excuses Matt, we're through." I stated with anger lacing my voice.
"But Jen, I love you."
"I said we're through! Now get out of my house!" I yelled at him and watched him leave my life for ever.
*end flashback*

So here I am slowly slipping into unconsciousness while all this is going through my head. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have done this to myself just cause of what Matt did. He isn't the only person I loved and that I'm hurting. I only hope that either someone finds me, and soon, or I die quickly.
"Jen, Jen can you hear me?"
"Shit! Hang in there Jen everything is gonna be OK. I love you."
'If this is heaven then it sucks.' I thought as I slowly came to. I opened my eyes to be met with white, white and more white. 'I highly doubt this is heaven' I thought as I looked around at my surroundings. I groaned and rolled over to be met with shocking green eyes that matched mine.
" Zacky?"
"Jen! Oh my god! Thank god you're OK! I thought I, I mean we, were going to lose you!" Zacky exclaimed as he hugged me tight.
"Zacky what happened?"
"Well you attempted suicide, but we don't know why."
"Oh. Well I walked in on Matt doing the nasty on my bed with some skank who looked and smelled like a skunk," I explained.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize Zacky. I wasn't you who slept with her."
"OK. Do you need another famous Zacky Baker hug?" he asked.
"Uh-huh," I said nodding my head. As he hugged me I realized how much I really loved Zacky. When Zacky moved to get out of the hug I brought him down into a kiss. We stayed like that for awhile before we pulled away.
"Wow," was all he said.
"I don't need heaven. I have a little piece right here with me. I love you, Zacky."
"I love you too, Jen." He said as he came in for another kiss.
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Hope you liked it.