Sometimes Resisting Is Easier Than Giving In


I woke up.
I brushed my teeth and my hair.
I put make up on.
I ate breakfast and eyed the clock.
I waited impatiently.
Finally the doorbell rang and I jumped up. My mom looked at me like I was crazy but I wasn’t paying much attention to her reaction. There was someone at the door waiting for me, I could feel it. It wasn’t Alex’s shape though. When I opened the door there was a tall Jack looking down at me.
“HI! Hey Mrs. Steingarten!” He called to my mom who was behind me.
She said a hello back.
“Ready to go?” He asked me.
“Yep. Let me say goodbye to my mom.” I said as soon as I saw Alex step off the bus.
I turned to go to my mom and give her a hug.
“I’ll see you in a few days. I love you.” I said as I hugged her.
“Have a good time sweetheart. Don’t make bad decisions.” She said hugging me.
“I’ll be with her to keep her out of trouble.” Alex said from behind.
“I’ll be counting on you to keep her safe.” My mom warned him when I let go of her and grabbed on to him.
He nodded as if he expected her to say that. I said one last goodbye and then walked out of the house tucked under Alex’s arm. My mom stood on the porch and watched us get into the bus. I hoped she didn’t see the tap on my backside that Alex gave me when I started to climb the stairs into the bus. Then we were off in the huge bus being careful to not hit anything.
Some of our friends were already on the bus and I said hello to all of them but Alex wouldn’t let me stay to talk. He pulled me along towards the back but stopped at the bunks. He pulled the curtain back on one and there was a sleeping Sebastian on the pillows. I reached out to pet him and he opened one eye to see who was touching him.
“He’ll stay in here most of the time. I don’t think that he’ll jump out later on. This is high.”
“No, he’ll stay.” I said in agreement.
“Let me show you the back.” He said tugging on my hand.
“Alex, I’ve seen the back. I’ve been on this bus before.” I laughed at him.
“This is different.” He said.
He shut the door behind us and there was no one in here. I didn’t notice anything drastically different and wondered why he wanted to show me back here. All wondering ceased when his lips crashed onto mine and he pulled me close. I pulled back out of surprise. He just smiled at me.
“We’re not even out of the neighborhood and already you behave like this?”
“It’s not like your mother can see us.” He said pushing his lips to mine again.
I pushed him to sit on the couch and then climbed onto his lap. He held onto my sides and used their positioning to pull me closer. My hands caught up in his hair and he gasped for air.
When I was close enough and he was sure that I wasn’t going to move back one hand started to travel while the other kept a tight grasp on my hip.
To assure himself that I was not moving, or rather couldn’t move, he shifted his weight to make me lie on the couch and then settled on top of me so he could use his weight instead of his hands. I gasped for air at first since I was already out of breath, but then got used to his weight. He just put himself all the way on me suddenly and didn’t do it gradually like usual.
I didn’t know how long we were back there but when I made him stop before he could push further we were on the interstate highway heading towards New York. We headed back out to join civilization. Courtney was on the bus now and I felt a little guilty about not being there when she first got on. She gave me a knowing smile. I hugged her while she sat perched on Zack’s lap.
“They have emerged from the make out den!” Flyzik said when he noticed us.
Alex and I laughed.
“Yea, that’s right I saw you in there.” Flyzik continued.
I shrugged and Alex pulled me down onto his lap. I made myself comfortable and made sure he was too. I noticed that Jack was on his laptop and Sebastian was lying next to his leg with his head on his paws. I thought it looked cute and pointed it out to Alex. When Jack realized that we were watching him he pulled up his shirt to flash us without looking away from the computer screen.
Some people were drinking beer, some were talking like Alex and I, and others were talking about the things they planned to do in New York. That changed when the sun went down. The bus turned into the party on wheels that I had predicted it to be. I put Sebastian in Alex’s bunk and mine so he would be safe and then went to join the party.
We danced, drank, and played any game we could think of. It was very early in the morning when the sky was turning to gray with the morning sun that Alex and I decided it was time to go to bed. I was tired and so was he. I changed into something to sleep in and then snuggled up into Alex’s side as best I could. We had to both fit in the bunk but it wasn’t so hard since we didn’t mind being so close. Sebastian still claimed the same amount of space as his own in the top right corner of the bunk.

Half way though the next day, when we were woken up, we were informed that w had made it to the hotel that we were staying in for the next couple of days and that we should go check in since everyone else had already. Alex and I dragged ourselves out of bed and Sebastian gladly took over the extra space and hid under the blankets to keep warm.
We got dressed and pulled our things off the bus so that we could take them into the hotel room. Alex carried the bags and I got Sebastian. I checked in while he waited in the lobby and then we went into the elevator with our card key.
It took us a little while to find our room and as soon as we were in we plopped down on the bed and went back to sleep.

“Get UP!” Someone with an annoying voice said as they bounced up and down on our bed.
I curled into Alex and hid myself as best I could so the covers wouldn’t bounce off me. He wrapped his arms protectively around me and snuggled his face into my neck. The beard that he had been growing tickled against my next as the person bounced on the bed.
Sebastian got up from his corner and started barking at this really annoying person. I shut my eyes tighter to try and block everything out but it wasn’t working.
I was first to give in to this persons demands. I rolled away from Alex and he curled himself into a ball. I looked up to see Courtney bouncing around on the bed. I mustered up a glare as best I could for the morning and she just laughed.
“Alex was right. You are cute when you are mad and have just woken up.” She said as she let her knees go loose and landed bouncing on the bed.
“Screw you.” I said yawning.
“Come on. You have to get up.”
“Breakfast with the guys. We’re all getting ready to go. I’m the first one ready so it’s my job to get you two up… and I drew the short stick.”
“What do you mean drew the short stick?”
“No one wanted to come in here. We were all scared we’d walk in on something.” She said suggestively.
“You wouldn’t have.” Alex grumbled while taking Sebastian under the covers.
“Holding out on him?” She asked me.
“Yes.” Alex said before I could answer.
“Poor guy.”
“Yea, I know. It would be so bad if we’d never before. Then I wouldn’t know what I’m missing.”
“Oh shut up Alex.” I said swinging a pillow at him.
His arm came up to block it but I made it before he could stop it. I got him right in the face.
“Just for that I’m shaving my beard.” He said.
“No!” I rolled to face him with horror in my eye. “Why?”
“It’s gross and you hit me.”
“I like it.” I complained while starting to run my fingertips though it.
He smiled and closed his eyes to enjoy the massage I was giving the bearded section of his face.
“It has to go.” He mumbled.
“Not until tomorrow morning. Please?” I begged him.
Just for good measure I kissed him while still massaging his face.
“Okay.” He sighed when I pulled back. “Tomorrow morning, but no later. I’m not doing the MTV New Years thing with this.”
“Why not?”
“Because no one but you will like it.”
“Hey guys, I’m still here. Quit being so cute with your argument. I’m going to puke!” Courtney said reminding us that she was here.
“Sorry Court.” Alex sighed lifting his head off the pillow to look at her. “But I’m going to have to kiss her again if you don’t mind.”
“Do it.” She said waving her hand and covering her eyes.
Alex looked at me and rolled to position himself on top again before connecting his lips with mine. When Courtney peeked to see what we were doing she groaned and started making comments to try and ruin it for us. She did this all the time now that we were together and I couldn’t figure out why. However Alex found this very annoying and flipped her off while continuing to kiss me.
“Fine, I’m going to go. You have fifteen minutes before we all leave. Call us if it takes you longer than that and we’ll tell you where we’re going.” She said standing up from the bed.
“Bye Court.” I said between breaths but Alex quickly gained control of my lips again.
“See ya.”
The door slammed and Alex jumped while I bit his lip.
“Why, when you get surprised, do you always bit my lip?” Alex asked sucking on his bottom lip.
“Because your lip happens to be between my teeth when I clench them when something scares me. If you don’t like it, then don’t kiss me anymore.”
“Maybe I wont.” He said like a child.
“Fine.” I crossed my arms.
“Just kidding.” He smiled sweetly.
“Okay, I’m glad. We have to get up though.”
“No one said we had to go to breakfast. We could just stay here,” he said running his lips along my collarbone, “we could just be alone,” he moved to my neck and then up to my ear, “we could stay in bed all day.”
He knew what he was doing was having the effect he wanted on me because I was taking a long time to respond. He wanted to stay here and inevitably do something that I wasn’t willing to do yet. I knew what he meant by staying in bed all day. My will power was slightly stronger.
“Nope.” I said rolling out from under him and out of bed.
He collapsed into the space that I had seconds ago been occupying and looked up at me with big brown mock hurt eyes.
“Do not give me that look.” I scolded.
He continued and tried to make himself look sadder. I walked away and went into the bathroom. Our suitcases were in there so I opened mine up and pulled out clean clothes before dropping all of the ones I was wearing on the floor and stepping into the shower. I turned it on and stood out of the way of the water while it warmed up. Then I picked up the sample shampoo bottle and began my morning routine.
It was interrupted by first a hairy leg coming into the shower and then the rest of Alex was in with me. I made a face at him but he just kissed my cheek and picked up the shampoo. I didn’t even try to force him out of the shower because I didn’t have enough room to.
For a while he was on good behavior. Alex let me get cleaned off and did the same while we both snuck glances at each other; after all we never did look at each other that night. It was dark and then in the morning I left him in his bed. We were both curious.
Then he got touchy. He wouldn’t let me past him and would keep his hands on my somewhere at all times. Eventually he started kissing me and I knew where he was going with it. I allowed him to continue up until the point where I had my back to the wall and him up against me in the front. We were touching in places that our bodies didn’t touch because of clothes and neither of us minded; in fact we both wanted more to touch.
When it got to far I slid out from him and the wall-the water made it a lot easier since we were both slippery-and got out of the shower. He groaned at me though the curtain and I giggled.
“You think giving me blue balls is funny?” He asked.
I responded with a laugh. At least I thought I was funny.
“Sometimes I don’t know why…” he muttered to himself.
I peeked into the shower to grin at him. All I could see was his back. He appeared to be doing something about his current situation.
“Think of me.” I said startling him.
“I was.” He said shyly looking over his shoulder.
I kissed his cheek and then closed the curtain to allow him privacy and finished up in the bathroom. He was still in the shower when I went back to the bedroom.
Sebastian was curled up in the disheveled bed half asleep. He looked lazily at me and rolled over to tell me that he wanted his belly rubbed. I obliged since I loved him so much and then picked him up and placed him on the ground so that I could straighten out the sheets some. I had nothing to do and it seemed weird to me to just leave it for me maids in the hotel. I was so used to making a bed every day.
Alex walked out of the bathroom with his hair stuck to his forehead in its usual style but wet. I walked over to him and pushed his hair back. His hands shot up to try and stop me and fix it at the same time.
“Come on, not my forehead. It’s so huge.” He complained.
I won out and stood on my toes to kiss it. He made a face but couldn’t keep his smile away for long. I fixed his hair for him and then grabbed my shoes.
“Let’s go into the lobby and meet up with those fools.” I said smacking him square in the butt with my left shoe.
“Owe!” He wined rubbing his but where I hit him. “So pushy. What about Bas?”
“He can come. We’ll eat outside if we have to.”
“Come here Bas.” Alex picked him up and it was then that I noticed he had his shoes on already.
I tied my laces and thought about just grabbing the sandals I had in my suitcase but then chose not to. I had gone through the trouble putting socks on already so I might as well wear the shoes I was trying to my feet.
Alex put a harness on Sebastian and attached the leash so he could walk but not get away from us. Then we headed out hand in hand into the elevator to meet the rest of the kids we were here with in the lobby for breakfast.
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Yea, so I felt that the last chapter was a little lame. It was mostly filler, but you guys like it... so I hope this one is better!